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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. It turns out that the shirt-wearer is James White, a Britain First member who was previously convicted of assaulting a security guard at a hotel that was housing refugees.
  2. This is how games should be promoted - by showing gameplay and talking through the features. I like that Creative Assembly announced the game and quickly showed it in action. It's so much better than a CG trailer.
  3. Why do City fans sing a song commonly associated with the city of Liverpool?
  4. The cancellation has now been made official, with people who bought the game on Switch getting a choice of free games as compensation. I've been hearing a lot of worrying stories about Aspyr. The KOTOR remake is apparently progressing very poorly, and it's not a good sign that they can't port over years-old content that they announced months ago.
  5. On the positive side, even if Man City win today, they will still be one behind Everton's total number of FA Cups.
  6. How nice of Man United to give City a head start.
  7. The upcoming Kiss tour in the UK seems to be selling very poorly. The Plymouth show has been cancelled and I've seen reports of people getting tickets for other shows for under £5. It's a rather predictable consequence of touring regularly, charging high prices and putting on essentially the same show for decades. Seeing it happen to Gene Simmons is particularly satisfying.
  8. Sadly not. It's called Everybody 1-2 Switch.
  9. This was my first thought. He seems to have been ready for what he assumes will be a final cushy job in America for a long time now.
  10. Nintendo has announced the sequel everyone wanted - another 1-2 Switch game. It's coming out on 30th June.
  11. It's a way of pre-ordering DLC that comes in separate packs released at regular intervals following the game's release.
  12. It's today's nightmarish reality that means paying full price for a game doesn't mean you get all the content.
  13. It didn't have an ending that felt completely out of touch with the overall tone of the show, which is what I think you're referring to.
  14. Have you been using the Restored Content Mod? I've found that the more complete version of KOTOR 2 has more things to go back to and try in different ways. While KOTOR has a nice, traditional "good versus evil" plot, I've come to prefer the sequel's more nuanced take on morality in the Star Wars universe.
  15. I wonder what will happen to Leicester. They have the highest wage bill outside the so-called "Big Six" and have several good players out of contract either this summer or next year. I think it was always likely that Harvey Barnes and James Maddison would be picked up by other clubs, but they'll presumably get less for them as a relegated club than they would otherwise.
  16. Did anyone here go to Slam Dunk this weekend? I've heard it was very poorly organised.
  17. Me too. I hear it's the place to be now.
  18. It's disappointing to see. I find Man City's dominance in England dull enough, but Bayern have now won eleven titles in a row.
  19. It definitely won't have been a dull club to follow. In the 2013/14 season, Yeovil were three divisions higher than Luton. Ten years on, Luton will be five divisions higher than Yeovil.
  20. Getting promoted from the National League to the Premier League in nine years is remarkable. Bournemouth's rise from League Two was quicker, but they were being bankrolled by a billionaire.
  21. I've seen a few people say that they're finding it surprisingly good. To be honest, it was never on my radar because there are so many Warhammer games that my eyes glaze over when looking at them, but this one could be something I'd be keen on.
  22. That's not fair. Jon did a fine job of shouting at that zombie dragon.
  23. It's the MSX versions, rather than the NES ones.
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