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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. So, I've been meaning to compile a number of skins together to spice up EWR and make it a little more enjoyable on the eyes to play, then I got to thinking why not start up a competition with members of our Graphics section here. After all, were it not for EWR, most of us wouldn't have found EWB.

    So basically this would consist of a total overhauling of the entire GFX folder. EWR backgrounds, buttons, internet banners, whatever is in the folder that comes with the download of EWR 4.2. Is anyone interested?

  2. Illustrator's is indeed easier to control, as well when you are using it to trace, you can click on the last path point, and it will stop from making the next on continue on in the same angle. It's much easier to use that way, and I wish they'd implement it into photoshop.

  3. I've never been able to play any console online because of where I live, the highspeed doesn't reach my road. I like the game itself, but was just wondering if the online play was anything as good as Halo with the tournaments and everything.

  4. I just got a 360 the other day because I was so sick of looking at everyone who lives with me here at the Dorm playing theres while I bust out the ps2. I've rented this, and despite an awful amount of glitches it is awfully fun. I'm going to buy it, but I was wondering, is it good online or no?

  5. I didn't see anything wrong with that gameplay at all. Wasn't the last Midway wrestling game "WrestleMania the Arcade Game?" They've come a very long way and the overall look of the wrestlers rivals Smackdown for sure. The only thing I didn't like was seeing Sting doing Style's Phenomenon, and both Sting and Kurt doing so many X-Division style moves. Hopefully the arsenals become worker specific.

  6. Haha, loved your call of this season. I feel the same way on alot of the points, Brooke's over the top richness at 22/23? is really over the top and drawn out sometimes, like financing Peyton's record company and just walking in and buying a house. I dunno, but I can stomach it. What I didn't like however was turning the nanny into a fucking seducing slut like that, and it totally wasn't needed. As you said, we've gotten enough of that with Peyton/Lucas/Lindsay. I just rolled my eyes when the nanny was putting Nathan's pants on and seducing him, seemed so out of place and unnecessary. One thing else I've noticed about this season is that there are characters so fucking annoying that I want to change the channel when I see them. Brooke's mom, and Mouth's boss for instance. I dunno, I still like the show but it seems so over the top sometimes that it seems to have lost touch of the greatness it was in the first two seasons.

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