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Posts posted by TOG

  1. I find it peculiar that Shelly did nothing to object to Dinero's claim, nor stop the fighting. That could have been completely unintentional on your part, or she could be manipulating both men to amuse herself. I'd actually bet that's what she is doing regardless.

    Nozawa and Mazada coming in was rather awesome. I've always like Nozawa.

    Machete going over Angel by referee decision was brilliant I think. If Dinero had to win at the XPW Arena show, this was a good way to ensure that Machete is still a badass, though the spot that put Angel out did seem a little unspectacular for XPW in text, but I think would translate fine in reality, if that makes sense.

    The Chetti/Credible bit seemed odd to me, if only because although he isn't new to XPW, this is the first time we've seen him in the month+ XPW has been open again, and he is fed to Credible. Iunno. I'm not familiar with Chetti's time in XPW, so I don't know how big of a player he was/how memorable the character was.

  2. That was fucking excellent. I am still chucking over "submission via Moonsault". I got the cheap ex-WWE star debut I wanted, and Michael's idea of feuding Jamal and SLAVE seems inevitable, which would turn out quite awesome I think.

    I'm quite into the Machete character, personally. I think he's one of the brightest points of shows, the only problem is it seems as though your roster is overflowing with badasses. You have Machete, SLAVE, Jamal, and to some extent Supreme and Dan Maff. It may be tough to book around.

    I liked the main event, I wasn't sure how Teddy Hart could possibly go over, but this continues to make the feud far more about GQ Money than Hart, which is a good thing.

    Looking forward to the XPW title tournament, though I have very little interest in the KOTD tourney. Hm.

  3. Dig it.

    I am loving Machete, he just seems to fit perfectly in the XPW atmosphere, and having Shelly Martinez around can never hurt, though I hope to see her be more than just a side attraction eventually.

    SLAVE seems kind of cheap to me, personally, since it's pretty much all but been done before, but I guess given more time to develop, the combination of this character and Lizzy lends itself to some pretty good XPW-style trash storylines.

    I LOVE the inclusion of Maff. I really liked the guy to begin with, prior to the blackballing, and putting him in the XPW environment lends itself to a lot of fun ideas.

    I'm not sure what to think of Teddy Hart in XPW yet, but his promo on the last XPW TV was hilarious. Nice work on that.

    I also like the format of brief XPW TV recaps. With the show's sole intention being storyline development, and the wrestling never really being anything remarkable, it seems the ideal way to do it without the shows seeming stale. It also keeps this going, i'd imagine.

    The XPW Arena show doesn't seem to have anything spectacular lined up. Two squashes, a Teddy Hart/Kaos match (but i'm not sure how into the Hart character I am yet), a deathmatch with a seemingly obvious outcome, likewise for the TV title rematch. The Tag Title match seems as though it will be the most interesting part of the show, but i'm also expecting a random big debut or something else to grab my attention.

  4. I didn't like this show as much as your first. The Punk bit was great, better than the first week's, I thought. CW Anderson attacking Dreamer/Coming to Punk's aid is very interesting too.

    The Balls/Tanaka match was good, assuming you want to use Tanaka as a full-time character and he needed to redeem himself.

    The Trinity attack bit, i'm not sure on. Mostly for sentimental reasons, the angle was great, but I just wish it was somebody else getting put in this vampire story. Oh well.

    Justin Credible vs. Angle doesn't work for me. I know not everything can mirror real life, but even as someone who watched ECW, I can't take Credible giving any real fight to Angle seriously. An offense, okay, that works; but for someone generally regarded by WWE fans as a jobber to even hit the superkick on Angle is questionable.

    The Big Show/Balls Mahoney/Sandman vs. FBI match seems super unfair to the FBI, but if they were to give a good fight to those three, it wouldn't instantly elevate their status.

    Cena vs. Sabu was nice, and everything that happened in it was pretty necessary. I liked that bit.

    One bit of criticism I left out, your Paul still seems really off. It may be small, but him calling ECW talents "superstars" really irks me.

    I will admit, I'm not a fan of Paul E. calling the ECW locker room "superstars" either... but at the same time... if you remember correctly, in 2000-2001, they WERE referred to as "Superstars"... or "Stars".. one of the two... on the ECW website... so I guess it's not too much of a big deal... but if you're going by storylines... he should be calling them "wrestlers" or "rebels"...

  5. I didn't like this show as much as your first. The Punk bit was great, better than the first week's, I thought. CW Anderson attacking Dreamer/Coming to Punk's aid is very interesting too.

    The Balls/Tanaka match was good, assuming you want to use Tanaka as a full-time character and he needed to redeem himself.

    The Trinity attack bit, i'm not sure on. Mostly for sentimental reasons, the angle was great, but I just wish it was somebody else getting put in this vampire story. Oh well.

    Justin Credible vs. Angle doesn't work for me. I know not everything can mirror real life, but even as someone who watched ECW, I can't take Credible giving any real fight to Angle seriously. An offense, okay, that works; but for someone generally regarded by WWE fans as a jobber to even hit the superkick on Angle is questionable.

    The Big Show/Balls Mahoney/Sandman vs. FBI match seems super unfair to the FBI, but if they were to give a good fight to those three, it wouldn't instantly elevate their status.

    Cena vs. Sabu was nice, and everything that happened in it was pretty necessary. I liked that bit.

    One bit of criticism I left out, your Paul still seems really off. It may be small, but him calling ECW talents "superstars" really irks me.

  6. The motorbike stoppie one had me angry for ages.

    No mission in SA has been more annoying than the one in VC where you have to win the race against the getaway driver for the bank job.

    I used to get so pissed off at not being able to beat that cheating cunt, that I took great pleasure in shooting the shit out of his car, and winning in an equally sneaky way.

  7. Really solid start, I thought. I do think it might be too soon to have a mixed crowd, that would be awesome a few months in, but realistically I don't think it would happen overnight. I liked the show, though. I liked that you stayed true to the structure of the real show and made it your own. I thought having Cena win the battle royale was a bold move for an ECW diary, especially since you have an established reputation with ECW diaries.

    I'm not to keen on the way you introduced Fertig, I prefer the way that was done in reality, but i'll give it time.

  8. Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Iron Maiden might just get you through the whole of your project :P

    Hear the rime of the ancient mariner

    See his eye as he stops one of three

    Mesmerises one of the wedding guests

    Stay here and listen to the nightmares of the sea.

    And the music plays on, as the bride passes by

    Caught by his spell and the mariner tells his tale.

    Driven south to the land of the snow and ice

    To a place where nobody's been

    Through the snow fog flies on the albatross

    Hailed in God's name, hoping good luck it brings.

    And the ship sails on, back to the North

    Through the fog and ice and the albatross follows on.

    The mariner kills the bird of good omen

    His shipmates cry against what he's done

    But when the fog clears, they justify him

    And make themselves a part of the crime.

    Sailing on and on and north across the sea

    Sailing on and on and north 'til all is calm.

    The albatross begins with its vengeance

    A terrible curse a thirst has begun

    His shipmates blame bad luck on the mariner

    About his neck, the dead bird is hung.

    And the curse goes on and on at sea

    And the verse goes on and on for them and me.

    "Day after day, day after day,

    we stuck nor breath nor motion

    as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean

    Water, water everywhere and

    all the boards did shrink

    Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink."

    There calls the mariner

    There comes a ship over the line

    But how can she sail with no wind in her sails and no tide.

    See...onward she comes

    Onward she nears out of the sun

    See, she has no crew

    She has no life, wait but there's two.

    Death and she Life in Death,

    They throw their dice for the crew

    She wins the mariner and he belongs to her now.

    Then...crew one by one

    they drop down dead, two hundred men

    She...she, Life in Death.

    She lets him live, her chosen one.

    "One after one by the star dogged moon,

    too quick for groan or sigh

    each turned his face with a ghastly pang

    and cursed me with his eye

    four times fifty living men

    (and I heard nor sigh nor groan)

    with heavy thump, a lifeless lump,

    they dropped down one by one."

    The curse it lives on in their eyes

    The mariner he wished he'd die

    Along with the sea creatures

    But they lived on, so did he.

    And by the light of the moon

    He prays for their beauty not doom

    With heart he blesses them

    God's creatures all of them too.

    Then the spell starts to break

    The albatross falls from his neck

    Sinks down like lead into the sea

    Then down in falls comes the rain.

    Hear the groans of the long dead seamen

    See them stir and they start to rise

    Bodies lifted by good spirits

    None of them speak and they're lifelesss in their eyes

    And revenge is still sought, penance starts again

    Cast into a trance and the nightmare carries on.

    Now the curse is finally lifted

    And the mariner sights his home

    spirits go from the long dead bodies

    Form their own light and the mariner's left alone.

    And then a boat came sailing towards him

    It was a joy he could not believe

    The pilot's boat, his son and the hermit,

    Penance of life will fall onto him.

    And the ship it sinks like lead into the sea

    And the hermit shrieves the mariner of his sins.

    The mariner's bound to tell of his story

    To tell this tale wherever he goes

    To teach God's word by his own example

    That we must love all things that God made.

    And the wedding guest's a sad and wiser man

    And the tale goes on and on and on.

  9. Alright, i'm working on a project for which I need to gather some songs with lyrics one could consider poetic. I don't want any sappy romantic shit, but any genre as good, as long as the lyrics could be interpreted as poetic.

    I expect at least one serious answer. :angry:

  10. So, this show debuted on BBCAmerica recently, iunno when, but I DVR'd it and watched last night. Quite interesting, seems like it could be a fun show. Did anyone else catch it/are there any UK members who watch the show?

    No spoilers, please.

  11. Axl will manage to be trashed for just about anything.

    Showing up late? Fine, he's an ass for that, but he's done it for years. It's hardly newsworthy anymore.

    Oxygen mask? Are you kidding? He fucking belts out some of the best vocals in rock music still, at 44 years old. Who cares if he uses an oxygen mask? Other people of lesser vocal ability have used oxygen masks.

  12. Yeah, on the more metal songs on the album, Dimebag is really fucking on, and Coe's voice blends perfectly.

    I'm a fan of Coe, but i'm not fond of Kid Rock, is their stuff together good for someone who isn't fond of Kid Rock's attempts to do country? (Aside from his stuff on Crossroads with Hank Williams Jr., some of which came out nicely)

  13. The only problem I have with Madden is when using Total Simulation for a game in Franchise or Superstar because you don't want to actually play it. You're better off just skipping to the next game and taking your chances with the computer handling the entire game than bothering to sim it. Because most of the time the defense AND offense will be unstoppable. I especially recommend not using total simulation if you prefer a passing game, because you'll throw incomplete passes a LOT, even using a QB like McNabb or Brady.

    If I do use Total Simulation, I usually end up actually only simming the first three quarters and actually play the last one more often than not.

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