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Posts posted by IDOL


    In the year 2000 no one one star in professional wrestling shined brighter than "Superstar" Steve Austin. First rising to stardom in the early '90s as a NWA World Tag Team Champion alongside Brian Pillman, by 2000 Austin had landed a few roles in Hollywood movies and television shows that saw him change his on-screen persona from a brash redneck, to an overconfident wanna be movie star. His act and star power became so popular that by December he topped Paul Wight to become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Austin's reign lasted nearly a year before tragedy struck in October of 2001 when he was involved in a head on collision while traveling home. Many thought it was the end of the road for "The Superstar."

    Nearly seven years later, after spending almost three away from the wrestling industry to recover from his injuries, Austin once again found himself as one of the hottest acts in all of the NWA. Wanting the title back that he rightfully had never lost would be a huge task however - as it was held by the undefeated Brock Lesnar.

    In their first encounter in March 2008, at World Class Championship Wrestling's "WrestleWar" pay per view, Austin took Lesnar to the limit - literally like no man had ever done before. Austin, in many's eyes even had the behemoth Lesnar pinned following his Lights, Camera, Action! finishing maneuver, but the referee was down and unable to make the count. Following mis-communication between the referee and Austin, Lesnar was able to nail "The Superstar" with the F-5 and retain his championship. However, Lesnar knew full well how much of a threat Austin truly presented to his reign atop the NWA.

    In order to receive another shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Austin found himself with the monumental task of winning an NWA-wide inter-promotional sixty man (two ring) Battle Royal at the NWA World War III Pay Per View in October. Had it not been for RFP's Randy Orton, that mission would have been a complete success. In a way it was, as Orton charged at "The Superstar" with a lariat that sent both men tumbling over the top ropes, and out to the arena floor. Surrounded in controversy over the next few weeks as to just who won the match, President JJ Dillon decreed that both Austin and Orton were eliminated at the same time, and therefor both would receive the title shot at Starrcade.

    To many fans, Orton's sudden push, and involvement in the Austin/Lesnar feud was frustrating. Not only for the fact that Orton had been a troubled member of the Ric Flair Promotions roster who had a checkered past with drug abuse, but for the fact that many saw Starrcade as the ultimate place for Austin to finally unseat the monstrous Lesnar for the title - without anyone else in the match (much less someone deemed unworthy of the push to begin with.)

    The fans may not have liked it, but Starrcade went ahead with the Triple Threat Main Event for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Orton worked much of the match as a weasel heel, moving in and outside of the ring "choosing" the time to get involved when it was to his benefit. Austin and Lesnar on the other hand chose to tear into one another, with their near year long rivalry coming to a head. In the end, the fans got what they paid to see - A Lights, Camera, Action! to both Orton and eventually Lesnar, who Austin pinned (giving him his first pinfall loss in the process) to complete his seven year journey back to the top of the mountain as NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

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    With the NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title, and top prize in all of RFP having been retired following Starrcade 2008, a brand new title was created in the RFP Heavyweight Championship to be claimed as the top prize in all of Ric Flair Promotions. A tournament to crown its first champion was announced in the weeks leading up to the Bunkhouse Stampede '09 where in one night, eight men vied for the coveted new belt. In the first round, Finlay made his last RFP appearance before heading overseas as he put over then United States Champion Brent Albright who forced the"Fighting Irishman" into submission with an armbar. The cocky Mr. Anderson, who had a cup of coffee as Mid-Atlantic Champion in the past, a mere two weeks as champion before dropping the belt to Jericho was successful in his bout against Marcus Bagwell. Chris Jericho, fresh off of his victory over Sting at Starrcade pinned Lord Steven Regal in one of his final RFP appearances as well. Lastly, Playas Club members MVP and Elijah Burke faced off, with Burke getting the best of his tag team partner and former United States Champion.

    In the second round of the tournament, Mr. Anderson used brass knuckles to knock out Brent Albright, and Jericho forced Elijah Burke to submit to the Lion Tamer. With Jericho vs. Anderson lined up for the finals of the tournament, many expected a great bout to cap off the evening. What they got instead was the brash Anderson attacking Jericho brutally with a steel chair before he could even make his entrance into the ring. With the match not even having started, Mr. Anderson performed a near eight minute beating with a chair to Jericho before rolling him into the ring. Once both men stepped foot in the squared circle, the bell rang and much to Mr. Anderson's surprise, Jericho had fight left in him. But it wouldn't be enough, as Anderson's attack proved to be too much and Mr. Anderson hit his trademark "Mic-Check" on Jericho to pin him and become RFP's first Heavyweight Champion.

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    Curtain call for "The Stinger."

    For years, "When is Sting going to hang up the boots for good?," has been the question on many a mind. Well, that question was answered at Starrcade '08 when "The Icon" wrestled what he promised would be his final bout against Chris Jericho for the NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship. Jericho, who had defeated Sting for the title back in November of 2007 at the NWA Anniversary Show (before losing it to Lord Steven Regal in February of '08, and winning it back from Mr. Anderson in August) had been hand picked by Sting in the lead up to Starrcade, and put over by the legendary competitor as the future NWA World Champion. When the two met in the center of the ring at "The Grandaddy of' em all," the crowd reaction was phenomenal. In the end, after each man had taken one another's finishing maneuvers a number of times each, Jericho countered a final Scorpion Death-Drop attempt and delivered a running enziguri to the head of the legendary star. Before connecting with The Lionsault off of the ropes, Jericho seemed to be conflicted as Sting lied on the mat, as if he didn't want to put Sting away - but connect with the move, Jericho did - and it was lights out in the career of "The Stinger." After the match, Sting presented Jericho with the Mid-Atlantic Title, and the two embraced in the center of the ring before Jericho insisted that Sting take possession of the title belt, and walked away giving "The Icon" one last interaction with the fans who had followed his career and adored him for years. Shortly after Starrcade, RFP announced that they had retired the NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title - and named Sting as the "Immortal Holder" of the belt.

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  4. Yeah, I've never actually played a fantasy scenario before but I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying these little news stories and how much its actually compelling me to play this when it comes out. I'm really enjoying seeing how this world shaped out with not only the obvious surprises of who competes where but also some smaller surprises like Randy Savage being married to Miss Jackie (Gayda or Miss Texas/Jacqueline?), Cena hooking up with Lizzy Borden, and Art Barr being alive (that may have made me happiest of all). It has me really wondering how other stuff shaped out from pretty obvious major questions like "What's Vince McMahon doing?" or "How deceased legends like Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero have shaped out?" to some relatively smaller ones of personal interest like "I wonder what the state of women's wrestling is?" or "I wonder where AJ Styles is?"

    If you're new to iDOM, you might enjoy The iDOM WIKI starting with THIS ARTICLE. :)


    When TWE's Matt Morgan began calling himself "Macho" Matt Morgan, and using many of the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion and TWE commentator's trademark mannerisms, it was mildly sarcastic, but truthfully a bit amusing. When he invaded the home of "The Macho Man," and stole some of Savage's trademark costumes, it seemed as though Morgan may have been a bit disturbed or obsessed. When he revealed that he had taken Savage's wife, Miss Jackie, who outted her husband in favor of Morgan and "done the dirty," it meant war. A high profile feud with a wrestling legend like Savage was obviously used by TWE staff as a way to get Morgan over and into the limelight. The highly "soap opera" feel of the feud was by far and away one of the more entertaining in the company as it built to its biggest show of the year, Clash of the Titans. It was there that "The Battle of the Macho Men" came to a close with Miss Jackie inadvertabtly slapping the taste out of Morgan's mouth with a shot meant for her estranged husband, leading to the legendary Savage Piledriving Morgan into defeat in a feel good moment for everyone (not named Matt Morgan or Miss Jackie).

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    In October of 2008 a sixty man, two ring battle royal would decide who would receive an NWA World Heavyweight Title shot at Starrcade against Brock Lesnar at the newly relaunched NWA Supershow, World War III. After nearly an hour and a half, the final four was reached with WCCW's Superstar Steve Austin and Mean Mark Callus alongside TWE's Jean Paul Levesque and in a bit of a surprise, RFP's up and coming star, Randy Orton. In the next fifteen minutes, Callus would be eliminated by JPL and Austin countered a Pedigree attempt by JPL with an elimination over the top rope via back body drop. That meant the match was down to Steve Austin, and Randy Orton who had spent the entire match ducking opponents and laying low. Surely Austin, the only logical challenger to Lesnar and the man who rightfully should receive the rematch would win right? Not exactly. To many's surprise (or perhaps, despise) Orton charged Austin with a running lariat that sent both men over the top rope and out to the floor. The question was, whose feet hit the floor first? That was a question left unanswered as the WWIII Pay Per View left the air in chaos. That chaos would be settled over the course of the next month as Austin, Lesnar, and Orton made cross promotional appearances in both WCCW and RFP until NWA President JJ Dillion decreed that both men were eliminated at the same time - and both would receive the title shot, making Starrcade's Main Event of 2008 Austin vs. Orton vs. Lesnar for the NWA Title.

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    LA's Most Hated Man?

    French novelist and playwright Honore de Balzac once quipped, “Love is a game in which one always cheats.” Ever controversial, NWA Los Angeles had a "wild" 2008 - and that's just putting it mildly. Forget about the disturbing death matches, crude storylines and scantily clad women - 2008 for NWA Los Angeles will always be remembered for the real life soap opera that transcribed during the year. John Cena was just a fresh faced newcomer who had only been wrestling a year or two in non televised matches for some of the NWA's bigger promotions when he was discovered by Rob Black outside of a bar in California. Black, the notorious pornographer and owner of NWA Los Angeles liked the looks of the muscled up newcomer, but knew he had something when he witnessed Cena "battle rap" with another guy outside of the club. That instance sparked a gimmick that the Los Angeles crowd would despise as John Cena - the rapping, wanna-be-black, white guy hit the ring for the company some few weeks later. The crowd proverbally "shit" all over Cena as he got under their skin with intentionally terrible rhymes, but some how and some way - perhaps it was his willingness to absorb increasing amounts of violence, Cena evolved and won the notoriously hard LA crowd over. Turning face in 2006, the crowd cheered him on as one of their own as he defeated Booker T for the Los Angeles Heavyweight Title. The former rapping white guy had become the serious, battle tested LA Hero who had worked his way to the top from the very bottom.

    Not only did Cena defend his title, he took on all comers from Deathmatch specialist Supreme, to grizzled veteran Tracy Smothers and even rising star Matt "M-Dogg 20" Cross. But, an announcement made in April would rock the company. Rob Black had filed for divorce from his long-time wife Lizzy Borden. The reason? Lizzy had been having an affair with none other than NWA Los Angeles Heavyweight Champion himself, John Cena. With the majority of Los Angeles' crowd support coming from the internet "smart mark" crowd, there was little Cena could do about his real life love affair becomming public knowledge and with the crowd taking Black's side on the matter he had become LA's most hated man overnight. As Black distanced himself from the company, Borden - who also owned a share of the promotion remained onscreen in an active role. At the "Devil May Care" event in May of 2008, John Cena and Lizzy Borden officially joined together on screen after Borden helped Cena retain the Los Angeles Heavyweight Title over Jeff Hardy. The two cut a vicious promo ripping on Rob Black, and the entire NWA:LA locker room before declaring themselves the "Power Couple" of the company.

    Ironic it seemed, that the first Los Angeles show to feature an NWA World Heavyweight Title defense (Brock Lesnar defeated NWA:LA's Booker T) would be the last in the company's history, because after Devil May Care ended, NWA Los Angeles went dark for two months. As things between Borden and Black heated up in the divorce hearings, some of the promotion's biggest names began to feel that the company was a "sinking ship" and left for greener pastures. Those names included Homicide, Booker T, and Jeff Hardy who had already informed the office that he'd signed with TWE prior to Devil May Care.

    Come August, it became clear just what was in store for the promotion when it was announced that Borden had come out of the divorce not only with her half of the company, but a large share of Black's Extreme Associates Company as well. Black, wanting to "wash his hands" of Professional Wrestling would sell his remaining share of NWA:LA to longtime booker Kevin Kleinrock. Rob Black was out of NWA Los Angeles, but he wouldn't be alone. With him went the NWA Los Angeles name as well.

    In August of 2008. NWA:LA was left behind, and the promotion was relaunched as the brand new Project X. Separating itself from the gritty, underground image the NWA:LA thrived on, Project X claimed to be the "cutting edge" of professional wrestling. Out of the immediate future were the blood laden Death Matches, and the King of the Deathmatch Title belt - instead the company would focus on a once a year Death Match tournament, making it a special attraction. Hype videos began to air promising that the promotion's relaunch would come not with a whimper, but a bang.

    And a "bang" indeed came as "Regeneration," Project X's return event saw Project X Heavyweight Champion John Cena with Lizzy Borden in his corner defeated Ron Killings in a match that saw Kaos run in and lend Cena a helping hand. However, the real shocker came when former NWA World Tag Team Champions The Dudley Boys made their Project X debut, helping Cena retain his title and put Killings through a table. Afterwards, Cena, Borden, Kaos and The Dudley's joined hands forming a union that would become known as "Club X," ushering in a new era of wrestling in Los Angeles.

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    AWA World Champion Jake Hager.

    In an effort to conserve independent wrestling, two of the oldest operating "indies" joined forces in early 2009 as Jim Cornette's SMW was absorbed into the AWA. The "All-New AWA" boasted that it had the only other legitimate claim at a "World Title" in North America, and one of the most talented rosters of veteran stars and young up and comers. Their most impressive up and comer of all seems to be a former Oklahoma State Collegiate All-American by the name of Jake Hager who defeated Jerry Lynn for the AWA World Title in August of '09 and has dubbed himself "The Face of the New AWA."

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    Even the wrestling industry wasn't spared by the crippling effects of the slumping US Economy in 2008, and no promotions were hit harder than those who operated independently - with the California based G2W, and New York's ESP finding themselves six feet under before the calender had even flipped over the first six months of the year. After over ten years in business, lowering gate totals and the failing health of Paul Orndorff would also bring an end to Championship Wrestling UNLEASHED who held their final event in December. Even NWA affiliation couldn't get a "get out of jail free card" for a wrestling organization. Big Time Wrestling, Art Barr's Lucha Libre in USA attempt was written off as a failure shortly after 2008 ended, and Barr returned to Mexico's ILA where he resumed his booking position.

    XFC, Dana White's NWA Sanctioned "Wrestling Meets MMA" organization finished up its run in October of the year. Continuing pressure from an unhappy ZUFFA (UFC's parent company), and MMA fans world-wide who voiced their displeasure in the UFC President being involved in a pro wrestling company finally lead to some of the UFC's main sponsors threatening to pull out of the company. That was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" for the Xtreme Fight Club with White putting the company to bed for good. British import Paul Burchill would be the last XFC Champion, and signed on with RFP shortly thereafter.

    NWA Motor City, though still hanging in, was dealt devastating blow after devastating blow as top talents such as The Murder City Machine Guns, Chris Candido, Bobby Roode, Revolution X, and Raven left the promotion over payment disputes. Even Sabu's best friend, Rob Van Dam would leave the company for greener pastures, and a bigger pay day in Memphis Championship Wrestling.

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    VCW Owner Dave Republic.

    The wrestling industry was shocked when news broke in May of 2008 that Vancouver Championship Wrestling owner Dave Teixeira (Dave Republic) was arrested (and later indicted) by Canadian law enforcement agencies on grounds of involvement with a British Columbian drug ring. Republic, who had been involved with the NWA in some way, shape, and form since the late 90's had been distributing hard drugs including cocaine and heroin alongside many of the owners of the night clubs that the VCW Promotion had regularly performed shows out of. The whole fiasco would lead to the closing of the touted "Land of the Junior Heavyweights," and the former VCW talent finding work elsewhere within the NWA.

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  11. With iDOM 2010 being in the testing stages, and only a few weeks away from being released to the public, I figured I'd use this thread to give everyone a little taste of what they're in store for when I release the full TEW 2005 mod. This thread will include the top news stories articles that I plan on releasing with the updates "NWA Handbook" that will be included with the mod. So without further adieu, the first teaser/update...



    CM Punk celebrates NWA World

    Junior Heavyweight Title Win.

    It was a case of extreme paradox in Chicago this mild March night as CM Punk, the reigning WCW Champion was jeered mercilessly by his hometown crowd as he put that championship on the line and lost it to Chris Hero at WCW's biggest event of the year. The crowd took delight in the fact that the bitter, and arrogant Punk had lost WCW's top prize to one of their favorite stars in Hero. However, as the show went on and approached the night's much anticipated Main Event of the evening, an NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship match that pitted reigning champion PAC against LOW-KI, things got strange. Moments prior to the start of the bout, Ace Steel took to the microphone and announced that travel issues had prevented LOW-KI from making it to the arena, and he wouldn't be able to receive his shot. There would however still be a title defense, Steel promised, and PAC's opponent turned out to be none other than "The Straight-Edge Savior" himself, CM Punk. As the match waged on, the crowd grew louder, and louder, until seemingly the entire occupancy of the arena was on the side of the man whom they'd just nearly jeered out of the building earlier in the show. Chicago had reclaimed CM Punk, and wanted nothing more than to see one of their own win World Championship Gold. And that he did, as a missed 450 splash from the champion was enough of an opening to allow Punk to scoop PAC onto his shoulders and finish him off with the GTS to win the World Junior Heavyweight Title. In a rare occurrence, Punk celebrated with the fans afterward.

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