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Posts posted by IDOL


    Monday Night Raw begins not per usual as backstage, “The Big Red Machine” Kane and Hulk Hogan are walking along, keeping their guard up as they do so.

    Hulk Hogan: Kane, brother, I know you aren't the kind of guy to restrain yourself… But tonight, Austin’s got Nash ‘n I gotta feelin’ the New World Order’ll do their old tricks and try taking us out tonight, bro!

    *Kane remains silent.*

    Hulk Hogan: What we need is a plan, somethin’ to make sure all of our team are a hundred percent at Backlash, brother. Maybe---

    *Suddenly Scott Hall comes from behind and slams a steel chair into Kane’s back!!! There is zero effect though, leaving Kane able to grab Hall’s throat and squeeze it. As Hall gasps for air, there’s another chair shot out of the camera shot that can be heard! The camera moves around to see Kevin Nash has successfully downed Hogan, hitting the left knee from the looks of Hogan’s pain. Kane lets go on Scott and heads toward Nash.*

    Kevin Nash: Woah easy there big guy!

    *Kane is close to Nash when Scott low blows him! Kev tops it off by cracking Kane’s forehead with his chair twice until he finally falls to the ground.*

    Kevin Nash: Ooohhh… Too bad, you lose!

    Scott Hall: Hey-uh chico, how we gonna keep ‘em from comin’ back for more?

    Kevin Nash: Don’t worry Scotty, I already got that covered.

    *Nash makes a signal to something in the distance. This signal is at X-Pac, who is driving a forklift! Hall and Nash pick up Hogan and Kane respectively. Together they drag them to a nearby dark room, presumably a janitor’s closet or something of the sort, throwing them in there like trash. Afterwards Big Sexy slams the door and locks it with a key he happens to have! The whole situation seems to be more planned out than first let-on.*

    Kevin Nash: Bring it in, Pac!

    *X-Pac drives the forklift forward, parking it sideways, pressing it against the door. X-Pac kills the machine engine before getting out and congratulating his fellow nWo members on this victory of sorts.*

    X-Pac: I can't wait until we unleash that---

    Kevin Nash: Shh shh shh… That surprise’s for Stone Cold, we don’t wanna ruin it now do we?

    *The New World Order depart from the scene laughing. As Nash throws the key aimlessly into the distance, Monday Night Raw fades into its usual Union Underground opening video package.*

    The nWo take care of Hulk Hogan and Kane – 80% rating



    Following the pyro display kicking things off in the arena, Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler welcome everyone to the show, and of course hype what had just gone down. Their number one question; What does the NWO have in store for Stone Cold tonight?


    Kicking off Monday Night Raw, four of the Hardcore Division's finest squared off in a Hardcore battle they'd been accustomed to as former ECW stars Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards teamed up to take on Justin Credible and Raven. Being a "Hardcore" Tag-Team Match, as J.R. explained, the no tag format had been thrown out. Dreamer picked up a trashcan and crashed it against the head of Raven, as Credible and Richards exchanged rights and lefts in the far corner. A good build of cohesive teamwork wouldn't come about tonight though as the lethargic monster known as Brock Lesnar hit the ring.

    Justin Credible was the first target as the massive grappler wound up and nearly knocked the former ECW Champion's head off with a lariat. As Credible hit the mat, Raven charged Brock but was tossed far over the top rope, crashing awkwardly outside of the ring. Tommy Dreamer then crashed a trashcan lid over the head of Lesnar - to no effect! Again he tried - and still it didn't phase the monstrous grappler. Lesnar then lifted Dreamer up and brought him crashing to the mat with an F-5! One more to Steven Richards, who had been laid out earlier on by a Cradible chairshot and Lesnar's path of destruction was complete - for now at least.

    Tag Match ends in No Contest after interference - (OR: 64%, CR: 59%, MQ: 70%, **1\2 Rating)

    Next, Lesnar's "agent" Paul Heyman got into the ring and applauded Lesnar's efforts with great enthusiasm. Lesnar had just single handedly destroyed four of ECW's biggest stars, and Heyman was happy? With Brock raising his arms in the air to the sounds of boos from the fans, Raw faded from the arena.


    Following Lesnar's lesson in destruction, a video package airs in a psychodelic like colors. The clips are to a hard rifting rock theme, and shows footage of former WCW star Hugh Morrus hitting his famed "No Laughing Matter" on various happless foes. Following the clips, there is a period of time with nothing but maniacle laughter and the following words;

    "This time the joke is on you"

    "The Laughing Man - coming soon to RAW"

    The Laughing Man is coming - 56% Rating


    After a brief commercial break, Monday Night Raw returned to the air with Hardcore Holly standing in the ring and ready for action. Action he soon got, as The Hardy Boyz theme played and Matt Hardy came out to a respectable ovation. Throwing caution to the wind, and looking to pick up his first singles victory on Raw, Matt rushed into the ring but was met by ruthless stomps from the veteran Holly. After being whipped into the corner, Matt fought his way back to the offensive after nailing Holly with a big boot and the side effect. Hardy covered for the pin, but Holly promptly kicked out at two. Hardy attempted to pick Holly back up to his feet, but instead Hardcore shrugged Hardy's arms off and planted him with a stiff kick to the gut. Next on Holly's list was to lift up Hardy, and plant him with the Alabama Slam! Matt's head snapped to the canvas violently in almost a concussing fashion as Holly made the cover and scored the suprisingly quick pinfall. Just like that, Hardy obtained a crushing defeat.

    Hardcore Holly p. Matt Hardy - (OR: 67%, CR: 64%, MQ: 70%, **1\2 rating)

    Hardcore Holly gained 1 point of overness

    In the ring, Holly raises his hand in dominating fashion, looking down at Hardy as if he is pathetic. Matt holds his head in pain, and as Holly raises his arm once again he catches something out of the corner of his eye. Up at the top of the rampway is Val Venis who is applauding Hardcore Holly. The Mobile native looks confused as Monday Night Raw goes to break once again.


    Coming back from commercial, a video package aired showing clips from last week with The Dudley Boys failing in their efforts to put Rico through a table thanks to Billy & Chuck coming to their stylist's rescue. Going live, an angry looking D-Von Dudley paced back and fourth with his brother Bubba Ray looking on outside. The very feminin sounding theme song of the Tag Team champions struck up, and Billy and Chuck came out with their stylist Rico at their side. Billed as a one on one contest, this one seemed to be anything but with the numbers outside of the ring. D-Von bullied Chuck in the beginning with stiff and brutal looking shots to the neck, back and chest. After attempting to whip the bleached blonde big man to the ropes, Chuck countered and sent D-Von instead. Bouncing back he ducked a Super Kick attempt, hit the other set of ropes and knocked Chuck down with a reverse elbow. D-Von's agressiveness continued until Rico caught his legs up, and nearly tripped him to the mat. That lead to the match totally degenerating as Bubba Ray took offense and the ring soon filled in chaos.

    Chuck versus D-Von Dudley ends in No Contest (Interference) - (OR: 74%. CR: 66%, MQ: 83%, *** rating)

    After calling for the bell, the match was thrown out but it didn't stop anyone as the Tag Team Champions and the number one contenders brawled inside of the squared circle. Rico sort of stood in the corner as the other four fist fought. Bubba Ray tossed Billy to the outside, and soon after Chuck found himself in the unlucky position for the "What's Up!?" Headbutt. However, as D-Von perched his large frame atop the turnbuckle, Billy hopped back up on the apron and knocked the Dudley Boy off the top of the top rope. D-Von takes a nasty spill, and Bubba quickly turns his attention. This would come back to bite him in the ass as Billy grabbed his head, and hopped to the floor. It sent Bubba slingshotting back - right into Chuck's super kick!

    With the top contender's laying before them, Billy and Chuck went to the outside and withdrew a weapon from under the ring; the Dudley's weapon of choice, a table. With delight the Tag Champions set the table up in the ring, and then drag Bubba back to his feet. As Bubba stumbles backwards and forwards on his feet, Billy connects with a few shots before lying him on the table. Then, in perhaps the most humiliating aspect of their attack; Billy and Chuck order that Rico climb the top rope. He does so, and leaps off - crushing Bubba through the table in the process! Billy and Chuck have humiliated the Dudley Boyz here tonight, as Rico puts Bubba through a table!


    Backstage, Vince McMahon is shown in his office. He cautiously raises a cup of coffee to his mouth and drinks it. Instantly Vince’s face shows a great deal of displeasure, and he resorts to spitting it out in projectile style! Vince looks pissed off as he turns to somebody off-screen.

    Vince McMahon: You call that coffee? I call that cold crap! Now make me another coffee, and make sure it resembles one this time damnit!

    *The camera pans across. The person he’s shouting at is his own daughter and coffee lady: Stephanie McMahon. Her entire face is soaking wet from the coffee Vince spat in her direction.*

    Stephanie McMahon: Uh… Yes Daddy…

    *She scurries away. McMahon has a moment of reflection, mainly disgusted at the coffee’s after-taste as he makes various mouth gestures. Then there is a knock on the door.*

    Vince McMahon: Come on in!

    *Mr McMahon looks towards the door to see Matt Hardy enter the office.*

    Vince McMahon: Why if it isn’t North Carolina’s own Matt Hardy? What can I do for you?

    Matt Hardy: Well Mr McMahon, I wuhs wonderin’… Since splittin’ from my brother Jeff – I’ve bin tryin’ to achieve singles success here on Raw. ‘N so far it ain’t gone too well.

    Vince McMahon: Damn right it hasn’t. Your match earlier on with Hardcore Holly – well you downright sucked in it!

    Matt Hardy: [appoligetically] I know, I know, but I wanna prove myself to you ‘n to the fans I can be successful. That’s why I was wonderin’ if I could have a match at Backlash.

    Vince McMahon: A match? A match at Backlash?!? Lemme tell you somethin’ Matt Hardy, there are limited match slots for each brand and you think that you deserve to fill one of them? Get outta my office!

    *Matt Hardy looks gloomy. He tries to walk out, but bumps right against the person behind him. That man is Brock Lesnar alongside his slimy agent Paul Heyman, Brock stares downwards at Matt, looking near-ready to pulverise him as Heyman smiles deviously.*

    Vince McMahon: Why hello there Brock… Paul… What can I do for you two?

    Paul Heyman: Mr McMahon, first of all may I just say how much of a pleasure it is that myself and Brock are on Monday Night Raw. I am so happy that you get to control the future of “The Next Big Thing”. Unlike Smackdown owner Ric Flair, who is afraid of new talent flourishing just like every other old-school wrestler, you know my client can and will single handedly make this brand number one for years to come. My client right here in his time in the World Wrestling Federation will create a bigger legacy for himself than most have in their lifetimes. Brock Lesnar is such a reckless wrecking machine, did you see it earlier Mr McMahon? Did you see it?! He took four of the biggest stars from my Extreme Championship Wrestling and destroyed them all in the matter of seconds. I value this man more than I ever did about ECW for the very simple reason that I’m backin’ a winner! I am prepared to do everything in my power to make sure he goes down as being bigger and better than Hulk Hogan, than Steve Austin, than The Rock, than anybody… That’s why, Mr McMahon, sir, I am asking you to help my client’s legacy by giving him a match this Sunday at Backlash! It can be any match of any description, Brock deserves his first of hundreds of wins at a pay per view level. So what do you say?

    Vince McMahon: [upon thinking it over] You know what Paul? I agree! When I see Brock Lesnar, I see a monster that can make Raw untouchable compared to Smackdown! And while I’m at it, I may as well kill two birds with one stone… Brock’s got his match this Sunday at Backlash, and it’ll be against…… Matt Hardy!

    *Matt Hardy curses under his breath as he continues to look up at the monster above him. To put it bluntly, Matt knows that at Backlash, he’s fucked! Brock expels a low, sinister laugh as WWF Raw heads back to commercial.*

    Brock Lesnar versus Matt Hardy made for Backlash – 98% rating


    Returning to the air, it was time once again for in ring action. Despite it being a non-title match, Goldust treated the contest as a chance to become a top (if not THE) contender for Rob Van Dam’s Intercontinental Title. Goldust got the early advantage thanks to a sneaky eye rake during a tie-up. Laying the boots to the champion, he saw his momentum momentarily slip having a whip reversed to the corner; however Goldust raised a boot to catch RVD in the face. Following up with a bulldog, Goldust covered for a two count. A shoulderbreaker and pin also got a two. Goldust tried to kick RVD in the stomach only for the leg to get caught, setting Van Dam up for a spinning kick to the head. A quick legdrop later, Rob climbed to the top rope backwards. The "Golden One" was able to stand and prevent RVD’s next move with a powerbomb to the canvas. Goldust went for his third pin: ONE!!! TWO!!! Goldust’s got his feet on the ropes but Van Dam still kicked out! Moments after trying to wear RVD down again, Goldust made a fatal mistake going for the Shattered Dreams. It was down to the referee distracting him long enough for the champion to free his right leg. When Goldust charged, he got a crushing boot in the head. One Rolling Thunder and Five Star Frog Splash later – it was all over!

    Rob Van Dam pinned Goldust – (OR: 81%, CR: 77%, OR: 85%, ***1/4 rating)

    The WWF Intercontinental title has gained in image

    RVD is about to celebrate the victory when “Dead Man Walking” booms out into the arena. Van Dam stands ready in anticipation as The Undertaker, without the motorbike, walks down to the ring. Tightening his gloves, the "Red Devil" looks ready to unleash some pain on his Backlash opponent. Undertaker climbs up the ringsteps into the ring. RVD stands at the other side of the ring, letting his opponent enter instead of trying to get the quick cheap shot in.

    After a brief intense staredown, everything explodes!!! Van Dam charges at The Undertaker to begin the brawl. Left and right punches from Taker, forearms from Rob Van Dam, the two fight furiously with no signs of weakening. The crowd cheers like mad, encouraging the violence.

    The Undertaker pushes his weight back onto RVD as they headed to the right side of the ring, eventually trickling out to ringside. Van Dam gives a shot in the gut to break up the constant fighting. He tries to whip The Undertaker into the steel steps… Only for it to be reversed. By the time the Intercontinental Champion stood up again, Taker grabbed a steel chair. Undertaker immediately slams the chair with such force that it literally wraps around Van Dam’s head. RVD falls back to the floor unconscious.

    The referees come down to separate the brawl. It was too late though, The Undertaker’s work had been done. The segment ends with Taker looking emotionless towards Van Dam before walking away from the near murder scene he’s caused! Off Rob Van Dam’s now bloody face, Raw goes backstage.


    Backstage, Raw interviewer Terri is shown in the interview position. Standing next to her are the fuming, pissed off tandem of Bubba Ray and D-Von, The Dudley Boys.

    Terri: Dudley Boys, you have something that you want to say?

    Bubba Ray Dudley: [angrily] You're damn right we do, Terri! Billy and Chuck you two "boys," and I use that term lightly - you think you came out ahead tonight!? I beg to differ, what you two did tonight - was seal yer damned death warrants!

    *Bubba takes a moment to choose his next words as D-Von stares menacingly into the camera.*

    Bubba Ray Dudley: Tonight you two had your "life partn'ah" put me through a table! Well, I've got a question for the two of you. Can you do it? Can you put me through a table? Can ya put my brother D-Von through a table? Can you do it to the both of us!?

    D-Von Dudley: He asks, because the plans have changed!

    Bubba Ray Dudley: That's right ladies, our match at Backlash - our Tag Team Title Match is now a Tables Match, our specialty! At Backlash, the hole just got a lot deeper! This Sunday Billy and chuck, you learn the most important commandment of all. Thou shall not mess with the Dudley Boys!

    D-Von Dudley: Ohhhhhhh My brotha, TESTIFFFFY!

    With that, D-Von and Bubba walk off leaving Terri to take things to commercial.

    The Dudleys announce Table Match - 74% Rating


    As Monday Night Raw returns to the air, The Undertaker enters the parking lot, just moments after beating up Rob Van Dam in the arena. Walking in his unique intimidating fashion, he eventually walks up to his Harley Davidson motorbike. Sitting on it, he is about to start the engine when he notices something on the bike… A punctured tire! Taker gets off the bike and down onto his knees to inspect it.

    The Undertaker: Son-of-a---

    *Suddenly a chair flies out of nowhere, hitting him in the head!!! The Undertaker is grounded but not out. He groans in pain, holding onto the back of his skull.*

    The Undertaker: Ahhhh god damnit!

    *The camera pans back to reveal the chair thrower to be Rob Van Dam. Van Dam has received zero medical attention, he is still bloody from the brawl a few minutes ago.*

    Rob Van Dam: How d’ya like that, huh? Taker! Bring all you got coz on Sunday, there’s only gonna be one winner, and his name is [with the thumbs] R-V-D.

    *RVD storms away from the scene. Undertaker painfully sits up.*

    The Undertaker: You’re dead at Backlash, boy!

    *The Undertaker groans some more as Monday Night Raw heads back to the arena for the night's Main Event!*

    Rob Van Dam attacks The Undertaker – 76% rating


    Steve Austin came down to the ring for his match in a situation familiar to last week – it was three versus one thanks to the New World Order’s actions against Hogan and Kane earlier on. Kevin Nash surprisingly wrestled a lot of the match without interference from Scott Hall and X-Pac... Early on Austin unleashed several cans of whoop ass, brawling like no tomorrow, the height of this attack came in the form of his trademark Thesz Press. Stomping a mudhole in Nash moments later, Austin responded to X-Pac getting onto the apron by punching him straight off it. It was all Austin until he went for a Stone Cold Stunner too early – the consequences being pushed to the ropes and being given a huge big boot on the rebound. Nash took down the straps from his singlet top, he meant business now! He used a slow, methodical attack to wear down Austin, assaulting him in the corner with knee/elbow strikes and choking him with his boot. When the referee told Big Kev to back off, the distraction was enough for X-Pac and Scott Hall to drag Austin to the mat and groin first into the steel turnbuckle post.

    Kevin subjected Austin to some more pain via a sidewalk slam, a pinfall of which only got a two. Afterwards he whipped Steve to the ropes, and locked in a sleeper hold on the rebound. Rendering his opponent near-unconscious, Nash yelled at the referee to administer the arm test. Arm raised once… It fell down. Arm raised twice… Stone Cold suddenly executed a Stone Cold Stunner out of desperation!!! With both men laid on the floor, the crowd cheer on Austin as he drags his aching body over to Nash. He gets an arm over him: ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- Nash kicks out!!! Nash and Austin eventually get back onto their feet and slug it out some more. With both competitors extremely tired, Austin is barely able to muster the energy for an atomic drop. Steve goes to pick up Kevin Nash again when he low blows him to cause a disqualification. X-Pac and Scott Hall storm the ring to beat down Stone Cold as the bell rings.

    Steve Austin def. Kevin Nash by DQ – (OR: 78%, CR: 86%, OR: 60%, ** rating)

    Steve Austin is able to stand onto his feet despite being assaulted, but any attack he was going to try is thwarted by an X-Factor! Scott Hall follows the move up with an Outsider’s Edge.

    Nash, still a bit dazed, makes a signal at his two fellow nWo stablemates. Obediently they stand Stone Cold onto his feet and throw him over the top rope. With JR screaming who will save Austin with Kane and Hogan trapped, (the cameras go backstage to show that Hogan and Kane are pounding on the door that is blocked by the forklift) the New World Order follow Austin to the outside. Pac and Hall pick up Austin again before Nash lifts the Rattlesnake over his shoulder and walks towards the backstage area as RAW takes its final commercial break.

    Where the hell are they taking Austin?!?!?!


    Raw comes back from the final commercial break of the evening…

    *In the midst of chaos happening, the cameraman assigned to film the events runs through the corridor in the backstage area straight into the parking lot. There, Kevin Nash (still with Steve Austin over his shoulder) walks towards a limousine positioned in the center of the scene. Scott Hall opens the door and helps his best friend dump the body of Austin into the back of the limo. Nash slams the door shut.*

    Kevin Nash: And now its time for BAH GAWD STONE COLD to get his lil’ surprise!

    *During the next exchange, the sound of an engine gets louder and louder.*

    Scott Hall: You sure this is the real one?

    Kevin Nash: Sure! The car dealership man said so ‘n if you can’t trust those guys, who can you trust?!? [shouting] Yo X-Pac! You ready?

    *At this point the engine noise is deafening. The camera turns around to reveal it is in fact a monster truck, Stone Cold’s monster truck to the precise. X-Pac pops his head from out of the driver’s window.*


    X-Pac: Let’s do---- SHIT!!!

    *Hulk Hogan and Kane ambush The Outsiders from behind! They unleash lefts and rights at Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, who have no room to reply with their own attack. Kane whips Nash back first into the limo door, barely missing the car window. Hogan beats up Hall, body slamming him to the concrete in the end. Nash looks at Hogan and Kane with anger on his face…*

    Kevin Nash: You guys are really startin’ to piss me off—

    *The limo door opens! Stone Cold drags Kevin Nash into the backseat and starts to punch him over and over again. Nash reaches out his hand, trying to escape from the car, only for Hogan to run over and slam the door shut.*

    Hulk Hogan: You wanna take us out before the Backlash, brother? Well let’s see how you guys like it!!! Kane…

    *Hogan points to Scott Hall. Kane drags Scott Hall over to the front of the limousine. Hall tiredly tries to beg Kane for mercy, but it is no good as Kane chokeslams Hall onto the bonnet of the car.*

    *Monday Night Raw fades to black with a close-up of Hall knocked out cold, with the sound of Steve Austin still punching Kevin Nash inside the limousine. Who will win the six man tag team match between the New World Order and the dream team of Austin, Hogan and Kane? Find out at Backlash 2002!*

    Hogan/Kane/Austin get the best of the New World Order – 91% rating

    Kevin Nash gained 2 points of overness

    Quick Results:

    - Tommy Dreamer and Steven Richards vs. Raven and Justin Credible (No Contest)

    - Hardcore Holly p. Matt Hardy

    - D-Von Dudley vs. Chuck (No Contest)

    - Rob Van Dam p. Goldust

    - Steve Austin def. Kevin Nash (DQ)

    The Numbers:

    Overall Show Rating: 77%, Television Rating: 6.87, Attendance: 7530

  2. Definately gonna have to go with AD on this, it looks very professional. I like the idea of the dunker being in color and the rest in black and white, the only suggestion I have would be to take the guy in the red out as he looks a bit out of place.

    LK, yours was pretty good too, but the cut of the guy in the green was faded a bit awkward toward the head, and the ball. I also don't really like the text to much. By all means though, not a bad submission.

  3. This one confuses me, what is so risque about Booker's gimmick thus far? He's been paired with Angle, and they play off of each other's personalities, and his dialogue hasn't been filled with profanity...

    You really don't see what the problem might be?

    Let's see:

    Booker is apparently now speaking in an extremely pronounced dialect, and is playing a hapless comedy heel sidekick. He's not saying "right away massah" yet, but anything leading in that direction is bound to get complaints.

    What I'm really saying is: drop the dialect, or at least tone it down, because combining it with a black wrestler who is playing second fiddle to a face is going to offend somebody. On UP freakin' N, the network that brought you Moesha, One on One, Girlfriends, etc., they wouldn't put up with it.

    I have to agree with Enforcer here, never has Booker EVER spoken in perfect English. Have you ever read Tom & Huck? We're going for the same things in terms of dialect here, portraying them as the DO speak in real life. Booker has, and has always had a street way of speaking.

  4. I don't want to sound like a dick who can't take criticism, because that's not my intent but I'm just unsure on a few things;

    "Trish turning heel at this point doesn't make much sense, so why is she suddenly acting heelish? Not only that, but you've got not one but two women in two weeks talking about sex with their midcard limbo boyfriends? Not exactly original, and it doesn't make you interested in the characters at all."

    All I can say here is let the storyline pan out a little bit before tossing it aside with discuss, we never make a decision that isn't backed up with a purpose, and soon you will see the direction we're going.

    Also, be careful with Booker's dialect and comedy sidekick role; the last thing UPN wants to do is piss off the ACLU. Raw can get away with more because they're not on network television, but UPN would be getting heat for Booker's current gimmick.

    This one confuses me, what is so risque about Booker's gimmick thus far? He's been paired with Angle, and they play off of each other's personalities, and his dialogue hasn't been filled with profanity...

  5. MTV has decided to back Wrestling Society X, and they land a Pay Per View Deal. It's your job to design a poster, and logo hyping the event. You can choose any name you'd like for the event, but the poster must include the logo. You must also include the scheduled card for the night.

    Size: Standard poster size (You two can agree on it)

    Restrictions: Must include a logo for the event, and the scheduled line up.

    You can find pictures for Wrestling Society X at the MTV site; http://www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/wsx/series.jht...sx/photos.jhtml

  6. RAWlogo.png


    Underground’s “Across the Nation" ushers in the second episode of the "new" Monday Night RAW as the video package ends, and the logo appears on screen. From there, the show cuts to the arena where fireworks explode and the fans cheer like mad.The camera zooms towards fans’ signs such as: “WHAT?!?” and “nWo 4 Life.” Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler introduce us to the show. Tonight: what will happen now that “Stone Cold” Steve Austin is an official member of Monday Night Raw?


    Strangely, Raw immediately cuts to the backstage area where Vince McMahon is standing in his office, looking straight at the camera. He smiles in his usual sinister way.

    Vince McMahon: Hello everybody! My name is Vincent Kennedy McMahon and I am owner of the number one sports entertainment brand in the world: Monday Night Raw! Now as you all saw last week, I did the impossible by signing “Stone Cold” Steve Austin despite our… “Past differences”. But while signing him, he thought it would be highly comical to humiliate me and give me a Stone Cold Stunner right in the very middle of that ring just like "old times."

    *The segment cuts to a replay of last week’s main event segment. Steve Austin interrupted Vince McMahon, and Vince got pissed off. The proceeding stunner is about to be shown when…*

    Vince McMahon: Cut that crap off! If Stone Cold expects another several years of making my life a living hell, he can forget it! I’m gonna make sure the Rattlesnake learns his place here on Monday Night Raw. Tonight, in that very ring, it’ll be “Stone Cold” Steve Austin taking on the New World Order’s Scott Hall in a Wrestlemania 18 rematch! May I remind you, this is the same nWo that caused the “unfortunate” accident last week and took out Hulk Hogan and Kane within mere moments of each other. And with Hogan and Kane out of the picture, there ain’t nobody to help ol’ Stone Cold tonight!

    *Vince is about to walk away when he turns back.*

    Vince McMahon: Oh and one more thing… With the nWo knowing well in advance about this match anyway, I'm not giving Austin two hours to prepare for this match… He’s got forty-five minutes! Now - with that said, I hope you all enjoy Monday Night Raw tonight as much as I will!

    From Vince’s grin, Raw cuts back into the arena. JR, as always, is disgusted and points out the numbers game between Austin and the nWo.

    Vince McMahon books Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall to top hour one – 90% rating


    The first match-up of the night saw WWF Hardcore Champion, Maven defending the stap against a former WWF European Champion, the always smiling Diamond Dallas Page. The "Hardcore" was dished out in the early going as DDP waffled the champ with a trashcan lid, and then followed it up with a russian legsweep onto the can itself. That series of moves earned DDP a two count, but Maven - never the quiter kicked out. He came at Page with rights and lefts, and then whipped Page into the ropes. As Page rebounded Tough Enough winner landed his trademark dropkick and went for the pin. 1, 2, - Raven crashed a stop sign over the back of Maven!

    Out of nowhere it seemed, Raven had hit the ring. Maven, still feeling the effects of the shot from the sign, stood back up and Raven was waiting - his arms in crucifix position. Raven kicked the Champion in the gut and followed it with the Evenflow DDT! He quickly made the cover, and scored the victory! Before he could even think about heading out of the ring though, he too was met by attack as DDP flattened him with a Diamond Cutter! 1, 2, 3! Page had secured the title for himself! But Maven would not be counted out as he spun DDP around and again met him with staggering rights and lefts. He then whipped DDP into the corner hard. As Page stumbled back, Maven picked up the Hardcore belt and decked the former WCW Champion with it! He quickly covered, and once more was the Hardcore Champion!

    Maven p. DDP to become the NEW Hardcore Champion - (OR: 66%, CR: 68%, MQ: 64%, ** rating)

    Maven lost 1 point of overness

    The WWF Hardcore Title gained in image

    Maven quickly grabs the belt and rolls out of the ring. Inside, Raven is getting back to his feet and now Tommy Dreamer and Justin Credible rush down the ramp. Maven, wisely hops into the crowd and runs for the hills with his title intact as Monday Night Raw heads to commercial.


    Backstage, the WWF World Tag Team Champions Billy and Chuck are shown talking with their "stylist," Rico.

    Billy: So I was thinkin' Rico, how about we cut off about an inch or so and go with the blue pleather with the white trim?

    Rico: Ugh... see, you guys... this is why you hired me! Blue with white trim? So you guys wanna look plain, tired, generic? I told you, its red and gold silly, it shows off the stuff so much more...

    Chuck: Hold on guys...

    *With Chuck's warning, the camera pans back a bit to reveal Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley walking towards the Tag Champs.*

    Billy: Well look what we have here, Chuck... I don't suppose this visit has anything to do with Smackdown, now.. does it?

    Bubba Ray Dudley: [infuriated] You're damn right it does!

    *Bubba quickly lunges for the threesome who are ready and waiting, but D-Von holds him back.*

    Chuck: Come on big boy, don't let your brother hold you back!

    *Chuck calls Bubba on, but instead he stands back.*

    Billy: Yeah, that's what I thought.

    Bubba Ray Dudley: What you thought? I know what you thought, hell I'll tell you what you thought! You thought that attackin' our little brotha' Spike over on Smackdown las' Thursday night would lead to us comin' back here tonight an' fallin' to those numba' games that you guys like'ta play, huh? Well guess what, we ain't as dumb as ya think!

    Chuck: Really, 'cuz by the looks of things here you two are back here with the three of us...

    Bubba Ray Dudley: Hold on just a minute sally, I don't want'cha gettin' your panties all in a bunch with the thoughts of a little three on two action - I know thats what you sickos are int'uh...

    D-Von Dudley: We ain't back here ta' fight... yet!

    Bubba Ray Dudley: Yeah, we've got a little announcement for ya. We get ourselves a little match made and tonight it's gonna be me going one on one with you!

    *Bubba points his finger*

    Billy: Whatever, You got it!

    Bubba Ray Dudley: No, not you... YOU!

    *This time Bubba points his finger very clearly.*

    Rico: [shocked, ecstatic] Muh... ME!?!?!?!?!?

    Bubba Ray Dudley: That's right sissy boy, and by the way, everyone's BANNED from ringside!

    D-Von Dudley: O-Oooooh muh brotha, TESTIFFFYYYYYY!!!! Haha!

    With that, The Dudley Boyz walk off leaving the threesome a bit shocked as Rico continually asks, "Me?"

    Rico versus Bubba Ray Dudley for later tonight - 66% Rating

    Back in the arena, The Godfather was making his way to the ring with four of the city's finest ladies by his side, and having a rather grand time. Soon enough though, a hard beating theme replaces his and the young monster Brock Lesnar comes out with Paul Heyman at his side.


    From the get go, J.R. and The King put over The Godfather's accomplishments in the WWF, being a former World Tag Team, and Intercontinental Champion. Experience seemed to be on Godfather's side in the opening minutes, but after missing a running avalanche in the corner things turned around, as Lesnar shook out the cobwebs from the initial off-guard onslaught. From then on Lesnar dominated the Pimp with variations of suplexes, including a release over the head belly-to-belly. When it seemed as though The Godfather had enough, Lesnar wouldn't just put him away. Instead, he delivered a powerbomb. One wasn't enough though as he kept ahold of the big man, lifted him back up and powerbombed him again! The strength of Heyman's monster was truly unimaginable! Finally, after the TKO like maneuver (now dubbed the F-5 by J.R.) Lesnar made the cover and put an end to a match that was nothing short of total domination.

    Brock Lesnar p. The Godfather - OR: 59%, CR: 64%, MQ: 50%, * rating

    Godfather didn't sell much

    Godfather is losing overness from his (Pimp) gimmick


    The time had come for Mr. McMahon's "master plan" to come into fruition as the sound of the nWo's music, and its seizure enducing screen effects brought out the fearsome stable. Stone Cold got the second antrance, and it became all too clear that he'd be working against the numbers in this one. Steve Austin got distracted by Kevin Nash and X-Pac as the bell rang, leaving Scott Hall able to ambush him. Hall delivered punches and kicks until Stone Cold was on the ground. He distracted the referee while Nash dragged Austin’s head to the ring apron and delivered a crushing elbow to the surgically repaired neck. Scott continued the assault with a clothesline into a pin attempt, two count only! Hall picked up Austin into an Atomic-drop. Scott rebounded himself from the ropes, only for Stone Cold to leap up into a Thesz Press!!! Austin punched him countless times until Scott somehow escaped to the outside. Not caring about Nash or X-Pac’s presence, Austin followed Hall. He punched X-Pac in the face, but got restrained by Hall. Kevin Nash went for the big boot, only for Austin to dodge out the way, hitting Hall instead! Nash then got whipped into the steel steps! When Stone Cold and Hall got back into the ring, Austin still had the advantage, executing a back body drop. He went to the middle turnbuckle and tried a driving elbow drop, but Scott got his foot up. Austin stumbled in a daze until Hall and placed him in a Fallaway Slam. Scott did the move and went for the pin yet again – ONE!!! TWO!!! THR- NO!!! Austin barely kicked out. With the New World Order fully recovered and cheering for him at ringside, Scott cued for the Outsider’s Edge. Picking up Austin and placing him on the middle turnbuckle, he set up the cross and moved towards the centre of the ring… Suddenly, Austin slipped out of the Outsider’s Edge, turned Hall around and did the Stone Cold Stunner!!! The crowd went crazy as Austin went for the pin: ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!! THR--- Kevin Nash entered the ring and landed an elbow drop on Austin! The referee calls for the bell, and eats an X-Factor for his troubles.

    Steve Austin def. Scott Hall by DQ – (OR: 83%, CR: 90%, MQ: 69%, **3\4 rating)

    After the match, the three members of the New World Order stomp down on Steve Austin several times each. Hall instructs Nash to get up Austin, the eventual result being the second attempt at the Outsider’s Edge! Scott gets him into the centre of the ring when again, Austin slips out of it!!! He tries to fight all three but gets beaten down once more. The crowd chant: “AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN!” in hope of the Rattlesnake recovering.

    Suddenly Hulk Hogan and Kane run down to the ring, steel chairs in hand!!! Although bandaged up, they aren’t as taken out as Vince gave the impression of. They storm into the ring and deliver chair shots to all the nWo members. Two shots send Nash and X-Pac to the outside… Scott Hall isn’t lucky enough for that though. He gets a chair shot. Then when he stands up again, he gets a Stone Cold Stunner, a chokeslam AND a legdrop!

    Austin kicks Scott Hall out of the ring as the New World Order looks on in rage over the apparent alliance currently in the ring. Austin though looks a bit weary as he looks at the "Big Red Machine," and the "Hulkster" who have come to his aid tonight. The fan reaction is clear though, who better to neutralize the nWo’s poison than Austin, Hogan and Kane?


    Back from the commercial break, Monday Night Raw heads backstage where Steve Austin, (Who still doesn't look very enthused over what just went down) Hulk Hogan and Kane are walking side by side away from the entrance to the arena. Interviewer Terri intercepts them, microphone in hand.

    Terri: Stone Cold, Hogan, Kane – I was just wondering---

    X-Pac: Hey, is that all you got?!?!

    *The three wrestlers turn around to see Kevin Nash, X-Pac and Scott Hall standing several yards away from them. They look a bit battered from the events a few moments ago, but not enough for them to call it a day. Terri, unsurprisingly, escapes from the scene.*

    Kevin Nash: Let’s see what you got without those steel chairs!

    Hulk Hogan: You’re on, brother!

    *Suddenly they go at it!!! Kane fights X-Pac, Hogan fights Nash, Austin fights Hall, all six men brawling, exchanging punches back and forth in a fast and violent manner. Kane throws X-Pac against a nearby wall; Nash knees Hogan right in the gut. Before things can get even worse, every single referee, road agent and member of security possible charge in to separate the two teams. There is still a huge struggle though, one that sees Austin slip past and land a right hand to Kevin Nash. Nash isn’t able to respond though, his arms being held back by road agents.*

    Kevin Nash: You’re dead, Austin!

    *With tensions nowhere near easing up, Raw owner: Vince McMahon enters the scene.*

    Vince McMahon: Stop this crap right now, damnit! Any more fighting and heads are gonna roll!

    *Things begin to quiet down while Vince gives out the following speech…*

    Vince McMahon: Well, well, well, what a surprise we got here. Austin… Hogan… Kane… As always, causing all the trouble ‘round here! You wanna start fights with the New World Order? As the old saying goes: “Be careful what you wish for, coz it might just come true”. I’m making a match for WWF Backlash on April 21st right now. In one corner, it does gonna be the New World Order… And in the other corner, it’s gonna be [turns to Hogan, Kane and Austin] you three in a six-man tag team match! And seeing as you guys wanna fight, we’re gonna have two-thirds of that match in tonight’s main event: Nash and X-Pac, two-on-two versus Kane and Hulk Hogan! Until then, [to the guards] keep ‘em separated, separate locker rooms, whatever the hell is needed.

    The scene ends with Vince McMahon walking away while there is some more (this time mild) struggling between the New World Order, Austin, Kane, Hogan and the officials holding them back.

    Raw main event and Backlash match are made – 86% rating


    Back in the arena, it was the time that certainly one man had been dreading. Inside of the ring, Rico was pacing back and fourth, still not quite sure how he'd gotten where he was. Bubba Ray Dudley came out, and stepped right into the ring. He looked over at Rico who was sort of cowering in the corner, frightened presumably for his life. Bubba leaned over and called Rico on, he even said that he'd let Rico have a "free shot." After a few moments of thinking about it, Rico walked up - and SLAPPED Bubba Ray across the face. Bubba looked shocked that instead of a stiff kick or a hard right, instead Rico chose to open hand slap him across his face! Or maybe he shouldn't have been so surprised. Bubba responded by promtly tucking Rico's head between the bigger Dudley's legs, and powerbombed him hard. Rico acted as if his back had exploded on impact, but Bubba couldn't care less as he shouted, "Your boys think they can mess with my family and get away with it?" After Rico's attempts to use the ropes to get back to his feet, Bubba promptly placed him in a full nelson and delivered The Bubba Bomb before covering the stylist and scoring the three count!

    Bubba Ray Dudley p. Rico - (OR: 63%, CR: 49%, OR: 77%, **1\2 rating)

    *With the match over, D-Von Dudley slides into the ring to congratulate his brother, but instead of accepting the congrats, Bubba chooses to push D-Von back.*

    Bubba Ray Dudley: D-Von! ... GET THE TABLES!!!

    *The crowd response is loud, as they want nothing more than to see the flamboyant stylist "Get Wood." D-Von returns to the ring and sets up the table. He then grabs ahold of the stumbling Rico and whips him into the ropes as the crowd chants "3D!" - but Rico doesn't return!*

    Instead, he is outside of the ring with the WWF Tag Team Champion, Billy and Chuck who had pulled him out of the ring right before his certain doom. The Champions and the contenders have a few words before the show heads to the back.


    In the backstage area, the always sexy Stacy Keibler is shown standing and smiling. The camera zooms up close to her; she is talking while having make-up applied to her face by the make-up lady.

    Stacy Keibler: We’ve only been going out for a short while, but oh my god! He is such an amazing boyfriend! He’s so romantic, funny, we have the same interests. But that’s not the best part… He is so totally a monster in the bedroom. I mean, I’m still trying to recover from last night! …So how’s things going for you anyway?

    *The camera pans back to reveal the make-up lady is in fact Stephanie McMahon. She looks much different than her rich daddy’s little girl self, wearing cheap looking clothes, devoid of make-up. Stephanie is unhappy through a mixture of this seemingly demeaning job, and having to hear about Stacy’s sex life.*

    Stephanie McMahon: I’ve been... better. You’re all done now.

    Stacy Keibler: Thank you! By the way, my boyfriend should be here in a moment, he needs a touch-up before his match.

    *Stacy walks away.*

    Stephanie McMahon: Okay then… [under her breath] Bitch!

    *Stephanie rearranges some of the make-up until Stacy's "boyfriend" enters the scene.*

    "Hey Steph, did Stacy warn ya I was comin’?"

    Stephanie McMahon: Uhhhh... yeah

    *The camera pans back to reveal that the voice belongs to none other than Rikishi.*

    Stephanie McMahon:[analysing Rikishi’s face] Whereabouts do you need the touch-up? The cheeks?

    Rikishi: …You could say somethin’ like that!

    *Rikishi takes off his robe and turns around, revealing his incredibly large, dimply ass! Stephanie McMahon looks totally horrified!*

    Rikishi: Can ya do a general "touch-up" of the area?

    *Stephanie looks like she’s about to throw up. Reluctantly, she picks up a piece of cotton wool with make-up on and slowly targets it towards the ass. Eventually she touches it and starts to dab it. With the ever so lovely sounds of Stephanie’s gagging noises, RAW heads to commercial break.*

    Stephanie McMahon dabs some ass - 68% rating


    Rikishi was accompanied by Stacy Keibler for this one-on-one match versus WWF veteran Mr Perfect. Despite the experience factor, Perfect was on the receiving end of the assault all match. Perfect tried an atomic drop but was unable to pick the big man up, and several backhand chops had zero effect on the big man. What this left was Rikishi being able to execute all of his favourite moves. A belly to back suplex got a close two count. Rikishi whipped Perfect to the corner and crushed him with a four-hundred pound butt splash. Perfect slumped to the bottom turnbuckle! Stacy cheered Rikishi on as Perfect got a stinkface!!! After recovering, Perfect angrily charged at Rikishi – only to receive a superkick for his troubles. Rikishi dragged Mr Perfect over to the corner, got onto the second turnbuckle, bounced up and down before slamming his body ass-first onto Perfect’s chest. The referee counted the pinfall for the victory.

    Rikishi p. Mr Perfect - (OR: 67%, CR: 72%, MQ: 58%, ** rating)

    After the match, Stacy gets into the ring and celebrates with her "boyfriend" (even the fans are beside themselves on this one) Rikishi as Monday Night Raw goes backstage once more…


    Backstage, the always beautiful Terri is in the cutomary interview spot.

    Terri: Hey everyone, Terri here and with me is none other than... The Undertaker!

    *Sure enough, the camera pans back and The Undertaker stands next to Terri with a less than pleasant expression on his face.*

    Terri: Now before I get to the interview here Undertaker, allow us to show a clip of what went down last week after Rob Van Dam successfully defended his Intercontinental Title against Matt Hardy...

    *On the monitor behind the blonde interviewer we are shown the clip from last week with RVD celebrating after having pinned Matt Hardy. Then, seemingly out of nowhere The Undertaker hits the ring and lays Van Dam first with a big boot, and then a choke slam!*

    Terri: Now that we've saw the footage, I have to ask, why did you attack RVD last week?

    *Taker stares at Terri for a few moments, and makes her a bit uncomfortable.*

    The Undertaker: Let me get this straight, you want a reason why I did what I did to Rob Van Dam last Monday Night? Well let me tell you somethin', that ring out there.. that's my yard and I will do whatever the hell I want to in my yard! You want justification? RVD wants justification? How about the fact that last week, Ric Flair disrespected The Undertaker? How about the fact that last week I was denied my shot at the WWF Title?

    *Suddenly mid-sentence, RVD walks right up and in front of "Big Evil." He has his Intercontinental Title over his shoulder, and an almost uncharacteristically intense expression.*

    The Undertaker: Can I help you, boy?

    *Van Dam continues to stare, and now The Undertaker grows impatient.*

    The Undertaker: Ya deaf?

    *SMACK! RVD hauls off and knocks one side the head of The Undertaker. Taker's furious, but he doesn't return fire for some reason.*

    Rob Van Dam: Yeah, you can help me! How about you and me at Backlash!?

    The Undertaker: [removing his hand from his jaw] Yer death warrant boy...

    Rob Van Dam: I'll see you there.

    With that, Van Dam walks off and it it's Main Event time!

    RVD versus The Undertaker signed for Backlash - 73% Rating

    Undertaker lost 2 points of overness


    Surprisingly, Steve Austin didn’t accompany Hulk Hogan and Kane to the ring like Scott Hall did for Kevin Nash and X-Pac. Kane began the match against Kevin Nash. Both hosses were evenly matched; neither men could gain momentum thanks to the back and forth punching and kicking. Hall distracted the referee enough for Nash to get in a low blow on Kane. He followed this up with a sidewalk slam. Nash tagged in X-Pac, who scurried over like a rat to pin Kane only for the big man to sit-up! X-Pac cowered backwards, but got caught by Kane. X-Pac got flung into and rebounded from the corner straight into Kane’s own sidewalk slam. Picking Pac up by one hand, Kane tossed him into the corner Hogan was positioned. Hogan tagged in. Hulk channelled his Hollywood persona with illegal eye gouges and chokes. Hogan backraked X-Pac causing much pain before tagging Kane in again. Kane did a massive big boot and headed to the top rope. Much like last week, Scott Hall leapt up to intercept the impending clothesline. This time it was actually effective, X-Pac was able to stand and punch Kane in the stomach. Nash was tagged back in as Kane sat there stunned. Big Sexy mockingly measured Kane up momentarily, before giving a single huge elbow smash to the side of the head, causing the Big Red Machine to trickle to the outside. Hulk tried to run in to even the sides, but the referee held him back. While this was happening, Scott Hall whipped Kane head first into the steel post and rolled him back into the ring. Kev went for the pinfall, but only got a two count.

    Unknown what to do next, the nWo member locked Kane into a sleeper hold. Clutching tight, Kane’s face went red. Hogan slammed his hand against the turnbuckle, getting the fans to support the Big Red Machine. Eventually Kane came to, standing up, elbowing his way out Big Sexy’s grasp! He ran to the ropes…… Only to receive another big boot! X-Pac was tagged in. X-Pac went for the sleeper hold too strangely. Barely wrapping his arm around Kane’s neck, it was no surprise Kane got out the move easily. Kevin Nash tried to get into the ring, just as Kane tagged Hulk Hogan in!!! Hogan punched X-Pac, but the referee told him to get out of the ring! The referee never saw the tag. As Hogan reluctantly stepped out again, X-Pac tried to do a spinning heel kick on Kane only to be caught. Kane slammed him to the ground and then finally made the tag. Hulk Hogan ran in, punched X-Pac, punched Kevin Nash, punched Scott Hall who tried to interfere. Hulk tried to clothesline X-Pac, but he ducked, and Hogan caught the referee instead! The crowd booed as Scott Hall got into the ring and made it three on two versus Hogan and Kane, assaulting them until they were helpless on the ground again like last week. Suddenly “Stone Cold” Steve Austin charges to the ring! Fists a blazing, he punched all three members of the New World Order. He clotheslined Scott Hall out of the ring, before delivering a Stone Cold Stunner to Kevin Nash!!! Austin goes to wake the referee while X-Pac, the only man remotely conscious, received a chokeslam and a legdrop from Kane and Hogan respectively. Hulk Hogan made the pinfall. The referee slowly counts: ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!! THREE!!!!! The New World Order has been defeated!

    Hulk Hogan & Kane def. Kevin Nash & X-Pac (OR: 67%, CR: 80%, MQ: 37%, 1\2* rating)

    With the camera shooting all three members of the New World Order laid out and/or knocked silly – Jim Ross yells that tonight they have tasted their own medicine thanks to the equalizer role of “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. In the ring: Stone Cold, Kane and Hulk Hogan celebrate. Will this be the same result when the six man tag happens in thirteen days time at WWF Backlash?

    WWF Monday Night Raw ends as Austin begins a beer bash, celebrating by drinking with his future tag team partners.

    Quick Results:

    - Raven p. Maven (WWF Hardcore Title)

    - DDP p. Raven (WWF Hardcore Title)

    - Maven p. DDP (WWF Hardcore Title)

    - Brock Lesnar p. The Godfather

    - Steve Austin def. Scott Hall by DQ

    - Bubba Ray Dudley p. Rico

    - Rikishi p. Mr. Perfect

    - Hulk Hogan & Kane def. Kevin Nash & X-Pac

    The Numbers:

    Overall Show Rating: 70%, Television Rating: 6.87, Attendance: 7533

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