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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. It's available now. I'll be interested to see what people think.
  2. I'd truly be satisfied with simply avoiding relegation. A boring season or two wouldn't be a bad thing for me.
  3. I tend to give Microsoft a bit more leeway because I've already stacked my Game Pass subscription for quite a while. Knowing I'm not going to have to pay any more money for the vast majority of the games shown tends to make me more interested.
  4. There's definitely plenty to do in this game. I hope it has the soul, to use a vague term, and which No Man's Sky lacked at launch, to back it all up.
  5. The environments look great, but the faces don't. Yes, it's definitely a Bethesda game.
  6. All those intricate details on the items actually strike me as a negative. Either the artists have been made to work ridiculously hard on something superficial or, if not, the game probably could have come out ages ago. This definitely looks like 30fps, which will send the internet into a tizzy.
  7. Microsoft and Atlus seem to be well acquainted these days. Persona 6 is rumoured to be a PS5 exclusive, however. Also, call me dull, but I'd like a release date for Age of Empires IV on console. I hear the control scheme for Age of Empires II on Xbox was very good for an RTS.
  8. Game Pass certainly isn't lacking in content tentatively scheduled for 2024.
  9. I'm not sure regular Forza is going to grab me, but I'm keen to see what it looks like and how it runs. They're usually impressive in that department. Even though it's yet another Persona 5 game, a tactics-based one will do me nicely.
  10. Yakuza at a seaside resort seems nice. I hope there's a sandcastle building minigame.
  11. I love Microsoft Flight Simulator as a calm virtual tourism game, but adding some proper objectives is a great move.
  12. I realise this leaked earlier this week, but never mind. Persona 3 on Game Pass is very welcome. I'm seeing "Coming 2024" a lot here. We can expect most of them to be delayed past then because that's just how things work.
  13. I don't want to be negative, but that's three conceptually interesting games so far with no actual gameplay.
  14. There are worse ways to open a show than with Richard Ayoade.
  15. Not huge news on the grand scale of international football news, but David McGoldrick has signed for Notts County. He could have stayed with Derby in League One, but has decided to earn less money to return to his boyhood club. It's a nice story.
  16. This starts at 6pm BST (in just over an hour).
  17. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for some creative fiddling to me.
  18. That's David Moyes' first trophy as a manager, assuming you don't count the Community Shield.
  19. I'd keep expectations low. These shows usually have a lot of announcements, but not many big ones.
  20. Geoff Keighley's big showcase is tomorrow at 8pm BST.
  21. Here's a gameplay trailer with almost no gameplay in it.
  22. I thought Messi was the most likely of all the players to go to Saudi Arabia, considering that he was advertising holidays there.
  23. And maybe six prime Stan Collymores.
  24. I'd be perfectly content with a throwback style of game with simple graphics. In many ways, the industry's relentless push towards greater realism has been to the detriment of its products' overall charm. Still, I won't be getting it at launch. There's still too much uncertainty as to its quality.
  25. This is our preview for the point at which all sport is run by murderous regimes.
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