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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. Keep in mind that Stampede also has a developmental promotion in Alberta Championship Wrestling (Where I'd planned on having Matthews), so while some workers haven't made the active roster yet, that doesn't mean they're not associated with Stampede.

    EDIT: The roster size and spots are in check with what TEW is telling me that the promotions need. That way there aren't a huge number of mass releases at the start of the game. So there are limited roster spots available.

  2. NWA Calgary Stampede 2010 Roster


    NWA World Tag Team Champions: "The Calgary Bulldogs," Harry Smith and TJ Wilson

    NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion: "The Rated-R Rockstar" Sexton Hardcastle

    NWA British Commonwealth Champion: "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus

    NWA Canadian Women's Champion: Nattie Neidhart

    NWA Canadian Tag Team Champions: "The International Currency Exchange," Ted DiBiase Jr. and Claudio Castagnolli

    Main Eventers:

    Chavo Guerrero Jr. [F]

    "The Canadian Crippler" Chris Benoit [F]

    Lance Storm [F]

    Nigel McGuinness [H]

    'The Rated-R Rockstar" Sexton Hardcastle [H]

    "The Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri [H]

    Upper Midcarders:

    Andrew "ATM" Martin [H]

    Carlos Colon Jr. [F]

    "The Innovator of Offense" Chris Kanyon [H]

    "The Pukka One" Darren Burridge [F]

    Doug Williams [H]

    'The Calgary Bulldog' Harry Smith (David Hart Smith) [F]

    Joe E. Legend [H]

    Kimo (Rosey) [H]

    O.G. Ekmo (Umaga) [H]

    "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus [H]

    'The Crown Prince of Stampede' TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd) [F]


    "The Sicilian Shooter" Anthony Carelli (Santino Marella) [F]

    Claudio Castagnolli [H]

    Frankie 'The Future' Kazarian [F]

    Nattie Neidhart [F]

    Ted DiBiase Jr. [H]

    Teddy Hart [F]

    Lower Midcarders:

    Gail Kim [F]

    Nikki Roxx [H]

    Traci Brooks [F]

    Wade Barrett [F]


    Portia Perez [H]

    Rain [H]

    "Textbook" Tyson Dux [H]


    Alex Plesis [F]

    Chance Beckett [F]


    Belle Lovitz [F]

    Jade Chung [H]


    Bret 'Hitman' Hart


    Brian Pillman [F]

    Don Callis [F]

    Owen Hart [H]

    Mike Sanders [H]


    Chad Patton [F]

    Jimmy Korderea [F]

    Road Agents:

    Davey Boy Smith [F]

    Jim Neidhart [F]

    Backstage Workers:

    Bruce Hart [F]


    The Calgary Bulldogs: Harry Smith, TJ Wilson, Nattie Neidhart

    The International Currency Exchange: Andrew 'ATM' Martin, Ted DiBiase, Claudio Castagnoli, Jade Chung

    Tag Teams:

    "The Calgary Bulldogs" Harry Smith and TJ Wilson [F]

    "The Island Gangstas' Ekmo and Kimo [H]

    "The Filth and The Future" Teddy Hart and Frankie Kazarian [F]

    "The International Currency Exchange" Ted DiBiase and Claudio Castagnolli [H]

    "The Legends of The Fall" Joe E. Legend and Chris Kanyon [H]

  3. Nope, Los Angeles was kicking around in 08 with the likes of Hardy, Booker T, Killings and Cena as their top guys. Project X is a rebranded Los Angeles ran by Cena and Lizzy Borden (who pretty much brought about the end of the Black owned LA when their affair became public.) Project X has a much more modern, cutting edge feel and less of an emphasis on deathmatch wrestling.

  4. Gone in 2010:

    - Smoky Mountain Wrestling

    - Golden West Wrestling

    - Vancouver Championship Wrestling

    - Big Time Wrestling

    - Xtreme Fight Club

    - NWA: Los Angeles

    New to 2010: (So Far)

    - Chikara

    - NWA New York (TWE Developmental)

    - Texas Championship Wrestling (WCCW Developmental)

    - Alberta Championship Wrestling (Calgary Stampede Developmental)

    - Project X

    - NWA: UK

    - NWA international (Small European promotion)

    - Federacion de Mexicano Lucha Libre

    - Pro Wrestling Zero 1

    - New Japan Pro Wrestling

    - All Japan Pro Wrestling

    As always any suggestions are both encouraged and welcome. Especially in the International and developmental scenes.

  5. Another Promotion completed in accordance to TEW roster requirements, I expect we may get a diary or two out of this promotion this go around. Introducing the new american Wrestling Association after a merger of AWA/SMW...



    'The All-American' Jake Hager (Jack Swagger) [H] =0= AWA World Heavyweight Champion

    Jerry Lynn [F]

    Sean Waltman [H]

    'King of Old School' Steve Corino [F]


    'Mr. Wrestling III' John Walters [H]

    Takeshi Morishima [H]

    Tomko [F]

    'The Long Island Loudmouth' Zack Ryder [H]


    '60 Second Assassin' Andy Douglas [F]

    Curt Hawkins [H]

    'Krazy K' Kirby Mack [F]

    'New Generation Ace' Ricky Landell [F] =0= AWA World Light Heavyweight Champion


    Caylen Croft [H] =0= AWA World Tag Team Champion

    Keith Walker [H]

    Mike Taylor [F]

    TJ Mack [F]

    Trent Baretta [H] =0= AWA World Tag Team Champion


    Rasche Brown [H]


    Chase Del Monte [F]

    Authority Figure:

    Larry Zbyszko [F]


    Tracy Taylor [F]

    Joey Eastman [H]


    Kenny Bolin [H]

    Color Commentator:

    Jim Cornette [F]


    Bill Clark [F]

    Road Agents:

    Greg Valentine [F]

    Backstage Worker:

    Greg Gagne [F]

    Manager/ Client Pairings:

    Joey Eastman - John Walters, Rasche Brown, Keith Walker

    Tracy Taylor - Mike Taylor

    Tag Teams:

    The Skull Crushers - Rashe Brown and Keith Walker

    The Lords of Long Island - Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins *Semi-Active

    The Dude Busters - Caylen Croft and Trent Baretta

    The Throwbacks - Steve Corino and Ricky Landell *Semi-Active

    Team Macktion - Kirby Mack and TJ Mack

    • Like 1
  6. Okay, since I figured it would be the hardest to do while appeasing the fans of the scenario I figured I'd spend a lot of time tweaking TWE and getting it to fit TEW's demands while staying TWE in flavor (yet being a bit more fleshed out than the original roster.) Let me know what you guys think:




    Batista (F)

    Chris Mordetzky [H]

    Glenn Goodnight (Kane) [H]

    Jean Paul Levesque (Triple H) [H]

    Nero (Jeff Hardy) [F] =0= TWE Heavyweight Champion

    Shawn Michaels [F]


    'Custom' Chucky P (Chuck Palumbo) [H]

    Fertig (Kevin Thorne) [H]

    Great Wight (Big Show) [F]

    John Hennigan [H]

    Matt Morgan [H]

    Melina Perez [H]

    Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) [F]

    'The French Phenom' Rene Dupree [H] =0= TWE East Coast Champion

    The Great Singh (Khali) [F]

    The Miz [H]


    Brian Kendrick [F] =0= TWE Tag Team Champion

    Joey Malibu (Joey Mercury) [H]

    Maryse [H]

    Paul London [F] =0= TWE Tag Team Champion

    Scotty BOOM BOOM (Colt Cabana) [F]

    The Con-Man (Rob Conway) [H]


    Alexis Laree (Mickie James) [F] =0= NWA World Women's Champion

    Big Shad (Shad Gaspard) [F]

    Candice Michelle [F]

    JTG [F]

    Matt Jackson [H]

    Nick Jackson [H]

    Nidia [F]


    Angelina Williams [H]

    Jessica Dalton (ODB) [F]

    Kizarny [H]

    Talia Sky (Velvet Sky) [H]


    The Grappler (Drew Gulak) [F]

    The Highlander (Robbie McAllister) [H]


    Ashley Massaro [F]

    Daffney [H]

    Miss Jackie [H]


    Michael Cole [F]

    Steve Romero [F]

    Color Commentator:

    Vince McMahon [F]

    Scott Hall [H]


    Jack Doan

    Mickie Henson

    Road Agent:

    Tom Pritchard

    Pat Patterson

    Backstage Worker

    Brian Gewirtz [F]

    Shane McMahon [F]

    Stephanie McMahon [H]


    The New Millenium Rockers (London and Kendrick)

    The Brood (Matt & Nick Jackson)

    Planet Hollywood (Joey Malibu and John Hennigan) *semi active

    Cryme Tyme (Big Shad and JTG)

    Genetically Wonderful (Matt Morgan and Chris Mordetsky)

    The Titan Towers (Great Wight and Giant Singh)

    The In Crowd (Angelina Williams and Talia Sky)


    The Brood: Kevin Fertig, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson

    Manager Client Pairings:

    Ashley Massaro - Paul London and Brian Kendrick

    Daffney - Kizarny

    Maryse - Rene Dupree

    Melina - John Hennigan and Joey Malibu

    Miss Jackie - Matt Morgan

  7. I see people asking for too many names and tag teams and relationships, and then the game won't work properly. Are you working on the May or April update?

    Won't work properly? How?

    -Rocky Johnson & Peter Maivia aren't related. Rocky married Peter's daughter and was trained by him but they aren't related

    Have you not noticed how long it takes the game to go through an enormous relationship file at start up?

  8. Just wanted to say thanks for this update guys. I'm playing a TNA post Lockdown game right now and haven't really had any gripes with the data so far. I appreciate you guys putting the work into this.

    EDIT: From Wiki: "Veronika Vice (born 1984) is a Canadian professional wrestler. After starting training in November 2005 and formally debuting in February 2006, Vice began regularly wrestling for Shimmer Women Athletes and NWA: Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling, where she has held the SuperGirls Championship three times."

    It says she's 30 in the game, so her b-day needs to be changed to 1984, and her nationality to Canadian.

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