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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. I just want to say thanks to everyone who is reporting problems and discrepancies. I've made most of the changes/additions recommended thus far. Special thanks to TheWho, you've given a lot of recommendations. As far as Eddy goes for being Black Tiger II already, lets just say it happened earlier in this reality than it did IRL.

    Those stats for Finlay are atrocious. As are TheWho's stats for Rocco and Kendo. Also, surely the British Kendo should be I and not II, given that he was the original.

    Yeah the Database we started with wasn't very good. It's actually rather annoying going through and seeing people with 0's in categories. What are your suggestions stat wise for those guys, NBT?

    Looking over the data there are 29 active female workers

    all of them listed

    Alexandra York

    Baby Doll

    Scary Sheri


    Bull Nakano

    Candi Divine

    Dark Journey

    Debbie Combs

    Rockin Robin

    Tammy Sytch

    Rhonda Singh


    Mae Young


    Judy Martin

    Lady Blossom

    Leilani Kai

    Luna Vachon

    Missy Hyatt


    Lisa Moretti

    Xochitl Hamada

    Wendi Richter

    Rena Mero

    Woman - Nancy

    During 1990 here is a short list of popular active womens wrestlers who are not in the game.


    Desiree Peterson

    Debbie Malenko

    Kat LeRoux

    Linda Dallas

    Mad Maxine

    Magnificent Mimi

    Megumi Kudo

    Jaguar Yokota

    Peggy Lee Leather

    Spanish Red

    Reggie Bennett

    Terri Powers

    If needed I can list stats for most of them here.

    I'd love to get your recommendations for stats. Being the age of 4 in '90, lets say my knowledge isn't all that great.

  2. Looking over Mexico, and as a whole it's pretty bare. How in the blue hell did the guy who made the original data not think to put in El Hijo Del Santo? Here are a few other known Luchadores currently not in the data. If anyone has any thoughts on stats for these guys that would be of great help.


    Blue Panther

    El Hijo Del Santo

    Negro Casas

    Erick Casas (Heavy Metal)

    El Felino

    Blue Demon Jr.



  3. Hope you don't mind me giving some pointers here I'm just slightly bored right now, also since the scenario if I'm right veers off from reality around 1984 that's the last date I would refer to for anything that they should be from real life

    I/we don't mind at all. Like I said, the 1990 scenario we based it off of is the '90 Data that's been around forever. This release is FAR from perfect, so the more things people find wrong (such as ludicrous stats, incorrect ages) the better. That way we can make the revisions necessary, and make this a totally complete scenario for version 1.1.

    Why is Dave Finlay classed as “Other”, he should be British/European, also don't quote me on this but from what I remember about Finlay from this era he use to use a Piledriver of sorts or something like that, I'll have to hunt some of my videos down to get it right but he didn't just overkill the Uppercut.

    He's classified as other because that's the way he was in the data, and we'd missed it. Was it the Tombstone variation of the Piledriver he used in WCW, or the classic Piledriver?

    If Curt Hennig was not in WWF he would not have been Mr. Perfect and thus not use the Perfect Plex so that should be the Hennig Plex

    Hennig becomes Mr. Perfect in '93 when he works for TWE, but yes as of 90 that should definately be the Hennig Plex.

    From recollection Beniot/Pegasus Kid didn't start using the crossface till he got into ECW/WCW, maybe give him a Wild Bomb (Impact/Corner) or a Dragon Suplex with the diving headbutt

    Another original Data error. I watched a few of Benoit's matches as Pegasus, and I believe the Diving Headbutt and Dragon Suplex where the two primary moves.

    i may pick through some things over the following day so if you dont mind i might post them up unless you'd prefer i PM them to you

    Post away man. The more errors you find, the more we can fix. Thanks for posting them in here, and thanks for the suggestions :)

  4. Another small question, is their a reason for my NWATNA logo to be in the logo pack (well I think its my logo) and just wondering for AWA & WCCW, since their was already 2 logos for each, would you consider the first one of each to be their main logos for this period (thats the red and white AWA and the white and black WCCW logos)?

    Ah yes, I actually zipped up my whole logos folder didn't I? I have no reason why that TNA one is in there, just left in by mistake when I was moving files. Yes the AWA red white and blue logo and the WCCW Black and white one are the correct logos for this period.

  5. No picpack?

    No pick pack. Searching for pictures from this era would flat out be a hassle to compile. Look around though, because I think DOTT has a pic pack that might work well with this.

    David Finlay

    Brawl: 62

    Speed: 0

    Technical: 0

    Charisma: 50


    This is 1990 not 2000 something. I can see those stats on a mullet wearing young Finlay.

    While Finlay's stats shouldn't be what they are in his prime, I'm sure he deserves better than zero in any category.

  6. The stats may seem a bit high still because you have to realize it was the 1990 EWR Data this was based on. This is more of a BETA release than anything else, so PLEASE post your findings that you disagree with here. You WON'T offend us. That way we can address them and eventually get everything right. There are still a few errors regarding workers wages that I have noticed while messing around with it a little bit. We're only a couple guys though, and this was a very rocky scenario to base it off of. We will however do our best to make sure that the next update is hands down the best this can be.

    For instance yes, those stats for Finlay are absurdly ridiculous. Thanks for pointing it out so we can address it. :) Please keep constructive grumbles like these coming!

  7. Absolutely phenomenal movie and deserves every bit of praise being heaped onto it. This is Mickey Rourke's movie, he owns the role and plays it to absolute perfection - honestly, there isn't a single bad thing you can say about Rourke's portrayal of Randy "The Ram" Robinson.

    Go see it, even if you're like me and there's only one theater in your entire city playing it - go see it.


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