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Posts posted by IDOL

  1. Having gotten fed up with other resource sites and their inability to keep up with the updates to TEW 2005 now that it's freeware, I made my own - I give to you, EWWAREHOUSE.INFO. I've already included all of TheWho87 and cpt. charisma's monthly updates, as well as many others that have been floating around. If you know of any others, or you have a website you want to advertise for free on there, send me a pm or email ewwarehouse at the address on the contact page.

    • Like 7
  2. In total agreement about Franklin, between him and Lafayette, Tara is somewhat standable now. This episode really picked up for me, and turned things a bit. After seeing the Viking Crown, do Eric and Bill team up to take down The King of Mississippi or what? I thought this season thus far had been a little too slow, but after this episode I'm pretty excited to see what is going to happen.

  3. I don't think it's really a case of Bill giving up though. It's obvious that the only reason he's going along with this whole thing is to keep Sookie from experiencing the same kind of pain his wife had went through. Then again, having sex with Lorraina sort of complicates that - extreme neck trauma or not.

  4. The werewolves for me were the most interesting part, and I'm actually glad they went with the whole real wolves thing. For one, the show was very specific about how it showed the Maenad last season, making sure it hadn't exposed too much of the physical beast in order to give it a realistic effect. Werewolves of the classic nature are so hard to pull off. Even in Underworld, which were some of my favorite movies - you still had to really stretch to believe that those werewolves looked convincingly real because they didn't. With werewolves just being wolves that run in a pack and Sam's disgust of them as mentioned last season, I'm really intrigued by how all of that will tie into each other. What's the difference between werewolves and shifters? Why are werewolves such "disgusting creatures" if they pretty much do what Sam does anyway and turn into dogs?

    I'm still completely uninterested in anything involving Tara/her mother. I love Lafayette's role, but hate that it's constantly dragged into Tara's ridiculous drama. Hopefully Tara ODs for reals and we don't have to see her again. :shifty:

  5. It will certainly be helpful in terms of the International promotions, as I know NOTHING about Japan, Europe and Great Britain. I'll be the first to admit that. So certainly, suggest away (or even come up with suggested feds/rosters) for the international ones if you'd like. I have taken note of your previous suggestions a couple pages back too.

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