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Everything posted by Bobfoc

  1. Forest and Everton are expected to be charged with breaking FFP rules tomorrow. Both clubs are at risk of fines and points deductions.
  2. I consider that a decent start. While the scale was a little smaller than the original series, owing to the difference in arena sizes, they made good use of the space and managed to have a good go at emulating the feel of the show. I'm glad they didn't do what Sky did and make all the Gladiators heels. The old series was mostly good natured and friendly, which is what they're clearly trying to do here as well. All the events were fun to watch, and I'm looking forward to seeing Power Ball return next week, if the preview is accurate. If I'm going to nitpick, it would have been nice to see the old Eliminator theme tune come back. It's also clear that this is a first series because the crowd doesn't really know the Gladiators' personalities yet, but that's something that should sort itself out if the show gets to keep going long enough.
  3. I like it when games don't display an objective marker straight away, but let you find out the direction you're supposed to go in with a button press. I think it's an elegant solution that caters to everyone.
  4. I still don't understand how you can use video footage and get decisions like that wrong.
  5. There will be an Xbox Developer Direct show on Thursday 18th January. It will feature Avowed, Ara: History Untold, Hellblade 2 and the new Indiana Jones game.
  6. I wonder what the BBC employee policy is on advertising through wrestling booking simulator forums.
  7. It looks as though Luke Williams will be leaving Notts County to become Swansea's new manager. I'll be sad to see him leave, but it was always going to be hard to keep him when a club two divisions higher and closer to his family came knocking.
  8. They got the old theme tune and the general look of the original series back. This looks a lot better than the ill-fated Sky reboot.
  9. Even though it's sad Steve Cooper had to go, Forest have looked like a different team since Nuno took over.
  10. Matt Turner is a gift to every opposition player he faces.
  11. I won't take any because I've already got too many Steam games, but that's nice of you.
  12. Brighton must be the most exciting team in the league right now. They've had ridiculous wins and ridiculous defeats.
  13. Are all the top clubs trying to avoid winning now?
  14. Bobfoc

    songs with sequels

    I'm a fan of Rainbow's A Light in the Black, which is the narrative sequel to their magnificent Stargazer.
  15. My guess is that they're hoping a couple of years of free viewing will gain a big enough fanbase that will fork out big subscription fees eventually. Of course, those already paying a mountain of cash for Sky and TNT probably aren't going to be happy about another paywalled football broadcaster, so it's wishful thinking.
  16. I think it's fair to say that he'd have been sacked earlier if it hadn't been for his great relationships with the players and fans. With the cut-throat nature of football today, one win in thirteen, regardless of previous success, is only likely to result in dismissal. Still, it's sad to see an end to his tenure. The last time there was such fan positivity at Forest before Cooper was probably back in 1995 under Frank Clark. It would be a big shame to see them go back to churning through managers and getting nowhere.
  17. It saddens me to hear that Steve Cooper will probably be sacked today. He's a big fan favourite at Forest and I can see things getting rather sour if Santo doesn't have a good start.
  18. There's probably a bit of ego involved. Joining Stoke means plenty of opportunities to prove yourself on a cold night.
  19. Apparently, he's alert and responsive in the tunnel, which is good news.
  20. Apparently, the game is still playable online.
  21. I was expecting a simple Suikoden-like RPG, but that looks like so much more. I really hope it's as good as it looks.
  22. Bobfoc


    This game is getting city maps in a future update. They're maps that let you work out where the buggering hell you are in a city, if you can imagine such a thing.
  23. It's a bit boring to think that every team will have the same drivers as they did at the end of 2023. Part of the excitement of a new season is seeing new driver pairings.
  24. Earps is the big favourite with the bookmakers.
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