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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Gene Kiniski

    Street Dogs

    Are fucking awesome. Just letting you know if you already didn't. If you have chance to see them and don't then I am going to kill you in your sleep with a butter knife.
  2. Where is Paul, King, or Hwoarang? You put Raven and Steve Fox, but you can't fit those 3 in? Fail.
  3. Street Dogs. Awesome. Period. Stole the fucking show.
  4. I almost went to the Charlotte one as well because my father lives there.
  5. So we already have a thread about the Warped Tour, but this is one for those you attending. Who is attending? Which show/where? I am going to be attending the VA Beach (Virginia) show this Tuesday, anyone else?
  6. Gene Kiniski


    Ok, so I know someone else on the board was watched the movie with the commentary. I can't find my copy, but a friend and I need something settled. On the commentary it mentions that the girl with the list at the first competition (where they aren't registered and get turned away) is married to one of the cast members. Does anyone know which cast member she is married to?
  7. I didn't catch anything to do with that fight. How did it go down? How did the interviews come off?
  8. When I read the topic title I came in here to say Blink 182. There are a few bands I wouldn't mind, but Blink is the only one I give a damn about.
  9. Why does it take so long for Niko to pick up a motorcycle and get on?
  10. That is a hard lesson learned at the worse time possible, I know.
  11. I will only watch if they DON'T change cast.
  12. Gene Kiniski

    Avril Lavigne

    I miss Creed. I am a pretty big Avril fan, not going to lie. Nickelback as well, since you brought them up. Let me know how the show goes.
  13. I don't understand the questioning in that placement. It's Black Sabbath. Nearly everyone who has picked up a guitar withing the last few decades (rock influenced) has probably tried to play Iron Man or Crazy Train, to play the least. Electric Wizard anyone? Ozzy ALONE could top that list. Remember guys (not the the 2 I quoted, I'm talking to everyone in general) - these list are supposed to be an unbiased outlook, not a personal preference in what has influenced your personal collection on iTunes.
  14. I did an entire mission the other day using nothing but cocktails to burn my enemies as I went through.
  15. Actually, I will try to find the format for the CD when I get back home later. Usually, it is 10 songs (I think) and each one has a purpose/meaning/something to do with your life. Stuff like "1 - First love", etc.
  16. Do you have a Pro? If so then this (what I quoted) is a good way to go.
  17. Someone can pick up. I can't get my Photoshop to work with my computer.
  18. I was hoping for Lesnar/Herring AFTER Coleman. I'm such a Herring fan that I can't call this. They should have filled the void some other way.
  19. Gene: Spoiler: Click here to viewDepending on how much time you have, you can still get out of the car and run to the marker in the tunnel. The car doesn't have to make it to the marker.
  20. That's cool, man. Let me know. As we speak I am re-installing due to some of the same stuff.
  21. Spoiler: Click here to viewSo I'm finishing up missions for Little Jacob. I'm doing the drop under the tunnel. I'm pressed for time, badly. I make the right hand turn to head towards the underpass, hit the barrels and BOOM! Up in flames I go. Fuck.
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