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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. Ironically, the last thing I watched was the Twilight Movie just about two-three hours ago.

    Horrible. I am a huge fan of the books, but the movie was just... urgh. Despised it. They pretty much killed many of the major parts like they do in most books2movies, but this, like many others, couldn't pull them off. Needs to be burned. >_<

    Not seen any True Blood before, somebody tell me about it please. You guys talking about it have me intrested. :shifty:

    True Blood is an HBO Series starring Anna Paquin and its based on Charlaine Harris's novels Dead Until Dark, A Touch of Dead, Dead and Gone etc.. You'll find that many of the themes are very similar to what is presented in the Twilight series. However True Blood is targeted to a more adult audience, and the series does a much better job at pulling you into the universe than Twilight did for me. The premise is that every day society has discovered that Vampires exist and are living among them every day. Thanks to the invention of synthetic blood called "True Blood" Vampires no longer need to survive on human blood and can purchase and consume to True Blood to keep them going. However, there's those who choose not to of course.

  2. Not to double post, but I just watched this.

    Twilight - 9.5/10

    The best film I've seen in a long time by far. It blew me away. Kristen Stewart was unbelievable. The movie, the picture, it's just all shot so beautifully. Some of the scenes are just breath taking. I feel like I'm over reacting, but fucking hell I loved this movie. Certainly a must see for anyone.

    No, no, a thousand times no.

    If it's one thing I can't stand any less than this movie is the whole subculture and vernacular it has spawned. Team Edward vs. Team Jacob? Fanpires? Ugh. True Blood does what Twilight attempts to do 1000 times better. Then again I'm a bit biased because all my girlfriend does is rant and rave about Twilight and all of it's drama. So much that it drives me crazy, and makes me hate the movie. <_<

  3. With this DATA set the alter egos are tailored more towards the search function for the workers. Should someone not know who "Dustin Rhodes" is (yeah, not a good example) but they want to know where the guy they know as Goldust is in iDOM 90 they can ask sophie about "Goldust" and find him under Dustin Rhodes. So yeah, it's a necissary evil for some of the lesser knowns.

  4. jrtdot if it's okay with you, would you mind PM'ing LJC with a link to your data? I had been updating the scenario, and due to a misplacement of my external hard drive I have yet to find it again. We will certainly give you the credit for any of the changes made thus far.

  5. This movie beat the steaming piles of crap Jason X and Freddy vs Jason - - to hell. No questions about it.

    Freddy vs. Jason is the epitome of campy horror. It didn't take itself seriously and neither should its audience. This movie takes itself seriously, but all it does is take the genre back 30 years... the same genre that was dead until 1996 when Scream came out and then spawned a legion of imitators who completely missed the point.

    But you haven't seen it yet :/ All I'm saying is don't have such a strong opinion against it before you watch it.

    Oh, and from Matt Hardy's blog:

    I watched the new Friday the 13th tonight with a bunch of friends-LOVED IT! I've always been a Jason fan, but the new take on Jason was very cool and up to date. If you're a fan of the old Friday the 13th movies, I highly recommend you catch the new one.

    Matt Hardy says it's good, so it is! :angry:

  6. Not being a fan of Saw, and super-gore I thought the movie balanced it out really well. There were parts I cringed over, and that's enough for me. You didn't jump at all GA? There were quite a few points at which I gave myself whiplash, mostly because of the sound. I didn't have a problem with that at all really.

  7. I'm totally on the opposite end of the spectrum here guys. I enjoyed this movie greatly, more so probably than any of the others. I've seen every part in the series, and this was the best just by a technical standpoint. The camera work was beautiful. The parts with Jason were darkly shot, and added a real creepy feel to the parts where he was stalking someone. Jason was portrayed as a total badass, and I don't understand how anyone could think that there weren't great kill scenes:

    NOBODY saw that fucking arrow coming, that was awesome. The way the Asian dude died was just fucking gruesome and I liked the added touch that Jason seemed to be enjoying the way he was killing him as he slowly drove that barb through his throat. Oh, and not only did the bear trap nearly sever the guy's leg, but Jason fucking roasted his girlfriend! Short of ripping out everyone's assholes and forcing a guy to eat them, I don't think the movie needed much more gore.

    For a horror movie, they did a great job building sympathetic characters in this movie. Too many of these movies are just dumb horny teens hanging out in the woods and you could care less if any lived. I wanted the brother, sister and the rich prick's girlfriend all to live because they seemed like genuinely caring people. They actually had character and something to relate to.

    I'm sure some people are going to complain that Jason was made out to be more human than in previous films. He wasn't portrayed as a inhuman super uber zombie like past movies, and I like that. In a way, Jason was almost built up as a sympathetic figure... a lost undead being killing for the revenge of his mother. He was still portrayed as a total bad ass, so there's really nothing to complain about. Though I must say he looked a lot scarier with the potato sack on his head.

    I'm glad they didn't go with a total remake. Halloween, while I enjoyed it, was too similar to the first in the series. This one isn't like that. There's enough of the old stuff that you can relate to, but the movie felt like I hadn't seen it before. It certainly did the series justice in my opinion, and in no way was offensive to the character.

    Oh, and I liked the ending. thought it was a good homage to the original
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