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Skummy last won the day on September 24

Skummy had the most liked content!

About Skummy

  • Birthday 22/06/1987

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  • Pronouns
    He/Him, They/Them
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Hall Of Famer (12/12)



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  1. is contemplating a new diary solely to resurrect his favourite, but least developed, character "The Ghost Of Marlon Brando".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GA!


      Wasn't that the same fed with Bret Hart - woman beater?

    3. Lj.


      If you add a homosexual vampire, I'm in.

    4. Skummy


      I can't remember if that had woman-beating Bret Hart or not. It definitely had the world's dullest wrestler, who for some reason was called Captain Blowjob, OMG! One Man Gang and haxx0rz Jim Duggan, and Chavo Guerrero being afraid of text messages, though.

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