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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Transformers always made me wonder if it was truly based around the Rubix Cube. It'd make sense. Kinda.
  2. Dear God, I lol'd as well. Over and over. This is going to make Gigli look like No Country For Old Men. I'm excited after that picture above and I've never liked the series. He looks like he hates himself and he knows his career just died.
  3. Everything, actually. I'm seen as as the "punk rock skater kind of white boy" (exact words) or so I was told by a black girl that heard me listening to a Papoose freestyle. I'm supposed to like rock, I like EVERYTHING. But, "See You Again" is up there, just like DMN. Oh, and Britney Spears' cover of "I Love Rock & Roll".
  4. I second Tekken 5. I gave my copy to my nephew and still go over there to play it. And I was going to say Ratchet & Clank, but it seems as if you have good taste.
  5. I was running down the boardwalk and pushed one guy while passing, but kept running. Didn't realize he was following me until I slowed down to push another guy for the hell of it and the first guy tried to punch me in the back. Instead he hit the second guy and those two began to fight. Basically I instigated a fight. Then after one of them died I got to pick up the money. As the second guy stumbled off I hit him once and took his money as well. It was nice.
  6. You know how to spot 'em, drunk I was.

  7. When my ex and I were living together I bought Kiss Kiss Bang Bang without her knowing what it was and made her watch. From the night we watched it until the day she moved out she refused to let me watch it again.
  8. Mayday Parade is one of the bands I'm interested in seeing live. Pennywise, GCH, a lot of the line-up actually.
  9. Come on, how could you not enjoy the cougar in the car?
  10. I saw the trailer in theaters the other day and the vibe was amazing. Ledger deserves to clean house on awards for his performance. Even if he was alive I'd be saying that. Maybe it's the trailer work, but damn if he isn't creepy and just amazing at the same time. In theaters it WILL send chills through you.
  11. I am actually really tired of unloading clips into people and not killing them. I mean full fucking clips into the torso and chest and back and these fuckers just don't die. And then there is the occasional (or often) head shot that people walk away from. I JUST SHOT YOU IN THE FACE WITH A FUCKING PUMP, THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU DIE!
  12. I figured the pigeon thing out by mistake, just seeing if I could kill one, but now I can't find anymore.
  13. "STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE YOU FUCKING MANIAC!" .... "My wife doesn't like when people yell." .... "WHATEVER!"
  14. How do you hail a taxi?
  15. I got thrown from a vehicle and then the vehicle landed right beside me blocking me inbetween the car and a rock. I had to restart to get free.
  16. It is very surprising to me. Like I said above, he had a major chance and UFC could have made him a major player.
  17. I won't lie, I wasn't sure how to word that. If anyone can tell me I will fix it.
  18. I was highly amused that when I was standing in line last night I realized that not only had I slept with the guy in front of me girlfriend, but so had the guy (a friend of mine) who was directly in from of him. So while waiting in line he was standing between two guys that had shagged his girlfriend and he had little to know idea.
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