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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Touche. If I was wearing a hat I'd eat it.
  2. Lakers are in self destruct mode. Kobe has already, publicly, given up on the team. This is the part where, in his mind, he has to play savior and that is not where his head needs to be if they want to see this series go seven.
  3. I haven't watched the card yet, but from what I have been reading it seems as if this was the type of fight Mirko needed to get over his slump. Am I right?
  4. Mir put on that weight to want to cut it all back off? Logical.
  5. For some reason I have La Roux "In For The Kill" in my brain, but I know it is because of a more modern song it's been sampled for. Any clue which songs sample this?
  6. "Me drive? HELL NAW...I'm fucked up!" I actually enjoy Jamie Kennedy, but my all time favorite stand up performer is Robin Williams followed by George Carlin. My favorite way to judge a comedian is how they deal with a heckler.
  7. "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World. No contest.
  8. Hey Kaney, let me borrow Red Dead Redemption...
  9. This game is completely unplayable for me at this point. It freezes or glitches every few minutes. I will pause and try to load the map, but it just turns red (normal background) with no menu options. Or goes stuff like if computer games if you get too close to the edge of a sprite and you can see the lines that complete it, those sort of things. Only game to do this too.
  10. Urijah Faber vs. Takeya Mizugaki set for WEC on August 18.
  11. Gene Kiniski

    Batman 3

    It would be a bit of a stretch, but you could give some sort of knack alone the same lines of how they originally wrote Zachary Quinto's character in Heroes. He was the son of a compulsive watch maker and was raised to understand how things work which in time made his mind tick (no pun intended) a bit differently than others. Write Riddler the same way - give him a knack that he could use in a similar fashion to make his puzzles threatening so that he seems like he would hold a mental edge over those around him. Just write him so that his brain works differently than those trying to stop him.
  12. In the same manner that I described Spread, if you just have some time to spare try Loaded. It wasn't half bad.
  13. Sunshine cleaning sucked. Other than that, not a bad list there. I thought about checking out Choke as it's been on lately, but I couldn't get into it the other night because of the mood I was in. Spread is ok if you have some time to throw away (that you won't mind losing) and can deal with Ashton Kutcher in suspenders for two hours.
  14. I officially cannot finish this game as the mission I am on glitches every single time.
  15. Double post, but Bloodyelbow just tweeted this and it gave me a bit of a chuckle. Look at little Dana:
  16. The further I get into this game the more issues I have with it. The other night I went to pick a flower and the camera started to pan around, but I never bent down. Marston just stood there and the game wouldn't let me do anything another than look around. Then last night I went to loot a couple of bodies and it wouldn't allow me to so I figured it was part of the mission, but when I reached the guy I was supposed to be helping I wasn't able to interact with him at all. After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out what I was doing wrong I realized that I couldn't shoot, switch weapons or anything at all. When I tried to shoot (with the repeater) it would bring up my fist and even then I couldn't fight. It kept randomly switching my weapons. Tried playing a bit later and when to throw some fire bottles, aimed, but wouldn't throw. Then came the weapon/fist issue again.
  17. Guess who is out of their Strikeforce fight against K.J. Noons? Krazy Horse.
  18. 205 without a 185 chance at this point - or so it has been said. Franklin only went to 185 in the first place as a favor to Dana, he always wanted to fight at 205. Also, Dana has said Rich is done at 185 as long as Silva is fighting there full time so one would presume that he will finish his career out at 205, maybe 195 here or there.
  19. +1 to the moon. I'd bet the bank on Faber, but it would be a great start up in the division for him. A couple of years at 135 then he plans on going back to 155 if his body allows, so he has said.
  20. I'm like 2(or 3?) in all of my predictions, but I am the *insert organization* champ for one of them so I can't complain.
  21. Double post, but: has anyone else has problems with Dead Eye? I was doing a duel and for some reason it wouldn't let me paint my target...at all. It's happened to me twice now, once in that duel and another time at random in game.
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