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Posts posted by TOG

  1. I hear the PC version is only $27.99 this year, and they've been paying much more attention to it than in past years. My PC is good enough that the graphics are about the same as an XBOX, and since the only console I own is a PS2 anyway, I might go PC this year.

  2. I wouldn't spend that much at all, but knowing that it's three books now, it's not that insane of an amount. Just not what I would think is worth it. I would say only buy it if you collect this author's books or something. In that case it might be worth it. However, to buy it just for one good read and then have it thrown on the bookshelf... no way.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing the Lions in action again tonight. I'm curious to see how the rookies will look in their first NFL action. I'm hoping to see a bit more excitement on offense, although I don't expect fireworks. Obviously the Lions wont be tipping their hand and showing off their most dazzling plays. However, it'll be nice to get out of that lame as fuck vanilla west coast offense bullshit that Mooch ran. Here's hoping the D runs an agressive scheme. I've noticed that when teams play not to lose that they tend to lose anyway.

  4. Yeah, those are pretty insane. I'd bet large sums of money that the Eagles aren't winning the Superbowl this year. :ohwell:

    I watched my Colts against the Rams last night, Gary Brackett better be fine. I need to check up on that.

  5. I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

    I agree that House is overrated, But Veronica Mars is pretty good, There are some episodes that aren't all that great, But most of it is good.

    As for me, I hate all reality/make over/dating shows. I don't see what the fuss about those shows are.

    Other shows I dislike are

    The OC



    Grey's Anatomy


  6. I don't have TV shows that I hate, because I wouldn't have watched enough to know if I hate them. I do, however, have shows where I don't see what the fuss is about. House and Veronica Mars immediately spring to mind, although to be fair I have only seen the pilot episode of Veronica Mars so it may have gotten better.

  7. I'm not going to argue AF vs. Rugby because I know fuck all about Rugby, but I can say the reason I love AF (and am not much into other sports, except for hockey) is the strategy that goes into it. Most sports have strategy, of course, but nothing near what you see in AF in my mind. I've never understood people complaining about the downtime between plays, it's hardly that bad, and in other sports that don't have such a downtime, it's replaced by moments of far less intense play than you would get in one down of AF.

  8. I watched and thought it was pretty decent. The only thing that irked me was the portrayal of the females. I didn't find any of them particularly likeable apart from the daughter, but even then she was too sterotyped if you know what I'm saying. The production values were excellent considering it's a show from Sci Fi. Stargate & Battlestar are among my favourite programs but they went above and beyond them with the look for this show. It looked like something you'd expect from ABC or NBC.

    I think it's scheduled for 8 or so episodes is it? Hopefully it gets more commissioned as I believe it's now Sci Fi's highest rated show as it has some potential for some good stories.

    Also it's the perfect lead in to The 4400 which starts again next week.

    The 4400 hasn't started again for you poor folks? God damn that show is great.

  9. I watched and thought it was pretty decent. The only thing that irked me was the portrayal of the females. I didn't find any of them particularly likeable apart from the daughter, but even then she was too sterotyped if you know what I'm saying. The production values were excellent considering it's a show from Sci Fi. Stargate & Battlestar are among my favourite programs but they went above and beyond them with the look for this show. It looked like something you'd expect from ABC or NBC.

    I think it's scheduled for 8 or so episodes is it? Hopefully it gets more commissioned as I believe it's now Sci Fi's highest rated show as it has some potential for some good stories.

    Also it's the perfect lead in to The 4400 which starts again next week.

  10. I don't really care for it, personally. Amy's certainly got a good voice, but I thought she was very meh here. The intro did nothing for me, though I dug it once it kicked in. The sound is solid but nothing that stands out for me.

    I just found it very average.

    But i'm obviously in the minority so far.

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