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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. Hey all, I've had this laying around on my flash drive seemingly forever now and just never released it. If you're anything like me, you can't stand sifting through the thousands of similar angles that most mod packs offer. It slows down play and is just a headache.

    Included in this pack are 216 EWR Inspired angles, organized in a manner EWR players I hope will find more familiar.

    Feel free to use these however you wish, mod makers, players, anything. I'm not going to hold any sort of rights to these. So they're open for everyone to use. I'm currently in the process of making this pack for TEW 05 as well.





  2. Hahaha, I saw an advert for this earlier tonight...hahahaha, it looks SO FUCKING TERRIBLE!! Like seriously, seriously bad. Is it?

    When I started watching the show I was of the same mind. However two shows in and it won me over full force. But hey, if it's not something you think you'd be interested, then by all means don't watch it. It's not the kind of show that will win everyone over. It's over the top, but to me that's part of the charm.

  3. Best show on television today hands down. It kills me that I have to wait for the 12th to get another episode. Season one was good, it introduced us to the setting and all of the characters really well. However season two has really been bringing the goods since the first episode.

    My girlfriend is reading the books right now and is shocked at how different they've been. That's what I think I love about the series, they're not sticking to the books 100% and they're creating new stories. I don't know why someone would want to sit through a whole season of a show if it went word for word by the book.

  4. So I've been kicking myself in the ass ever since I sold my N64 and all of my games a few years ago in a yard sale due to the fact that I lost the video connector that I now see are plentiful on eBay for rather cheap. After hearing all of the talk about which wrestlers where your favorite to play as/against I realized just how much fun I used to have on the N64. So I decided I would once again purchase a console and start a mission to rebuild my collection of games.

    I actually got a good break and found a complete system in see-through orange with the cables and a controller for $18 bucks on eBay. I just purchased No Mercy, LEGO Racers, Turok I, Star Wars Episode 1 Battle For NABOO, Star Wars Episode 1 Racer and Rayman 2 from eBay. I just gotta get Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart.

    Does anyone know of any stores/sites where you can pick up cheap N64 games and accessories besides eBay? Oh, and what are some of your favorite games I may have missed back then and should try and find?

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