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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. Taken from WCW 2000. GA. Idol. Post Halloween Havoc.

    Entry One: Just before the clash for the WCW World Tag Team titles between Shawn Stasiak and Big Vito and the Champions Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire, Italian Stereotypes and God Father references run rampant on Nitro.



    The camera catches up inside of the Commissioner's office where the Natural Born Thrillers are shown lounging around as usual. The WCW Tag Team Champions, Mark Jindrak and Sean O' Haire sit on the couch as former Hardcore Champion Reno sits all by himself in the corner of the room. Mike Sanders is on the phone as the audio starts to be heard.

    Mike Sanders: I gotta tell ya Coach, the Thrillers... they're missin' ya man... how's our boy Chucky P. doin' anyway... Ah good to hear, so he'll be back kickin' ass and takin names in no time...

    *There is a knock on the door and both Jindrak and O' Haire dart for it. A few elbows to each other, and some jockeying for position later and the door is opened revealing a delivery man.*

    Delivery Guy: You boys'a order some'a pizza?

    Sean O' Haire: You're damn right, and you were supposed to be here an hour ago!

    Delivery Guy: Hey'a, what can I say pizon... heavy traffic, you know what I'm sayin'? 'Dat'll be Thirteen ninety eight.

    *Jindrak whips out his wallet and hands the man some money*

    Delivery Guy: There's 14 bucks here, what'a no tip?

    Mark Jindrak: Can you believe this idiot Sean? He shows up an hour after we order and wants a tip?

    Sean O' Haire: You want a tip, huh? How's this!? Get the hell out of here before I rip your head off!! How's that for a tip!?

    Mike Sanders: [interrupting] Hey! You monkey's wanna keep it down!? I'm on the phone with Coach Nash!

    *The Tag Champs slammed the door shut as the delivery man quickly fled for his better being, and sat the pizza down. O' Haire opens the box and is taken back*...

    Sean O' Haire: What the?...


    *Inside the box, lying on the top of the pizza is a poloroid picture of a severed Horse's head; it's a scene straight out of the Godfather! O' Haire realizes that there could only be one (okay two) culprits behind this*

    Sean O' Haire: [pissed] They wanna send a message huh!? Well how about we knock some sense into 'em! C'mon Mark!

    Mark Jindrak: Aww... right now? C'mon man, I'm hungry!

    *O' Haire storms out of the locker room dragging Jindrak with them, the door slams catching Sanders attention once again*...

    Mike Sanders: Ugh.. hold on a sec Kev, [to Reno] Where the hell did those idiots go?

    Reno just sits in the chair in almost a trance, in his own world as Nitro goes to a commercial break with the Commissioner confused, and the Tag Team Champions hot on the trail of Big Vito and Shawn Stasiak.

    Vito and Stasiak taunt the Thrillers - 74% Rating


    With the conclusion of David Flair's rather creepy message, Nitro heads backstage where WCW World Tag Team Champions Sean O' Haire and Mark Jindrak are walking backstage, and looking none too happy.

    Sean O' Haire: C'mon boys, where ya hiding at?

    *Doing their best to look menacing, the duo stumbles across a postman with a mailbag slung over his shoulder. In his hand is a package.*

    Postal Worker: You two wouldn't happen to be Sean O' Haire and Mark Jindrak, would ya'?

    Mark Jindrak: [Looking a bit puzzled] Ye - yeah, that's us, why?

    Postal Worker: Well I have a package for you boys here, and it ain't got no return address.

    Sean O' Haire: [Annoyed] Gimme that!

    *O' Haire takes the package and tears it open. Once the wrapping is off, a plush stuffed fish is pulled from a box, with the tag reading "the Sleeping Fish."*

    Sean O' Haire: Sleeping Fish?

    *BAM!!! from behind, and virtually out of nowhere Big Vito and Shawn Stasiak attack the Tag Team Champions landing punch after punch to their backs. The attack catches the Champions off guard, and soon enough they find themselves lying face down on the concrete. Standing over top of them, Stasiak and Vito look quite proud at their handy work.*

    Big Vito: I told ya' boys not ta' messa' wit' us!

    Shawn Stasiak: Heh.. Let's get outta here.

    *With that, Stasiak and Vito march off, while Tag Team Champions start to collect themselves.*

    Vito and Stasiak get one up on the Champions - 63% Rating

    Entry Two: In the search to find out who the father of Stacy Keibler's baby is, scorned ex boyfriend David Flair took things too far, and Ric Flair suspended his son for the safety of not only David but everyone else. But without WCW to fill David's time, he had more to himself. Needless to say things got out of hand...



    Before the commercial break footage airs that is seemingly shot from a home video cam corder, it looks like its being shot in shrubbery or bushes and there is alot of rustling in the background, after a few moments this stops, and the green bushes part bringing to lite the view of the front of a house where a car pulls up. A voice can be heard on the tape;

    "No one wants me to know damn it, no one! But I will find out if it's the last thing I do! Who was it Stacy, who was it you *whore!*"

    *The car door opens and a visibly pregnant Stacy Keibler steps out, dressed casually in a pink jogging suit. She has her hands full of a few bags of groceries, the video is being shot outside of her house! The video blurrs as the camera is quickly spun around, and David Flair's face is shown, with the most crazed of expressions.*

    David Flair: They can suspend me from WCW, but no one! NO ONE Can keep me from the truth!

    As David fumes, the scene fades to black with only these words before the break;


    Video from David Flair - 71% Rating

    David Flair gained 1 point of overness



    Back on the air Nitro plays what looks to be home video footage, as suggested by the rustling sound on the viewers screens. Finally the footage comes into focus and the viewers see what looks to be a door opening in a bedroom. It's only open a crack, but you can see a bed, and another door opened across the room. A shower sounds like it is running. After a few moments, a blonde haired woman walks across the view in a pink robe. It's the visibly pregnant Stacy Keibler

    *The door from which the scene is viewed from opens a bit more, but it makes a sharp creaking noise. Hearing this, Stacy turns her head, but the door is brought just about shut. A few moments of darkness ensue, until the door is opened once more to see Stacy walk into the bathroom and close the door. Amidst heavy breathing, the camera spins around and shows David Flair's maniacal face.

    David Flair: Haha hahaha! Haha hahaha! Haha haha ha!


    More of David Flair's Video Footage - 61% Rating



    Before commercial we are taken once again to the video footage we have seen for the past few weeks, this one picking up right where the last one left off.

    *The closet door of the bedroom opens and as can be told by the "bouncing" up and down of the camera, David Flair removes himself from the closet and is walking around the bedroom with the belief that Stacy is in the bathroom with the door closed, most likely taking a shower.*

    *Flair begins opening the drawers of her night stands, looking through her things and searching for the slightest clue of an affair. Seeing nothing of interest, he becomes annoyed and throws the things around before moving onto the purse on her bed. Quickly he unzips the bag and empties her belongings onto the bed. That's when the bathroom door opens.*

    Stacy Keibler: Duh-David!? What are you doing!?!?

    *Quickly the pregant woman, covered only by a white towel tied at the top rushes over and does her best to grab her belongings, but David as could be told over the past few weeks is a little over the edge, and pushes Stacy slightly away. He holds her against the wall and begins shouting.*

    David Flair: WHAT AM I DOING!? What am I doing Stacy!? I'm LOOKING FOR ANSWERS, I'M LOOKING FOR THE TRUTH! Why the hell won't you tell me, huh!? WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME who the father is!?

    Stacy Keibler: Be-because I love you David.

    David Flair: YOU LOVE ME!?? What a joke.

    *David steps back, for a second and in the background you can hear the front door of the house being shut. Faint voces can be slightly heard as well.*

    David Flair: Is that him!? IS HE HERE!?

    *Here he wasn't, instead two police officers rush into the room and quickly subdue David to the floor before handcuffing him and reading him his rights. The camera, now lying on the floor picks all of this up. It is appareant that Stacy must have dialed 911 in suspicions that someone was in her house. Stacy who is in tears neals down beside Flair who is struggling to resist the police.*

    Stacy Keibler: David, baby you need help...


    With the police lifting David to his feet and taking him into custody, the footage ends and Thunder goes to commercial.

    Stacy calls 911 - 66% Rating

  2. I sanded the finish off of the boots to begin with and and washed it up with some laquer thinner. The paint is a brush on type of fabric paint I picked up at a local art store, and it is really flexible which is good considering the boot is all leather. I was thinking the same as you K, I picked up some spray on clear coat that shoulder give them a kick ass shine.

  3. Going as Hulk Hogan for Halloween. Got the tights, shades, win, bandana, boa and everything else. Figured I'd need a pair of flamed up yellow boots. So I shopped E-bay and purchased a pair of Combat Boots from Vietnam. I have a feeling if the guy sees what I've done to them he'll probably be pissed.








  4. Please, the hype and everything gone ? It was a punch, one fucking punch. That happens in fights ... if you're caught just right it doesn't matter. That's all that happened. Nothing more.

    Wow, talk about overreacting. Hell, the rematch would sell out quicker than all fuck. Elite now has a ready made script with Kimbo and the pink haired fucker.

    Seriously, what the fuck people.

    Are you blind to what Kimbo was living off of? The reputation? Hype? Any of it? There is no overreacting to this loss to Kimbo's career.

    Exactly, I don't think it's over reacting at all. Kimbo drew because he was marketed heavily as abad ass mother fucker who could knock someone out with on punch, and not get knocked out. He was humiliated tonight, by nothing that looked like a heavy knock out punch. The reputation and the hype was just destroyed, thus his drawing power. To use another wrestling analogy, it would have been like Hogan going out and just hitting Goldberg with a big boot, legdrop and pinning him in 13 seconds on Nitro back in the day. Goldberg would have been fucked.

    Everyone complained about how Elite XC had been booking around Kimbo's weaknesses and padding his record, but tonight they booked themselves into the ground really. If Petruzelli goes out and loses to Joe Schmoe his next fight, the entire company looks like shit.

    EDIT: And I know wrestling is a totally different ballgame, but still you have to say that tonight hurt his drawing power. You also have made a great point in your post above HttK, so maybe I am jumping to a bit of a conclusion. I just feel for Kimbo.

  5. Man, I don't like the hype machine behind Kimbo as much as the next guy but he still had a fun aura around him and his fights. You could also tell that he legitimately wants to become a good fighter, and his heart is in it for the right reasons. But man, oh man I feel nothing but sorrow for him after that. I think he even may have had a few tears in his eyes. Where the hell can he go from here? Petruzelli is a far, far cry from a household name and after that embarrassing loss his entire hype, and image is gone. Fucking GONE. If EliteXC folds, I don't see him being signed anywhere else. Fuck, I don't see him doing much after this anyway. Tough break :(

  6. I am sorry, but this game is bullshit in the later levels. They need to patch this to fix it, because it's just fucking retarded how the AI can get their finisher in like 4 or 5 moves, seem to stun you at the right time every time and then just beat you with NO chance.

    Yeah I didn't have a problem with it until the very end, because there are now no chairs around the ring and Jarrett can take my finisher and kick out at one and a half, yet punch me four times and get his, hit it on me and pin me even though up until that point I'd taken minimal damage. I've tried twelve times now and am about to say ah fuck it. I'm disgusted really.

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