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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. I've played through a bit of the story mode, as well as a few exhibition matches to get a grip on the controls. I think the game is pretty fun and refreshing from the standard of SvR series. Yes, seeing everyone and their mother doing a DVD gets a bit repetitive but if your just looking for a fun wrestling game to pick up and play with your friends I see absolutely no problem with Impact. The graphics are nice, and I actually like the indy feel they went for with the international arenas. The story mode is a welcome change for me as well as I can't stand the repetitiveness of SvR's season.

  2. When was the last time Smackdown vs Raw had a sixty man roster? All that is ever included is a handful of tag teams and the main guys. That's why I stopped buying it for a while.

    I'm not sure about 60, but wasn't 2008 close to 50 with all the unlockables etc?

    Shows how much I've played it...

    I own 08, but sadly the replay factor that games like No Mercy had is long gone. And I don't count the 'legends' as part of the roster. When is the last time a guy like Jamie Noble, Brian Kendrick, hell even Shelton Benjamin appeared on Raw vs. SD. Definitely not in 08. There isn't much roster depth to the Smackdown games is all that I'm saying.

    I just picked up a copy of Impact at GameStop. I'll pop back in and let you know my thoughts on it.

  3. 2008 King of the Ring re-do

    By GCCWolverine

    William Regal is on drugs! Let's get a new King of the Ring!

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    With William Regal's suspension thanks to the wellness plan, let's see how you can do with re-doing the 2008 King of the Ring.

    You must include:

    1) A brief overview of the 4 opening round matches, and the two semi-final matches.

    2) A promo from one participant in the finals.

    3) The final match in its entirety.

    4) The next week's coronation ceremony, where the ceremony is interrupted by somebody to kick off the next feud for the king.


    1) The following people cannot be involved in any way: William Regal, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Ken Kennedy, Finlay, Hornswoggle

    2) You must include a former or current WWE or World champion in the tournament, but they cannot win.

    3) Somebody who is outweighed by at least 100 pounds must win their first round match by pinfall or submission cleanly.

    3a) Said person can't be Hornswoggle.

    4) Each match must end in pinfall or submission, and only one of the prelims can have interference.

    5) In the interview, the finalist must mention three former Kings of the Ring - your choice on how to include that.

    6) At the coronation ceremony, the King will be given something special - and in usual fashion, when the ceremony is crashed, it will be destroyed or used as a weapon.

    So yeah I haven't really ever been in one of these I don't think and would love to try one up. Who wants to Tango?

    EDIT: Added poll for voting.

  4. I personally have no problem with a fighter getting a title shot immediately after signing, or after just one win, if they have a history of dominance in the sport, like Rampage and Silva have. They were considered top fighters in their weight classes before they even got to the UFC.

    Brock Lesnar had no MMA history really coming into the UFC, except defeating some can at Dynamite USA.

    The problem I have with Brock all around, in all of his endeavors, is that he's never been forced to earn anything... and when he has, he's quit.

    His main event run in WWE was handed to him, and when it started to waver and needed him to really work at keeping his spot, he quit.

    He thought he could just walk onto an NFL team, and when they told him he'd have to work to get that spot, he quit.

    He wins a couple of fights where the majority of the fans didn't think he was in any trouble... and he gets a title shot because it will sell. What happens if he loses this? What happens if the Heavyweight division gets some life in it and the competitiveness of it goes up? What happens when they tell him that he has to earn another shot? Is he going to quit again?

    It's a sport... I have absolutely no problem with signing fights to sell tickets... but it shouldn't come at the expense of the competition. You don't hand things to people in the world of sports, because more often than not, it comes back to bite you in the ass... whether it's creating egos, or just pissing off the guys who are busting their asses for shots that are being handed to guys less deserving.

    Lesnar Vs Couture will sell... but Randy Couture would probably have sold just as much against anyone else, being that it's his big return. I'm excited to see it, but I would have felt a lot better about Couture/Werdum, Lesnar/Kongo and Mir/Big Nog being the prime Heavyweight fights to end 2008.

    Either way, Rodrigo is going to submit the winner of Lesnar/Couture... so I guess we'll see what happens with Brock... if they make him earn it, or if they give him another shot after a win against a guy nobody thinks will beat him anyways.

    Just to point out, I love Heath Herring. I picked him to win... but hardly anybody else did. He wasn't a can by any means, but the ratio of people picking Lesnar to him for the fight was ridiculous.

    Um, why? Brock is as explosive as a heavyweight that anyone has ever seen, and has a LEGIT as hell background in NCAA wrestling. He can also unleash a punch that seems capable of cleanly knocking someone's head off. He EASILY takes his opponents down, and smothers them with heavy blows. That was seen in both fights before he got to Herring. Sure the MMA enthusiasts pegged Herring to win because of his fighting experience, but the fact is that the 'unknown' factor of what Brock could do certainly pulled a lot of people in his favor. My local Buffalo Wild Wings airs the ppvs for free, and man is that place down right loaded with UFC fans. And you know what the funny thing was? 80% of them were pulling for Lesnar, and by the last round it was 95%.

    Well Brock is basically the dark horse. He's not expected to come out of the situation as Undisputed Champ, but if he does he'll have earned it. They've got 3 guys in Couture/Mir/Nog who all already deserve as shot at being the Undisputed Champ and they decided to mix Brock in for money reasons. There's no guarentee how long Randy will be around and the Fedor fight may never come. Its the perfect time to run Lesnar/Couture. Brock is coming off a dominating performance, Randy needs a big comeback fight. If Lesnar wins, he's still got another fight to win before he's considered the top guy.

    Its a much better situation than if they just had Randy face the winner of Mir/Nogueria, then Lensar fight whoever wins that. Yeah Werdum probably deserves it more, but he won't draw in nearly as much money.

    Nailed it, well said.

  5. Speaking of the room full of Elvis stuff, my Grandmother has practically every vinyl record the guy had, as well as a painted bust that also served as a lamp, and countless paintings. Broke her heart to part with some of that stuff when they moved.

  6. The Rossdale cover of "Suspicious Minds" is pretty good, and No Doubt had a live performance that was decent as well. Robbie Williams sucks balls though >_<

  7. Having become totally tired of the music that's played on tv and the radio, I've spent the last couple of days going back in time and discovering music that I'd never really given much thought to or particularly paid much attention to. My Grandmother is a HUGE fan of Elvis, and with him being so far before my time I'd never given his music much of a listen to. But alas, I've been listening to it, and totally digging it lately. "Suspicious Minds," and "Always on my Mind" are my two favorites thus far. For anyone else who digs Elvis what other songs of his are worth giving a listen to?

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