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Gene Kiniski

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Posts posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. World Wrestling Entertainment Presents:

    Royal Rumble

    January 16, 2005

    Would You Watch This?

    The 2005 Royal Rumble opens up with a the usual WWE video followed by a shot of everyone in attendance. Before the show kicks off a summary of the events leading up to the night is shown. Instead of having the usual commentators at ringside for their respective brands tonight it’s Tazz and Jim Ross teaming.

    J.R.:”Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the 2005 Royal Rumble!”

    Tazz:”That’s right, we’re live and about to get things kicking. I’m Tazz and I’ll be here with good ol’ J.R. tonight.”

    J.R.:”Tonight will be a night you never forget. This will be one pay-per-view that you will always remember.”

    Tazz:”Guaranteed. To start us off we have Clash of The Champions; Booker T and Shelton Benjamin!”

    J.R.:”But first, Tazz, let’s take a look at these two ended up facing one another tonight.”

    ...1 ...2...3/KICKOUT?!  Cena kicked out, Booker had the pin.  Which one came first?  Eddie Guerrero slid into the ring and hugged Booker T, forcing a celebration.  Cena argued with the referee who said that Cena kicked out first.  Booker T is distracted by Eddie trying to present him the belt, Cena kicks drop kicks Eddie in the back and sends the United States Championship into the face of Booker T.  Cena then turns and tosses Guerrero over the ropes, out of the ring.  John lifts Booker to his shoulders and delivers the F-U...

    ...Shelton Benjamin came out to a slew of cheers holding the Intercontinental title in the air.  The crowd was silent for a moment, waiting for the ‘mystery’ opponent.  Out comes Booker T!  Booker T from SmackDown! comes running down the ramp and dives into the ring.  Booker goes straight for Shelton with back hand chops and a momentum he hadn’t shown since his draft to SmackDown!...

    ...Shelton stiffens and falls to the mat.  Booker’s up top - Houston Hangover!  Booker T wins the Intercontinental Championship with the Houston Hangover!  The referee counts the pin and Booker jumps up in shock.  Booker himself can barely believe he picked up the victory over Shelton Benjamin...

    ...F-U, but once again Benjamin sneaks out of it.  This time Shelton sends Cena into the corner, Stinger Splash, Dragon Whip, and finishes it all up with a T-Bone!  Shelton Benjamin covers John Cena for the victory and the United States Championship...

  2. Royal Rumble Prediction Contest


    This the Royal Rumble just around the corner and all the matches announced they WWE has decided to hold a fan prediction contest.  With the 'Would You Watch This' fan campaign in place the winner will be able to put input on something in the future.

  3. WWE Royal Rumble Preview

    The 2005 Royal Rumble is less than a day away and it's looking to be one of the best pay-per-views in wrestling history!  New faces, old stars, repackaged favorites, they'll all be in part!  The already packed card will end with the legendary 30 Man Royal Rumble to decide who's going to WrestleMania and who's going home!  With the matches announced here's what to look forward to:

    Clash of The Champions:

    Booker© T Vs. Shelton Benjamin©


    This match is just being announced, right here!  Two weeks ago Booker T was looking to gain the United States Championship on SmackDown!, but a mistake by former partner Eddie Guerrero left Booker T with the loss.  Did he have the pin or did Cena kick out?  Many are still debating that, but no one is debating the turn-around of Booker as he followed the loss by jumping ship to Raw.  Appearing as a 'mystery opponent' and 'debuting Raw Superstar' Booker T managed to upset Shelton Benjamin and pick up the Intercontinental Championship.  Three days later it was Shelton Benjamin who showed up on SmackDown! to fill the void left by the depature of Booker T.  In his first night back on SmackDown! Shelton managed to secure a victory of John Cena - and the WWE United States Championsdhip.  Now these two men are facing off to decide who the best champion really is.  Jerry Lawler claims that Booker T's "money, baby", while Tazz boast that Shelton is "just an amazing athlete".  It's Raw Vs. SmackDown! in the Clash of The Champions!

    Edge Vs. Shawn Michaels

    While still fresh, the rivaly between these two is bitter. Edge claims that he's the next World Heavyweight Champion and no one else ever deserved the title.  Shawn Michaels claims that Edge's mouth is overloading what he has done.  Going back in time, Edge claims that he never got his deserving shot after winning the now dead King of The Ring.  The Heartbeak Kid doesn't think winning the KOTR is enough to be proud of as he is a former World Heavyweight Champion who payed his dues and worked his way to the title.  Over the last couple of weeks Edge has openly put down the accomplishments of many former World champions, including: Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, and current champion Triple H.  Shawn Michaels feels that it's time for Edge to step up and see if he really has what it takes to one day be World Heavyweight Champion.

    World Tag Team Championships:

    Dean & Richards Vs. Rhyno & Tajiri & La Resistance©

    La Resistance has been in a sort of a dry spell as of late while Rhyno and Tajiri have been growing together as a tag team.  On the first Raw of 2005 Rhyno and Tajiri picked up the victory over Grenier and Conway in a non-title match leading to the claim that if they could do it once, they could do it twice.  It looked to be a heading for a tag team match at the 'Rumble when fitness guru Simon Dean showed up on Raw claiming that he had someone to back his product.  That someone was former HeAt mainstay and ECW acolyte Stevie Richards!  Richards made a promise to Dean:  Dean helped Richards became a better athlete and better with the ladies so Richards would give Dean his first taste of WWE gold.  From there the two made it clear that they were going to find away to get a shot at the the tag team titles.  Last week Dean and Richards fought La Resistance to a draw when Rhyno and Tajiri cleared the ring and cleaned house with both teams.  This Sunday all three will beat in a triple threat tag team match for the World Tag Team Championships.

    Takyo Sun Vs. Kurt Angle

    Special Guest Referee: TBA

    Little can be said about this match as little is known.  It was only just announced that the match would have a special guest referee, but even the name of the referee was announced.  Two weeks ago on SmackDown! a video aired for a debuting 'Takyo Sun' followed by Kurt Angle being attacked in the parkinglot as he left the building for the night.  Angle, who had been suspicous of a stalker early that night was laid out with a wrench shot to the head.  This past Thursday as Angle laid at home recovering from the injuries Takyo Sun made his SmackDown! debut by interupting the end of the Rob Van Dam/Eddie Guerrero match.  Van Dam suffered a brutal beating at the hands of Takyo who then took to the microphone, bashing Kurt Angle.  Sun called Angle out for the Royal Rumble and Kurt was more than happy to accept a chance to get revenge for what he suffered.  After Angle accepted the challenge Takyo Sun dropped another surprise: He wasn't coming to the pay-per-view alone - he's bringing a referee of his choice!

    WWE Tag Team Championship:

    Tag Team Fallout Match

    What is a Tag Team Fallout match?  The correct question would be 'What ISN'T a Tag Team Fallout match?'.  Similiar to the way that Rhyno and Tajiri earned there title shot, Rey Mysterio and Rob Van Dam earned theirs in a match.  After RVD and Mysterio wrestled Kenzo Suzuki and Renee Durpee two a draw they wanted another shot at not only them, but the Bashams if they won.  Instead they got the Bashams, We Loove Ame..ica!, and after Velocity last night Billy Kidman & Akio!  The teams members have faced off against each other lately and it's time to see what they can do in an 'anything goes' enviroment.  Kidman and Akio are the outsiders in this match however as they weren't involved until challenging Doug and Danny as Velocity came to a close.  In a match where anything can happen, anything can go wrong, anything can lead to a victory it's any man's game.

    WWE Championship:

    Big Show Vs. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield©

    Current WWE Champion, JBL just can't seem to get away from the hate of everyone else on the roster it seems.  For the past seven months he's held the WWE Championship and beated anyone who's tried to challenge him for it.  This time's different though.  This time it's a 7'foot tall, 500-pound, giant known as the Big Show.  Big Show has been after JBL for some time now, but recently his desire for the title has grown bigger than his appetite.  The last few weeks have been Hell for both men as Big Show was cost the title when Orlando Jordan choked him from the sunroof of JBL's limo.  JBL's precious title was defaced at the hands of Show after it was knocked to the floor, leaving a massive scratch.  This part Thursday Big Show turned up the heat after multiple jokes about his weight and talent when he defeated the Undertaker, as an example to Layfield.  John seems to be running scared, but how will he react when he entered the ring against Big Show with the title on the line?

    World Heavyweight Championship:

    Chris Jericho Vs. Batista Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Triple H©

    Triple H laid out an open challenge for anyone who wanted a shot at him and the World Heavyweight Championship at the Royal Rumble.  Naturally, there was a massive response.  However it quickly became evident that it wasn't going to work that easily.  A confrontation between Orton and Jericho somehow led to a number one contenders match.  Triple H assaulted Randy Orton backstage and looked on as Batista, who had hinted that he may want a shot at the title, took on Chris Jericho in the Raw main event.  The match came to an end with a double disqualification after both men attacked each other with chairs.  On the next Monday Night Raw Eric Bischof laid down the law - Raw was HIS show and he'd make the match on HIS show.  That night Chris Jericho managed to overcome both Randy Orton and Batista in a triple threat and went on to face Triple H in the main event.  However his chances of winning the World Heavyweight title were cut short when Triple H ended the match with a Pedigree as Chris Jericho tried to help the referee to his feet.  With all four men still wanting a shot at each other Eric Bischof gave them, and the fans, what was wanted: A four way elimination match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

    Royal Rumble

    The match the entire card is based around: The 30 Man Royal Rumble for a spot in the main event at WrestleMania against they World Champion of their respective brands.  Last year it was Chris Benoit who went on to face Triple H and Shawn Michaels, both of whom have won in past years.  The list of winners goes on and is spectacular: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, Brock Lesnar, and even Ric Flair!  This year who could it be?  No one competitor has been announces as being entered in the competition this year, but that's to keep the shock value high and the anticipation flowing.  Who will be number one?  Who will be number 30?  Who will be the last man in the ring?  Find out this Sunday - The Royal Rumble!

  4. WWE Velocity!

    Billy Kidman d. Hardcore Holly - 69%

    -Not the best match, but a good encounter considering the mis-match in styles between the two.  Holly control the match in from a 'beating' stand-point, but Kidman brought the crowd in with a couple of good looking moves and won the match with the Shooting Star Press.

    The Bashams d. We Looove Ame...ica! - 70%

    -In a non-title match between the two it was Danny Basham who picked up the pin on Suzuki.  Although this was the final match between the two before the big Tag Team Fallout match only a night away the fans didn't get interested until midway through the match when Billy Kidman returned to the ring for the second time in the night.  Kidman had no effect on the match, but afterwards was joined by parter Akio.  As Renee and Kenzo left the ring Kidman and Akio made it clear that they wanted the final spot in the Tag Team Fallout match at the Rumble.  A slight confrontation that eventually led to both teams leaving.

    Chavo Guerrero d. Shannon Moore - 69%

    -Not a bad match, the usual cruiserweight exchange for Velocity.  The fans didn't want to back Guerrero, but had no real reason to cheer for Moore.  Last week Shannon Moore picked up win, something rare, but this week he was back on the losing end.  Chavo picked up the cheap shotted victory.

    Carlito Caribbean Cool© d. Paul London

    WWE Cruiserweight Championship - 69%

    -It's almost sad to admit that this match brought up the value of the Cruiserweight Championship.  Probably credited to the amazing moveset of London.  Paul put a decent showcase on for the title, but came up short.  Surprisingly, Carlito won the match without the usual apple spot.  All in all, a decent contest, one day the two will meet again.

  5. SmackDown! Royal Rumble News *SPOILERS*


    The final SmackDown! before the Royal Rumble aired and with it came the last of the matches for the event.  From the SmackDown! brand:

    Takyo Sun Vs. Kurt Angle

    (Stipulation TBA)

    Team Fallout Match

    Rob Van Dam & Rey Mysterio Vs. *Randon Tag Team* Vs. We Loove Ame...ica! Vs. Basham Brothers©

    -WWE Tag Team Championships

    Big Show Vs. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield©

    -WWE Championship

    And just like Raw the fifteen men from the SmackDown! brand that will be competing in the Royal Rumble will not be announced this year.  The goal this year is to have the Royal Rumble a complete surprise and leave the fans guessing for who or what could happen next.

  6. Thursday Night SmackDown!

    January 13, 2005

    Would You Watch This?

    Michael Cole: ”Welcome to SmackDown! Tonight we have a great show...”

    Tazz: ”...wait a second, Cole, it looks like we’re getting started right away tonight.”

    Michael Cole: ”That whistling Tazz...it can’t be...it is...”

    Tazz: ”...the Dudleyz are back!”

    Dudley Boyz d. The Bashams


    !BOOM! First the missiles whistling followed by an explosion of pyrotechnics and the Dudley Boyz, Bubba-Ray and D-Von, come jumping onto the stage. Both Dudleyz are decked out in old school camo’ and thick glasses. Shortly they are joined in the ring by Doug and Danny Basham. The Bashams, mainly Danny, keep a close eye on the Dudleyz as the hand their belts to the referee. The non-title match starts off with Bubba and Danny start things off, just circling each other for a few moments. Danny moves in, but Bubba quickly tag out to D-Von. D-Von gets into the ring and mocks Danny which gets a pop from the crowd. Danny tags out to Doug. Doug moves in towards D-Von, but D-Von tags out to Bubba. Bubba hits the ring and instantly Doug is the victim to a two-on-one attack. The referee begins to push D-Von out of the ring, but is distracted by Danny trying to enter. As the referee hold Danny outside D-Von reenters the ring and continues the double team assault. Eventually the referee gets the match under control and it’s just Bubba and Doug. Back body drop by Bubba. Bubba sent Doug into the corner only to receive an elbow to the chin in return. Doug moves up to the second rope and catches Bubba with a flying clothesline. Danny gets the tag and hits the ring, kicking away at Bubba. Danny whips Bubba into the ropes, but Bubba takes him down with a shoulder block and tags out to D-Von. D-Von gets in the ring and starts doing the old school Dudley taunts - squatting and cross. Danny comes at D-Von only to get hits with Spinebuster. D-Von bounces off the ropes, right into Doug sending him off the apron. D-Von looks at Bubba and begins calling for it - WHASSSSUP!! Doug gets it where it hurts. Danny hits the ring, 3-D, double pin, the Dudleyz are back in business! ***

    76%, 70%, 82%

    Tazz: ”Check it out, Cole, the Dudleyz are back!”

    Michael Cole: ”What a great way to kick off SmackDown! tonight.”

    Tazz: ”They just returned to pick up a win over the current WWE Tag Team champions, this is a great night for them.”

    Michael Cole: ”While it’s already a great night for the Dudleyz, it won’t be a night at all for Kurt Angle. We just got word that he will NOT be in the building tonight as he is still recovering from the attack he suffered last week.”

    Tazz: ”Let’s get a look at what happened...”

    Last Week

    ...Kurt Angle is shown walking away from a group of wrestlers towards his car, which is parked in secluded corner.  As Kurt starts to unlock his door when the wrench from earlier lands on the side of his head.  Angle kicks the ground without and a fight and someone runs off from behind the car.  The camera cannot catch a shot of who it is as they run off...

  7. SmackDown! Preview

    Last week as SmackDown! went off the air John Bradshaw Layfield secured a victory over Big Show with outside inteference by Orlando Jordan.  This week the Big Show will be looking for some measure of revenge.  What kind of messege will Big Show sending to JBL when he faces off against the Undertaker just three days before the Royal Rumble?

    What is the condition of Kurt Angle after the brutal attack by a 'stalker'?  Angle was rushed to the hospital last week after being attacked outside of the arena as he entered his car.  What will this lead to?  Will we find out who was behind the attack?  Will Angle be in any condition to appear?

    Plus, two title matches will take place!

  8. I liked the finale, but NOTHING will every beat the finale to the first season. Just the last scene and the pure emotional value of it. Brody made the last season's finale off the charts.

  9. Random Raw News *SPOILERS*


    With the Royal Rumble just days away and the final Raw before the show in the past World Wrestling Entertainment has announced the matches to take place from the Raw brand.  They are as follows:

    Edge Vs. Shawn Michaels

    Simon Dean & Stevie Richards Vs. Rhyno & Tajiri Vs. La Resistance©

    -World Tag Team Championships

    Chris Jericho Vs. Batista Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Triple H©

    -World Heavyweight Championship

    The fifteen men from the Raw brand that will be competing in the Royal Rumble will not be announced this year.  The goal this year is to have the Royal Rumble a complete surprise and leave the fans guessing for who or what could happen next.

  10. Monday Night Raw

    Janurary 10, 2005

    Would You Watch This?

    J.R.:”Welcome to Raw, everyone.”

    King:”Wow, J.R., we’re just on the air and the crowd is already hot!”

    J.R.:”Wait a second, King - What’s this? Here comes Eric Bischof!”

    Setting Things Straight

    “I’m baaaaaaack!” - the words echo throughout the arena and Raw General Manager Eric Bischof comes out from the back to an onslaught of boos. Eric walked out onto the stage at the top of the ramp holding a microphone.

    Eric Bischof:”Ladies and - well, ladies, welcome to Monday Night Raw! I’m not going to beat around, I’ll get straight to the point. I’m PISSED. Last week was a disaster for Raw! Triple H tried to choose his own opponent for the Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho and Batista ruined the main event by beating the hell out of each other with chairs, and Randy Orton stuck his ass in the middle of it all!”

    J.R.:”Orton was just trying to get a rematch with Triple H.”

    King:”It’s Triple H’s championship, he should be able to decide who he faces.”

    Eric Bischof:”Last week Raw ended in chaos and without a number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. So tonight we will settle this, in the ring, with a triple threat match between: Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and Batista! The winner will face Triple H - TONIGHT for the World Heavyweight Championship. The winner will then defend the title at the Royal Rumble - against the ALL THREE LOSERS!”


    King:”What? Is he kidding? He’s making Triple H put his title on the line tonight and at the Royal Rumble? That totally unfair!”

    J.R.:”How so, King? Eric just trying to get everything straight for the Royal Rumble this Sunday!”

    King:”Look, J.R.! Our first match of the night is on the way.”

    J.R.:”Here comes Val Venis to start us off.”

    Edge d. Val Venis

    One guy that no one is truly keen on and another that was burried in the European Championship midcard. Edge of course took the early advantage to go along with his current push. Edge whipped Venis into the ropes and leveled him with a back elbow. Venis tried to get offense in, but was limited due to strong underhanded tactics of Edge. Low blow on Venis by Edge led to a close two count, but Val got the shoulder up. He fought back to his feet and was taken back down by a cheap elbow. Simple DDT by Venis to bring himself back into the match. The fans started backing Venis as he took control over Edge. Val Venis smashed Edge with a spinebuster and followed with a Boston Crab. The referee broke the hold when Edge reached the ropes. Once to his feet, Edge began to taunt Val and make comments about directed towards Shawn Michaels. Using Val as an ‘example’, Edge sent Venis into the corner and began a 10-count punch. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10! Edge steps down and rams his shoulder into the midsecion of Venis. Val stumbles forward and walks right into a Spear! Edge covers for the victory! A fairly short match ends with the mockng of Val Venis and comments towards Shawn Michaels. ***1/4

    82%, 79%, 85%

    J.R.:”Edge, just picked up the victory in a un-sportsman-like way. Low blows, taunting; it’s all uncalled for.”

    King:”He was just doing what he to get the job done.”

    J.R.:”Still, King...”

    Give Me Mine!

    Backstage after the opening match Eric Bischof is talking to someone when Christian approaches him. At first Eric pretends not to see Christian and turns his back towards him. Christian steps up behind Eric and places his hand on his shoulder. Eric turns and looks at Christian’s hand.

    Eric Bischof:”Please, tell me that it’s only my imagination and your hand isn’t touching me.”

    Christian:”I wish I could, but your imagination doesn’t go much futher than soap operas and Hulk Hogan’s ass.”

    Eric Bischof:”Whoa, whoa whoa! What was that?”

    Christian:”Eric, would you like to know why the Raw ratings are falling? Would you like to know why you probably won’t have a job come this time next year?”

    Eric Bischof:”Because there’s a no trade clause in effect with SmackDown! stopping me from getting rid of you?”

    Christian:”Funny - I’m being serious. You’re not pushing ‘the Man’.”

    Eric Bischof:”’the Man’?”

    Christian:”Yes, ‘the Man’. ‘the Man’ of Monday Night Raw, Captain Charisma!”

    Eric Bischof:”’Oh, so you want ME to push YOU?”

    Christian:”Sorta. I want you to give me mine. I want what I deserve - that shot at Triple H.”

    Eric Bischof:”’You’re a little late, aren’t you? Wasn’t it the Rock that told you, before his departure, to take what you want? You have to make it for yourself? Christian, I’m not giving you a damn thing.”

    Eric walks off leaving Christian looking confused for a moment. Christian perks up and begins rubbing his chin.

    Christian:”If he won’t give me mine, I’ll take mine.”


    J.R.:”What was all of that about?”

    King:”Christian wants the title shot against Triple H that he deserves.”

    J.R.:”Deserves? What has he done to deserve a shot?”

    King:”He is a former Intercontinental, European, World Tag Team, and Lightweight Champion.”

    J.R.:”Didn’t he just lose a shot a the Intercontinental title last week only to ask for a World Heavyweight title match this week?”

    Chris Jericho d. Randy Orton, Batista

    3...2...1...Randy Orton? The countdown for Y2J started, but instead Randy Orton came out during his entrance. Orton began making his way down to the ring with a mixed reaction. Orton entered the ring and began playing to the crowd as Batista started out from the back. The match started with just Orton and Batista, Jericho never showed for the match. Batista controlled the beginning with a few hard shots to the head or Orton. Batista followed with a couple of knees to the mid-section. Orton fought back with immitated Flair-style chops. Orton whipped Batista into the ropes, but Batista telegraphed a back body drop with a DDT. After a few stomps and a few seconds of taunting Orton, Batista lifts him and sends him into the corner. Batista runs into an elbow followed by a second rope dropkick. Orton takes control over the match with a horribly botched German Suplex. Batista wrestled through for the first couple minutes after the German’ holding his back in a stiff position. A reversed wrist lock and two clotheslines later Batista was back in charge. The match continued in the same fashion until a Batista goes for a Batista-Bomb, but as he lifts Orton, Jericho comes out from under the ring, slides in and shoulder clips Batista in the back of the knee. Batista losses his balance and falls, still slamming Orton into the mat on the way down. Orton is down, Batista rolls to his feet, and Jericho kicks him in the back of the knee with the top of his boot. Jericho circles the ring, taunting both men. Batista tries to stand, but Jericho takes off running and bounces off of the second rope catching Batista in the air with a highly elevated spinning wheel kick. Orton stands only to get knocked back down by an Enziguri. Jericho covers Orton for a ‘2 count’, broken up by Batista. Batista and Jericho begin to trades hand until Orton tries to blind-side Jericho who ducks sending Randy into Batista. Batista stumbles backwards and right over the top rope onto the steps!. Jericho then rolled Orton up, but Orton rolled through. Jericho then rolled through himself and pulled Orton into the Walls of Jericho - Orton taps. On the outside Batista is shocked as he is just getting to his feet to see the submission. Jericho slides out of the ring and heads towards the back with his arms in the air. ***

    85%, 89%, 78%

    King:”Chris Jericho is going to the Royal Rumble to face Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship!”

    J.R.:”That’s not right, King. Jericho didn’t even show at the beginning of the match only to sneak a win.”

    King:”This is wrestling J.R., it’s not always fair. There’s not a black and white area, wrestling is the gray area.”

    J.R.:”Hold on..I just got word that there’s a situation backstage.”


    Backstage Edge is walking, yelling for Shawn Michaels to come out and ‘show his face’. Edge is knocking over trash cans and opening and door he passes. Edge passes Val Venis and stops infront of him. Venis points towards a door to the left of Edge. Edge opens the door and is met with a right hand to the head. HBK comes out of the room throwing punches. Michaels knocks Edge to his knees the steps back - Sweet Chin Music! Edge flies backwards into the wall. Shawn approaches him, but Val Venis nearly tackles Michaels! Venis pushes Michaels back into a stack of crates.

    Val Venis:”Hey! Either get the hell out of here or I’ll beat your ass!”

    Shawn Michaels:”Oooh, I’m scared? Stick up for your road buddy now, Val?”

    Val Venis:”As a matter of fact I am. Safe it for the ‘Rumble.”

    Shawn Michaels:”In that case, Sunday, I’ll do what you couldn’t tonight.”

    Shawn Michaels walks off looking back at Edge who is just getting to his feet. Edge approaches Venis, but Venis suddenly turns and starts throwing punches of his own at Edge. Val DDT’s Edge on the hard floor before tossing Edge onto a refreshment table. Val hovers over Edge, looking right into his eyes.

    Val Venis:”I’ll spare you the slinters.”

    Val walks off leaving Edge holding his head and sides in pain from the beatings. Shawn Michaels stands off to the side watching everything that just happened, confused.


    J.R.:”I’m lost, first Val Venis came to the rescue of Edge, only to turn on him only seconds afterwards.”

    King:”Venis obviously has something to prove to someone.”

    J.R.:”What shape will Edge be in for his match this Sunday against HBK after this beating?”

    King:”J.R. isn’t this time for Intercontinental Championship match?”

    J.R.:”Yes, it is. I can’t wait to see who the mystery opponent is.”

    Booker T d. Shelton Benjamin©

    WWE Intercontinental Championship

    Shelton Benjamin came out to a slew of cheers holding the Intercontinental title in the air. The crowd was silent for a moment, waiting for the ‘mystery’ opponent. Out comes Booker T! Booker T from SmackDown! comes running down the ramp and dives into the ring. Booker goes straight for Shelton with back hand chops and a momentum he hadn’t shown since his draft to SmackDown!. Booker pushes Shelton back into the ropes and continues the chops. Shelton reverses a whip and leap frog’s Booker on the rebound. Shelton goes for a clotheslines, but Booker counters with a high axe kick. Booker T covers for a 2-count. Booker stands, bringing Benjamin up with him by his head. Booker clubs Shelton in the back of the neck, knocking him to his knee’s. Booker bounces off the ropes - he goes to end the match, but Shelton ducks another kick. Benjamin took it to Booker T with a Fireman’s Carry slam, a failed pin attempt, two German Suplex and Stinger Splash in the corner. Shelton rolled Booker up, but didn’t get the count. As the match continued the pace went back and forth between the two. The crowd stood behind Shelton for the most part as he was the Raw ‘native’. As Shelton continued to carry control of the match Booker began showing signs of frustration. Shelton went for the T-Bone, but Booker T reversed into another roll up - kickout. After the pin Booker rolled out of the ring and circled the outside to catch his breath. Shelton stretched in the middle of the ring, waiting for Booker to return. Outside, Booker looked around for something to get himself ahead. Booker grinned as he snatched the steel chair right out from under Lillian Garcia. Booker started up the steps with the chair in hand. Shelton waited for him to enter the ring, but the referee was first to meet Booker upon entering. The referee grabbed ahold of the chair and began yelling ”No!” and ”You’re going to get yourself suspended!”. Finally the referee took the chair, throwing it to the outside. Shelton charged at Booker, but Booker moved sending Shelton into the turnbuckle. The two battled in and out of the corner for a moment before Shelton took the upper hand. Shelton positioned Booker on the top rope and started as if he was going to attemp a Frankensteiner. Instead, Booker T shoved Shelton to the side - the top rope goes right between the legs of Benjamin. Shelton stiffens and falls to the mat. Booker’s up top - Houston Hangover! Booker T wins the Intercontinental Championship with the Houston Hangover! The referee counts the pin and Booker jumps up in shock. Booker himself can barely believe he picked up the victory over Shelton Benjamin. ***

    75%, 71%, 79%

    J.R.:”By gawd, King! Booker T just won the Intercontinental Championship here on Raw and he’s a SmackDown! Superstar!”

    King:”I don’t think Booker even believes the he managed that victory.”

    J.R.:”He is very much beside himself, King. I wonder what Eric Bischof will have to say about this one.”

    King:”If I were him I’d be glad that Booker T’s back on Raw. Booker T’s money, baby.”

    Simon System: Does It Work?

    Booker T makes his way to the back with the Incontential Championship, but before he can exit completely Simon Dean comes out. Simon walks down to the ring with his duffle bag, right past Booker. Booker T looks at Simon, but Dean just keeps past him and enters the ring. Booker T disappears backstage while Simon is booed.

    Simon Dean:”Why are you fat slobs all booing me? I’m Simon Dean and with my patented Simon System I’m going to turn all of you into perfectly sculpted beings that will be tolerable to look at. I myself am in such grat shape due to the Simon System. With this miracle that I’ve invented every fat person in America can look like a model!”

    Simon is nearly drown out by more booing.

    Simon Dean:”You know what?! To prove that the Simon System I’m going to introduce to you all someone who agrees with me and a personal user of the Simon System. I give to you: Steven Richards!”

    J.R.:”Steven Richards? For sure he wouldn’t be helping someone like Simon Dean...”

    King:”Well, the Simon System does look promising...”

    The audiance is in shock, some boo while some cheer. Steven Richards comes jumping up and down from the back. Richards, excitedly, makes his way to the ring, joining Dean. In the ring Dean points to the body of Stevie Richards. Stevie smiles and takes the microphone.

    Steven Richards:”Thank you, Simon. I appriciate the opportunity to show off what you’ve done for me.”

    Simon Dean:”And what exactly have I done for you?”

    Steven Richards:”You’ve done tons for me. I am now an all-around better and happier person. Since I’ve began using the Simon System my physique has improved, my all around in-ring ability has gone up, and the ladies have become more attracted to me. I can now go to five star matches while impressing the models in every city that I visit!”

    Simon Dean:”Wow, that’s just amazing. Is that all?”

    Steven Richards:”No, it’s not all, Simon. Now that you’ve done all of these for me, I’m going to do something for you.”

    Simon Dean:”Really? Something for me? What are you going to do for me, Stevie?”

    Steven Richards:”I’m going to offer to be your partner in spreading the word about the Simon System. Together as a team, I’m going to help you get your first taste of gold in the WWE.”

    Simon Dean:”It’s a deal! Team Simon System!”

    Steven Richards shakes hands with Simon Dean and the two begin a little small talk as they exit the ring.


    J.R.:”Steven Richards just shook hands with Simon Dean and promised him his first taste of gold in the WWE!”

    King:”This could be very interesting. Better yet, these guys could be our next Tag Team Champions!”

    Simon Dean & Stevie Richards draw La Resistance

    Before Simon Dean and Stevie Richards can make it to the back the ‘new-Quebecers’, so-to-speak, come out from the back waving the Quebec flag in the air. Dean and Richards look at each other and head back into the ring. La Resistance enter, but before they can speak like they usually do Dean and Richards attack the from the side. Team Simon System beat Grenier and Conway down into seperate corners then Richards whips Grenier into Conway, smashing him into the turnbuckle. Grenier stumbles backwards and falls followed by Conway stumbling foward and falling onto his crotch. Sylvian yells and pops up a bit before falling back down. Rob Conway rolls around and out of the ring. The referee tries to seperate Simon and Stevie who are taking turns kicking away at Grenier. Simon exits the ring, to the apron and grabs ahold of the tag rope. One-on-one Richards continued to beat Sylvian. Stevie barely wrestled during his time in the ring, he spent the time mocking La Resistance and slapping around Grenier, trying to show off his ‘physique’. Grenier managed to low-blow Stevie while the referee was distracted and tag in Conway. By the time Conway was in the ring Richards had tagged out to Dean. Simon hit the ring with only to get leveled over and over before walking into a snap suplex. Conway followed the suplex with an inverted Figure Four. Simon was inches away from the rope when suddenly someone jumped out of the crowd and pulled bottom rope away from his hand. Rhyno is here! Stevie rushes in for the save, but Tajiri comes running down the entrance ramp. Tajiri slides into the ring and greets Richards with a round house to the temple! Richards drops! Rhyno enters the ring as Grenier runs in - Spear! Conway tries to keep his hold on Dean, but Tajiri flips backwards into a standing moonsault and lands both men. Rhyno stomps away at Dean while Tajiri waits for Conway to stand - Green Mist! Spear to Conway! The referee calls for the bell to end the match in a no contest. Rhyno and Tajiri clear the ring as the camera goes to another feed. ***

    74%, 70%, 78%

    King:”Did you see that, J.R.? Rhyno and Tajiri just screwed Team Simon System!”

    J.R.:”I don’t know, King, that was wrong of Rhyno and Tajiri, but I think Dean and Richards had it coming.”

    King:”Had it coming? What about La Resistance?”

    J.R.:”Well, they haven’t been the nicest of guys either, King.”

    King:”It’s not always Good versus Evil, J.R...sometimes there is a gray area, you know?”

    ”You are the Game!”

    Ric Flair:”Woooo! Come on, baby, this is just another night, another clown.”

    Triple H:”I know, I know. The usual idiot who thinks he can take my gold.”

    Ric Flair:”You’re going to hand Jericho’s ass to him, baby.”

    Triple H:”I’ve beaten Chris Jericho plenty of times before, it’s a cake walk. I ended his last title reign and he hasn’t seen the main event since.”

    Ric Flair:”The truth shall be told!”

    Triple H is standing infront of the mirror getting ready for his match with Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship. Ric Flair is off to the side trying to get the Game mentally ready for the match.

    Triple H:”If I’m going to kill him in the ring tonight. I’m leaving with my belt around my waist.”

    Ric Flair:”This is all yours, and do you know why? You are the Game!”

    Triple H turns with a big smile on his face. He heads for the door as the camera feed switches back to the ring.


    Triple H d. Chris Jericho

    WWE World Heavyweight Championship

    3...2...1...Chris Jericho! With his old school entrance and white lights Chris Jericho appears on the stage, his back to the ring. Jericho begins winding his left arm before turn on one leg to face forward. Chris makes his way to the ring smacking the hands of fans on his way down. The arena darks and just like that it’s “Time to play the Game!”. Triple H heads out from the back, bottle of water in hand. After the normal entrance Triple H enters the ring. The bell sounds and Jericho stands toe-to-toe with Triple H. The two men circle each other and lock up. Triple H breaks the lock and backs up. He wipes his hand down the side of his face, looks at it and rubs it against his other hand. They lock up again this time Jericho breaks the lock. Chris mocks the Game by doing the same thing with his hands. Triple H run at Jericho and attemps a forearm, but Jericho counters with a drop toe hold onto the ropes. Chug-a-lug-a-lug, train motions by Jericho followed by a running choke on the second rope. Triple H almost instantly pops up, no-selling the move. Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits a baseball slide dropkick to the knees of Triple H. The Game goes to one knee and Jericho drop kicks the other. Triple H falls, but pops right back up once again catching Jericho with a stiff Spinebuster. Triple H stands up and drops back down into a knee drop. Jericho rolls to his side and tries to get to his feet, but it taken back down by a twisting armbar into a forearm. Triple H begins to work on the left knee of Chris Jericho while he’s down. Triple H applies a simple knee hold before attempting a Figure Four. Jericho quickly reverses the Figure Four, but only holds the position for a couple of seconds before Triple H gets to the ropes. Jericho is up, Triple H is up, ducked clothesline, dropkick by Jericho. Jericho begins doing the same as Triple H, working on the knee and upper leg area. Chris wraps Triple H’s leg around the second rope and pulls the rope while kneeling on the leg. The referee counts to four before the hold is broken. Jericho backs up with his hands in the air, waiting for Triple H to move. As the Game lays on the mat Jericho kicks him in the head. Jericho pulls Triple H to his feet, smacking him in the back of the head on the way up. As Jericho is about to set Triple H up, the Game shoves Jericho backwards into the referee. Jericho smashes the referee into the corner, causing the usual ref’bump during a World Heavyweight title match. Jericho tries to help the referee up, but Triple H kicks him in the back of the leg, spins him around, and set Jericho up - Pedigree. Triple H covers for six seconds, but the referee isn’t moving. Triple H stands to lift the referee, but he’s already halfway up. Triple turns back towards Jericho and gets nailed in the gut by a kick. Jericho bounces off the ropes into an Enziguri. Triple H is down - here it comes...Lionsault...Triple H puts a knee in the way. Jericho bounces off of the knee. Triple H stands, grabs Jericho, Pedigree - 1...2...3!. Triple H retains the World Heavyweight Championship! **3/4

    J.R.:”Triple H just won the match and retains the World Heavyweight Championship!”

    King:”I never noticed, J.R..”

    J.R.:”Where does this leave Chris Jericho come Sunday?”

    King:”Wait a second, here comes Christian! He’s here for all of his peeps!”

    Triple H is in the ring celebrating with his the title when Captain Charisma comes struting from the back. Triple H’s music cuts off and he turns with a glair towards Christian. Christian walks up the steps and begins struting again. Triple H approaches Christian, but Christian reaches up and smack Triple H. Triple H freezes in shock. He drops the World Heavyweight Championship and swings on Christian. Christian ducks, picks up the title, and lays Triple H out in the center of the ring. Triple H lays lifeless in the ring as Christian goes from turnbuckle to turnbuckle posing with the title around his waist. Raw comes to a close with a shot of Christian with the gold.

    81%, 86%, 71%

    Overall: 79%

    5.92 for Raw

    7502 fans in attendence

    $300,080 in ticket revenue

  11. I like the O.C., but lately I've been turned off to it. I've found myself comparing it to One Tree Hill, which is now my favorite show, and it just doesn't match up - at all. Hopefully Season 3 will be better and the last few episodes of 2.

  12. Wow, man.. I thought you said you sucked? This graphic is awesome, the whole 'bloody' feeling to it works extremely well and how it's all blended is great. The only thing I'd change is the text, give it a more, 'grunge' type feeling, but it ain't a major thing.

  13. To make it simple, I lost my password for my fwrestling.com account and when I resend it I never recieve it. I don't need to upload anything, I just need something already on there, but I can't remember the filename. So is there anyway that I can get a list of files? I know on some sites you can type in the name of the sub-directory and it'll list the files, but I don't have subs on this host. Is there a way at all?

    (btw, in case it's needed, url: http://www.fwrestling.com/host/michael/ - not advertising because it's just used as a host, not a site).

  14. RAW Preview

    Last week on Monday Night Raw Chris Jericho drew Batista in a match to decide which one would enter the Royal Rumble, Triple H laid an open challenge to anyone only to beat down Randy Orton upon his response.  What's in store for the four when General Manager Eric Bischof addresses the situation as he has promised?  Who will face Triple H at the Royal Rumble?

    Shelton Benjamin put his Intercontinental title on the line last week against Christian and came out still champion.  This week Shelton will be taking on a special challenger - title on the line.  Who is the 'special' challenger?  How will he face against Benjamin?

    Also, rumors have it that a new Raw Superstar will be debuting this Monday.

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