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Posts posted by TOG

  1. I thought that the females that were all rapped were from the front, in Christian's case, it would have to be from behind, and you'd think that he would have kinda been able to tell the differance, then again, I'm not sure about that. but if the carver comes from behind you, would you notice a strap-on? as far as we know, the carver doesn't take the time out to put the strap-on on?

    He parylized Christian immediately, and Christian was asleep.

    Christian wasn't asleep during the rap, none of the Carver's victims are. He parylizes them yes, but he does it so they are awake, while he does his thing. That's why Christian was so emotional about it, because he had to lay there while he was rapped, and carved.

  2. I thought that the females that were all rapped were from the front, in Christian's case, it would have to be from behind, and you'd think that he would have kinda been able to tell the differance, then again, I'm not sure about that. but if the carver comes from behind you, would you notice a strap-on? as far as we know, the carver doesn't take the time out to put the strap-on on?

    He parylized Christian immediately, and Christian was asleep.

  3. I thought that the females that were all rapped were from the front, in Christian's case, it would have to be from behind, and you'd think that he would have kinda been able to tell the differance, then again, I'm not sure about that. but if the carver comes from behind you, would you notice a strap-on? as far as we know, the carver doesn't take the time out to put the strap-on on?

  4. Anyone ever heard of them? They do covers of pop songs. But it's not what you think. They do covers of pop songs... and turn them into death metal songs. They even make Baby One More Time listenable. Anyone have any songs by them?

    Any person okay at using a guitar and their own voice can do that.

  5. Pssh. Everyone cool who likes punk likes MCR and AFI. Post-Hardcore type shit has always been tossed in with Punk.

    And you make me chuckle. He's being a cock for the sake of it, yet you're playing with sub-genres in a topic about music you already claimed not to like much. It doesn't really matter how punk, or not punk, those bands are. I listed them because I am looking for new bands, and I like those bands.

    As for the whole "this is punk, this isn't punk" arguement, who gives a shit?

  6. Pssh. Everyone cool who likes punk likes MCR and AFI. Post-Hardcore type shit has always been tossed in with Punk.

    And you make me chuckle. He's being a cock for the sake of it, yet you're playing with sub-genres in a topic about music you already claimed not to like much. It doesn't really matter how punk, or not punk, those bands are. I listed them because I am looking for new bands, and I like those bands.

  7. Righto, so i've started to get really heavily into punk, but my usual contributors aren't around, so I need you guys to recommend bands. These are the bands i'm really digging at the moment:


    My Chemical Romance

    None More Black

    US Bombs

    The Clash


    Cheap Sex

    The Misfits


    Anti-Nowhere League

    So, barring the obvious suggestions and what I have there, suggest shit. I'll prolly dig all of it.

  8. I don't think it's the female cop. There are plenty of reasons for or against it being a female, so you can't really go on this, but the Carver IS built like a man. Regardless, the female cop seems too focused on justice, and determined to catch the carver. Also, though I haven't read it myself, the vast majority of people say that the creators have told us that the carver has been on the show in the past three episodes. The cop hasn't.

    Furthermore, i'm fairly certain it's going to be a character with a bigger role than what she's had. Frankly, I have no idea who it is, but i'm still leaning towards the AIDs chick. Gina or whatever.

  9. Because until the last episode, Julia has always been too fragile to be the carver, as is evident by her finding strength in the last episode.

    Matt is too confused and angsty, not to mention he had no motive when the carver attacks first began.

    They can't keep the Carver around forever, and to me Sean and Christian are the show. It can't function without the two of them.

    It's not Quinten, either, because he wasn't even in the same state when the attacks began.

  10. So, everyone 'round these parts seems to be a Fozzy fan. I have had their first album since it came out, always did dig it. Found it again yesterday and have been listening. Lots of cool, but what about the follow-ups? I've been lazy and haven't heard any of those, so do they sound the same? Different, but still good? Or is it all downhill from here?

  11. I am going with the AIDs chick. I forget'er name, but the Carver either had Christian's DNA or that cop chick planted it. I don't think she planted it, so that narrows down the choices a lot. The AIDs chick was never a major character and has since been made into one, but yet her character adds very little to the show. She's just kind of there. It would explain that. The creators have confirmed that it is a main character who has been on the show recently. That rules out Ava and lots of other chicks.

    The only thing that gets me is that she isn't built like a man. The carver has a manly build.

  12. Bumpin' this sexy ol' thang because of the new expansion coming out, and me wanting WoW-based discussion. Right now i'm playing a female troll warrior, level 33, on Maelstrom. What about you fellas?

    Who is getting the expansion? I'mma fucking despise Blood Elves within a week of it coming out.

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