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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. I recall Tim Schafer saying that the first day sales of HiB were more than the entire first run of Psychonauts. That's probably true considering that Psychonauts sold very poorly during its first run. Oh, and I liked Lone Survivor before it was cool. ^_^
  2. That picture is apparently a photo from Glastonbury 2005, not Download. Given the state of the weather at the moment, though, the Donington site could end up looking like that before the weekend is over.
  3. That was great, but I was really surprised to find that the next two videos in the series have under 100,000 views each.
  4. The new Plus content is indeed incredible. Here's a list of the full games us Europeans can enjoy during the next month: Virtua Fighter 5 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Chime Super Deluxe. Darksiders. Renegade Ops. Outland. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD. Infamous 2 Motorstorm Apocalypse LittleBigPlanet 2 And for the North Americans: Virtua Fighter 5 inFamous 2 LittleBigPlanet 2 Saints Row 2 Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Just Cause 2 Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine Virtua Fighter 5 Sideway: New York Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Hard Corp: Uprising Choplifter HD Coming to think of it, I might even have missed something out, but that's more than enough to be going on with right now.
  5. Nintendo basically innovated/popularised (depending on your historical perspective) everything that is currently used on modern controllers, they're not doing anyone else's controller, they're just taking logical design and utilising it... the placement of the A, B, X, Y buttons is fucking stupid, though. Has anyone heard any confirmation on if they're doing Achievements/Trophies yet? I heard something about coins, but it doesn't seem to be confirmed if they are just in Wii-U currency or actual achievement based stuff. There's certainly been some speculation about an achievement system, and this screenshot from yesterday's Wii U conference has led some to believe that it's now even more likely to be implemented. If you look closely, you'll notice a gold bar that says, "Cleared in under 100 seconds," with a picture of a player's Mii avatar underneath. I know it's now exactly an iron clad guarantee, but it would make sense given that we already know the Miiverse set-up is a feature attached at system level to every console. Then again, it could just be a mini-game challenge in the game it's taken from, which is apparently the upcoming Wii U version of New Super Mario Bros.
  6. You can expect Microsoft's press conference to be the source of the greatest number of memes, at any rate.
  7. I'll probably pay $10 even though I already own all the games. That's how much I usually tend to pay, anyway. It's also more than a little debatable as to whether or not Psychonauts can be considered an indie game, but I'm not fussed about the ins and outs of the issue myself. It's a wonderfully imaginative game that's worth anyone's time, even if the last level is an exercise in devilish frustration.
  8. Apparently, Kuwaiti millionaire Fawaz Al-Hasawi could be set to purchase Nottingham Forest very soon.
  9. Fine, be like that. I didn't want one anyway.
  10. UFC 3 is THQ too, though.
  11. Not that I'm doubting the supposed roster leak, but where did it come from?
  12. Games like Civilization often involve doing a dummy run the first time round, in which you tend to learn the ropes by making mistakes. As with most strategy games, Civ 5 requires a considerable amount of perseverance before you can truly feel comfortable with it, but once you've got the hang of it, it's as compulsive and addictive as any game out there.
  13. They should be tied to your PSN account, yes.
  14. I'm almost certain you will be able to download them without having a Gold subscription. Xbox Live Gold gives you access to weekly discount sales and occasionally offers early access to game demos, but standard Xbox Live Marketplace content can be bought no matter which version of Xbox Live you have.
  15. The Portal 2 discount is even bigger if you buy a 2-pack. Here in the UK, it's £8.49, and I can only assume it's even cheaper in the US.
  16. As if heavyweight boxing wasn't enough of a joke, these two are willing to fight in an unlicensed match. Ridiculous. And Mayweather will beat Cotto on points. Cotto's best chance is to get Mayweather up on the ropes and unload in the early rounds, but I don't think he'll be able to stop Mayweather and Floyd will come more into as the match wears on. Pretty much a spot-on prediction.
  17. Hendry's my all-time favourite player, but I'm glad he's decided to retire. He stated in his latest interview that he's no longer enjoying himself enough to justify carrying on, and it's always depressing watching sportsmen and women performing without the passion they might once have had.
  18. Bobfoc

    South Park

    Mr. Slave was introduced in the Series 7 episode called "The Deathcamp of Tolerance," in which Mr. Garrison tried to get fired for being as outwardly homosexual as possible so that he could receive millions of dollars' worth of compensation. Claiming that "4th Graders are too old for Mr. Hat," he brought in Mr. Slave as a more effective means of showcasing his overt homosexuality. Mr. Hat did briefly reappear in "201," though, at the request of Cartman.
  19. Bobfoc

    South Park

    It's 7 and 7, as there are 14 episodes in each series. They've been splitting up each series into two separate runs for years now, and certainly much longer than over just the last two series.
  20. People are apparently already designing their own custom box art to replace the standard cover once the game is released.
  21. From what I've heard, Legend of Grimrock is a solid dungeon crawler that packs quite a challenge, but the story seems to quite shallow and unappealing. Whether or not you'll like it would probably depend on how attached to the old-school dungeon crawler genre.
  22. You're probably right. Walking Dead certainly has more present-day name value than their last two titles, Back to the Future and Jurassic Park, and they supposedly sold quite well at release.
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