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Posts posted by TOG

  1. So far we've got a Rogue, a Mage, a Priest, and a Druid for anyone keeping score. We need a warrior.

    Cabana is my 60 War on Smolderthorn. I've also got a 37 Shammy and 23 Hunter. I'll probably play one of my mid levels and use my War when we need him. I'm logging on now to add you guys to my freinds list.

  2. If my computer can handle it, I may try to install the 14-day trial that came with my Diablo: Battle Chest, although when that's up, it's back to Diablo for me :(

    To be honest, the subscription fees make no sense to me. I know they gotta maintain the servers, but why pay upwards of $70 just to start playing? It makes very little sense, but meh, to each their own.

    You can get WoW pretty darn cheap now since the expansion is coming out (Which you don't need to enjoy WoW if you don't want to get it) next month.

  3. I am reinstalling now, should be on within the next few hours. Character name will be either Zanzil or Sikel or some shit like that.

    What mods are good these days? I forget what I was using last time I played.

  4. Yeah, I don't think the appeal of gangsta rap in white America was ever that it made anyone feel gangsta. Gangsta rap, for the most part, was an entirely different sound irrelevant of the lyrics. That's what drew me to it. I also support what Puke said, in that most of gangsta rap does seem to come from the heart.

  5. For the love of God don't get Alice Cooper's "Nobody Likes Me". It's shit. It's about ten minutes long, and features some of the most awful songs in history.

    Biggest waste of £2.50 ever. However, for merely double that price I got Queensrych's Greatest Hits and a 2-disc compilation called 'Rock Godz', so I can't really complain.

    I also forgot ZZ Top, so deserve to be shot.

  6. Slayer.

    We have a winner.

    I've always found Metallica and Megadeth horribly, horribly overrated. Slayer, although they always get the 'lolz, same riff for 20 yrs' jab, just have the edge for the sheer brutality of some of their tracks. Plus the awesomness that is a King spazzing solo :shifty:.

  7. Megadeth is by far the superior band, and Mustaine's vocals are far better than Hetfield's. Hetfield's vocals are one of the biggest reasons why Metallica isn't my favorite band (the other being that they can be pretty hit and miss).

    However, when asking about just these two songs, I give the nod to Metallica.

    Slayer and Anthrax are both quality as well. I use to lean to Slayer out of the four, but now I am more of an Anthrax/Mega guy.

    For Jouzy:

    Peace Sells

    In My Darkest Hour

    A Toute Le Monde

    Return To The Hangar

    Rust In Peace... Polaris

    Take No Prisoners

    Killing is My Business

    Skin O' My Teeth

    Hangar 18

    Angry Again

    Die Dead Enough

    Countdown to Extinction

    That should be a good start.

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