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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Bump. We just need a few more. I'm going to finish this damn battle.
  2. I like both of them. I can't really place my finger on anything that I don't like about them. They seem good for nightclubs and they are put together well. Good job, man.
  3. Missed the premier, but I just got done watching it and I love it. I've never disliked an episode of this show. I like the way they are still keeping Ari involved as another character, it adds depth. Great episode all the way around even though it was simple. The very end was the best part of me (the comment from Vince).
  4. I'm beginning to think that this kid is just Keith or someone with a microphone.
  5. Just to let you guys know, Flyleaf is the shit live.
  6. I'm getting ready to leave in a few to head out to an all day show and I'm amped. I'm going to see: Dropping Daylight Flyleaf Pepper Saliva Buckcherry I was supposed to see Saliva couple years back, but a Hurricane ruined that, so I'm pretty excited to finally get to see them. Anyone ever seen any of these bands? What are they like live? I like them all so I was wondering.
  7. Not bad at all. I'm usually not a fan of the style, but you keep a clean edge to it, so it smooths over well. I'll pick it up without a doubt. EWB supporting since the beginning, right?
  8. That's great. Something about the imagine of Keith sitting dark room alone with a picture of his father, the urn, and a razor blade makes me laugh.
  9. I was playing around in Photoshop today, trying to do something different and I came up with this. Opinions? Rate? Hate?
  10. I was wondering about something like this is well. If you figure something out could you let me know? Also, I used to have a tutorial where you could do diamond like effects for text using the gradients, anyone know what I'm talking about or where I can get it?
  11. This is a one-off thing that had been planned for ages now, isn't it?
  12. So, does this mean that Rage is finally "officially" back together?
  13. This is fucking awesome. The only way to explain it:
  14. I still like it. I have the funniest image of a friends little sister singing and dancing to it so it makes me laugh when I hear it.
  15. Gene Kiniski

    Indie tune

    You sure it's not Three Days Grace? I know it's a long shot, but they have a song with a lyric similar to that on their new album.
  16. I listened to it a couple of hours ago and it's not bad. I can get into it, but I guess it will have to grow on me a little more. Then again, I was a fan of "One Thing".
  17. I'm bumping this, again. Guys, please vote so we can do a third round. 3rd round should only be 3 votes.
  18. Am I the only one who likes borders like that? I like it, even the text. The only thing I would is make the text bigger and stretch across the bottom from side to side if you're going to blend it like that.
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