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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. I'm looking to set up a domain/host, but I want to have it so when you go to the website it redirects you to my clothing line host. How would I go about doing this, and could I do it for cheap since I don't want actual webspace?
  2. Gene Kiniski


    I picked up the CD back in July and I still listen to it regularly. I caught on after "Get Stoned" flopped on the radio upon the release, but I'm glad everyone else slowly caught on. They are a great band and I've never heard a complaint about them live (so you can tell from above). They have their faults, but every young band does. I'm sure it will work out over time. They're on tour with Papa Roach and Buckcherry too, so it's an awesome lineup if you can get a chance to catch them. Never seen Roach, but Buckcherry is amazing live.
  3. How did you manage the cut in the letters?
  4. It seems that lately if it's not for a battle or contest, I can't get anything out in Photoshop. It sucks and worries me with school just around the corner.
  5. No, Stomp The Yard got good reviews initially. It just wained over time for some odd reason. I think this years nominees are a better class then in previous MTV years. At least this time they actually have a wider variety and better choices. And for everyone who complains about MTV every year when it comes to Movies Awards and VMA's, they're to the Grammy's, Oscars, Academy Awards, Golden Globes, ect. They've always carried a more mainstream focus, which is actually a good break from someone winning and half of the viewers asking "What movie was that again?".
  6. I like it. I'm not sure what I would rate it as though. It's not too over the edge and detailed which is what does it for me. Looks good.
  7. Thanks I like something about all of the entries so far. Nerf's deserves some credit as well. I like what he did with the shot of the city. AD's is good, but I prefer FSF's. Personally, I like what AD did, but it's too blue for me. FSF's has an edge to it that brings out a different intensity.
  8. Is anyone familiar with Merkley? He is an artist/photographer that is amazing. There are a lot of decent ones out there, but he is off the charts. Creatively he is a wonder as well. Even his nudes are some of the most interested I've ever seen; to the point that you forget you're even looking at a nude photograph. http://www.threequestionmarks.com/ http://www.threequestionmarks.com/blog/blog.html Check him out. He can be very inspirational.
  9. That's amazing man. I really like the way it turned out. It reminds me of one of those free items you'd get with purchase online or something. But, I have decided that when I get out of school we're going into business together.
  10. Hi, Toffee Crisp here; how do you do?

  11. Chuck Norris > Mr. T., however, Mr. T. is awesome on many levels. That ad is great. I liked the Snickers to the head.
  12. I'm excited to see him drop the weight. It will probably be a huge unadjusted for him, 15lbs is a lot, but I'm looking forward to it.
  13. Congrats on the promotion!

  14. I've done a million different things it seems like, and I just couldn't get anything. I'm not extremely happy with the entire result, but I just can't get anything out.
  15. I usually really like Doc's work and feel bad for anyone battling him (especially myself), but I'm going to have to vote for nufan. I like the monuments in the background on the cover mainly. Doc's reminds me of something you would see for an e-fed.
  16. That's 1-1 now, Evansfan. Want to do this third round and go with 3 votes? Or wrap it up? Your call.
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