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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. Rocky Feller, I'm not trying to be a dick but your cutting needs some serious work. I don't know if it's that you're not taking your time, don't realize they're that bad or what, but it look seriously rushed. Look around for some cutting tutorials. If you're using Photoshop here are some tutorials on cutting with the pen tool:


    • Like 1
  2. As for Cena, I'm still going with Cena/Lizzy Project X.

    Some pics to get started on...

    Crazy Boy

    C-Red (IWA:MS)



    Cupid Valentino

    CW Anderson

    Daisuke Sekimoto

    Damaja (Danny Basham)

    Damian 666

    Damien Wayne

    Damon Leigh

    Dan Eckos

    Dan Grier (World League Wrestling)

    Dan Maff

    Dan Reed (FWA)

    Dan Severn

    Dana Dameson

    Dana White

    Dangerous Derek (World League Wrestling)

    Daniel Cross (World League Wrestling)

    Daniel Puder

    Daniel Rodimer

    Danny Davis

    Danny DeManto

    Danny Doring

    Danny Havoc

    Danny Inferno


    Darin Corbin (IWA:MS)

    Darin Waid

    Dave Cole

    Dave Crist

    Dave Hebner

    Dave Kapoor

    Dave Prazak

    Dave Republic

    Dave Taylor

    Davey Andrews

    David Flair

  3. Anyone have Photoshop and want to help compile a pic pack? I'm going through right now and changing each person's bio to fit iDOM, and give each person a picture (those that I can anyway.) I've finished 350 workers, but it's taking the most time to find and format the pics.

    As for the structure, It's pretty simple. I'm just finding a picture and cropping it to 150x150 and adding a 3 pixel black border. Here are some examples of what the pics look like:


    If there are enough people interested I'll post some blocks of workers to find pics for.

  4. I'm only interested in the economy insofar as it makes for interesting storyline opportunities. If all Idol was going to do was poop out a roster update with a couple of new people and some champions, then what would be the point of all of this? It's a way of complicating the storytelling of the scenario and reminding us that the real world still exists, which I'd argue is one of the big faults with iDOM--it isolates pro wrestling into its own little sphere and cuts it off from the rest of the world, which is absolutely untrue of real wrestling promotions. Present a better idea if you have one, but I won't buy "because shut up that's why" as a better option.

    Well said, yeah that's the whole point of this thread. Up until it was mentioned I hadn't much thought of the economy, but now that it's been pointed out topped off with the fact that you can simulate a shit economy in TEW I think it's a great idea to not turn a blind eye and actually work it in a bit. Like I said, some great suggestions have come to light in this thread.

  5. My thinking is Lesnar to Austin at Starrcade > Austin gets his token run that is a must with the way 08 was set up > Orton defeats Austin making it a short reign > Orton's reign is highly disliked and he's defeated by Jericho who becomes the top face and had been in contention since Sting handed him the torch.

  6. AA will pretty much have a whole new class of wrestlers, considering in 08 there were a number of veterans still there. Speaking of "Classes," I plan on using the Dojo system in the game and I've already included Tough Enough as the official Dojo for TWE. I'll also be using developmental promotions so Promotions like NWA: NY (TWE's Developmental Fed) will be in the game and their booking will be able to be seen. Seeing how the AI handles the results should be a great deal of fun, and the main reason I want this on TEW so bad.

  7. Will there be International Feds or just stick with North America?

    Yeah for sure. I'm looking into having a European fed, One or two British ones, an Australian one, and probaly keeping a bit of Japan the same as real life for the most part. I'm not all that knowledgeable on these areas though so some suggestions on what rosters should look like would be a huge help.

    And Idol, any news on NWA:UK would be awesome. (Y)


    Okay, I love that you're adding realistic things to piss off the people of iDOM, makes it more interesting. Would Orton be his current incarnation of his gimmick?

    I also compiled this, which is just a quick list of guys I don't think deserve to be where they are due to age in the iDOMverse:

    Jim Neidhart

    Shane Douglas (if he's wrestling)

    Brian James Armstrong

    Lex Luger

    Marty Jannetty

    Rick Steiner

    Scott Hall (even though I love him)

    Abdullah The Butcher

    Big Van Vader

    The Rock 'n' Roll Express

    Can-Am Express

    The Nasty Boys

    In BG James case, He'll always have a spot in Memphis be it an agent role or an in ring one with his family ties. I agree with most of them for the most part, and even have other plans for a lot of the bunch.

  8. To be honest one of the things for me that's been hard to get into iDom is that it's 2008 (now 10) and guys like The Rock and Austin are just about to break out as major players.

    That's part of the beauty of it being an alternate reality though. And in the case of Austin, he was on the verge of becomming the biggest start but a car wreck took that out. That's why he's taken longer to catch on. The Rock on the other hand has stayed loyal to Hawaii, and is just breaking out.

    • Like 1
  9. I know it wouldn't happen; but I'd somehow love to see RVD in a top promotion - I think that'd be so much fun to play around with.

    There's no reason he couldn't, it's not like he wouldn't leave NWA:MC. RVD would probably be a good choice to move up to RFP, or perhaps even Calgary. He'd make a nice addition to the main event scene in either promotion. Or possibly Memphis, which could do with someone that isn't a Lawler or Jarrett at the top >_>.

    Also, three words - Steven Regal Push.

    edit: Also I'm not sure how much I like Austin not being the one to take down Lesnar. I'd have liked to have seen Austin beat him in a straight match at Starrcade 08, then drop the title to Orton somewhere down the line. Would Randy be using the Legend Killer gimmick or the Pyscho one he has going on now? I'd hope he's not a face.

    Orton's iDOM history is that he's trouble backstage, and spent much of 2008 in rehab for drug problems. The typical "had everything handed to him" dickhead. However after returning from rehab and cleaning up his act a bit, RFP has fully gotten behind him. He's a heel, and a dick one at that still.

    The title line was supposed to represent a year long feud between Lesnar and Austin. Austin hands Lesnar his first loss, but it's by disqualification at WCCW's Pay Per View on March 22nd. Then, in a rematch at the NWA Anniversary Show, Austin is finally able to hand Lesnar his first pinfall loss and take the strap. However, Rhodes and Company the very next night have arranged for a rematch which Lesnar wins to take the title back. In order to get another shot Austin is forced to win the World War 3 Interpromotional Battle Royal - which he only co-wins when he and Orton are eliminated at the same time. Thus it sets up the three way for Starrcade in which Austin should finally be able to have his day in the sun, only for Orton to sneak away with the title. Orton's push is supposed to be a forced push to the top and not liked when by all means Starrcade should have saw the real feud ending match between Austin and Lesnar with Steve finally getting his reign.

    Federación de Mexicano Lucha Libre? What has happened to Imperio De Lucha Azteca?

    Also, I would think that if TWE are to bloster their ranks Rocky Johnson Jnr, Bob Sapp and Carlos Colon Jnr should be involved.

    Ah yes that reminds me, ILA is still ILA. Only in 2010 the company has become a much more American/Lucha hybrid as Konnan feels that is the path to finally attain the NWA Title for ILA. FMLL is a new Mexican Promotion focused on more traditional Lucha Libre, while ILA has began to prominently feature foreigners like AJ Styles, Jack Evans, and other American Juniors.

  10. While not complete, or set in stone by any means, this was the working timeline for the belt in 2008:

    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    2008 Timeline



    New Japan Pro Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Yuji Nagata


    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Cody Rhodes


    Championship Wrestling from Florida

    Brock Lesnar defeated Carlos Colon Jr.




    Honolulu Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Ron Simmons


    Honolulu Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Bob Saap


    Calgary Stampede and The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA Canadian Classic)

    Brock Lesnar defeated Lance Storm




    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Steve Austin defeated Brock Lesnar via Disqualification (Lesnar Retains)




    NWA: United Kingdon

    Brock Lesnar defeated Johnny Moss


    NWA: United Kingdon

    Brock Lesnar defeated Doug Williams


    Ric Flair Promotions

    Brock Lesnar defeated Brent Albright


    Australian National Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Blakestone


    Explosive Pro Wrestling (Australia)

    Brock Lesnar defeated Jag




    Memphis Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Jeff Jarrett


    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Kevin Vegas




    Big Time Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Judas Diabolos


    NWA Anniversary Show

    Steve Austin defeated Brock Lesnar


    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Steve Austin




    The Great American Bash

    Brock Lesnar defeated Sting




    Federación de Mexicano Lucha Libre

    Brock Lesnar defeated Blue Demon Jr.


    Federación de Mexicano Lucha Libre

    Brock Lesnar defeated Vampiro


    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Mean Mark Callous


    Championship Wrestling from Florida

    Brock Lesnar defeated Dean Malenko




    Calgary Stampede

    Brock Lesnar defeated Sexton Hardcastle


    NWA: Motor City

    Brock Lesnar defeated Rob Van Dam




    Honolulu Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Hernandez


    Memphis Championship Wrestling and The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA World War III)

    Brock Lesnar defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi


    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Cactus Jack




    World Class Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Rocky Johnson Jr.


    Eastern Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated 2 Cold Scorpio




    Calgary Stampede

    Brock Lesnar defeated Harry Smith


    Federación de Mexicano Lucha Libre

    Brock Lesnar defeated Ultimo Guerrero


    Memphis Championship Wrestling

    Brock Lesnar defeated Sid Justice


    NWA Starrcade '08

    Randy Orton defeated Brock Lesnar and Steve Austin

    *Orton and Austin were the final two men in the World War 3 Battle Royal, and eliminated one another at the same time. Both men then got the title shot, making it a 3 Way against Lesnar at Starrcade. Orton pins Austin in the match.

    Personally - and I know that this is going to be a bit out of left field to a degree - but I'd love to see the AWA managing to rise up a little bit at least from where they were in 2008, maybe by having Swagger on their roster and a couple other guys. Rebuild the company around people like Swagger, Tomko, a couple other brawlers (Zeke, maybe?) and Corino, so you have less emphasis on people like Valentine and the Patriot. Maybe have them steal a couple of guys from Golden West Wrestling too - Morishima in AWA would be cool to see, I think.

    My plans for the AWA in 2010 were a merger between Smoky Mountain Wrestling and the AWA, in hopes of giving AWA a little more credibility with a deeper roster and a guy like James Cornette helping their cause.

  11. I would really love to see someone book TWE without any roster additions, I really would. When I was thinking about updating iDOM for '09 I had a timeline mapped out of Lesnar's year with the title. I think a timeline of the defenses and title changes would work great for the main titles. Also, since I have Indesign, I'm thinking a magazine will be released with this version much like the NWA Handbook was released with the last one.

  12. Here's the deal - I purchased TEW 2010 about two weeks ago and try as I might, I can not for the life of me get into the Cornellverse. At all. So my solution is simple - update iDOM for TEW 2010. I know there's A LOT of Domers who play iDOM so what I'm asking here is simple. What do you want to see in the next update (for TEW 10)? In '08 we saw that TWE had a Main Event Roster that was dated and frustrating to book. How do you want to see that fixed? I'm open to all ideas - remember this is iDOM two years later.

  13. Dear John ***1/2 out of *****

    I find it crazy all of the hate that this one has been getting. I understand it isn't at The Notebook level as far as Sparks' books turned movies, but I found the movie perfectly acceptable and rather enjoyable. I guess a lot of the hate comes from readers of the book who complained that the movie "changed too much," but I always ask to anyone who expects a line for line book to movie adaptation, "Why would you want to see that if you've already read it?" I live next to an army base myself, so I've seen a lot of the soldier/girlfriend relationship evolve/dissolve after deployment. I thought the movie was a decent enough case study about a relationship and its hardships when the two people have to be apart for an extended period of tie and how much can actually change.

    I personally loved the fact that the letter recited in the beginning about how when John was shot he talked about thinking of coins, and that the last thing he thought about before he lost consciousness was "you," with "you" turning out that he wasn't talking about Savannah after all and that the letter in the beginning was to his father. It made me happy because after the shit deal he was handed by her, the movie ended being more about the relationship with him and his father instead. The part where he was in the hospital reading his letter to his father really had me chocking up.

    There were some negative things. For one, nobody would be as generous with the money from his father's coin collection going to her husband after the deal he was dealt while overseas. I don't care if he realized her life turned out to be shit. Most soldiers I know of would come home and kill the bastard, not help extend his life. The ending I wasn't fond of either with the both of them meeting up again, and with everything seeming perfect.

  14. Daybreakers * out of *****

    Awful, awful execution of a pretty damn good idea. I went in expecting big things from this one considering that the trailor really looked absolutely bad ass, but instead all I got was a bunch of WALKING to start off that really only lent itself to showing the style of clothes people were wearing. The movie dragged and dragged and was far too gorey for no reason. Seriously it felt like I was in the theater for for hours and I wanted to leave after the first twenty minutes.

    The Lovely Bones ***1/2 out of *****

    I didn't get to hear everything because a buddy of mine likes to TALK a lot during movies. It was pretty good, and fucked up at the same time.

    The Book of Eli **** out of *****

    Awesome, awesome fight scenes and the film had a great look. I thought all of the acting was performed rather brilliantly. I'm going to see this one again.

    Sherlock Holmes **** out of *****

    I greatly enjoyed this one, probably one of the most fun films I've watched in a very long time. I also loved the slow motion parts.

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