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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. We need a thread asking "WTF is that song" because all of have those moments where we ask ourselves "WTF is that song". I'm looking for a song that's kinda slow, it's lyrics are something like "if the house burns with the ground will you get out before you drown". Now, I'm pretty way off on the lyrics, but that's what's coming together in my mind.
  2. We still never did that WWF/WCW/ECW diary split.

  3. Everybody loves a Sousa!

  4. No one ripped apart the people who built Facebook, they ripped apart the idea of a movie with Facebook at as a focal point.
  5. First and foremost: Pepsi, I watched the movie in your sig the other day and I boggled my mind - and not in a good way. The final line of the film will forever be etched in my mind. A friend and I have been walking around saying it to people ever since we saw it. Secondly and not as important: Who the fuck wants to watch a movie about Facebook? I understand it is about the people who created Facebook, but damn if we're going to do that let's get a movie about good ol' Tom from MySpace. How much you wanna bet Fox options Meebo next?
  6. UFC 88: Breakthrough Main Card Chuck Liddell vs. Rashad Evans - KO, round 2 Rich Franklin vs. Matt Hamill - Judge's Karo Parisyan vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida - KO, round 2 Dan Henderson vs. Rousimar Palhares - Submission Martin Kampmann vs. Nate Marquardt - Judges Preliminary Card Thiago Tavares vs. Kurt Pellegrino - Stoppage Dong Hyun Kim vs. Matt Brown - Stoppage Roan Carneiro vs. Ryo Chonan - Submission Jason Lambert vs. Jason MacDonald - KO Tim Boetsch vs. Michael Patt - Judges
  7. I'm a Kid Rock fan, hugely actually, and even if I wasn't I would still understand where he was coming from. I remember when I worked Warped Tour summer before last (Lucky 13) Kevin was running around like a chicken with his head cut off to make sure everything was beyond perfect for every band, even bands no one knew. It's hard work, but live up to what you offer.
  8. Damn, that is right down the street from where I just moved from. Hilarious.
  9. I actually think this thread is turning into "Omg, I forgot how awesome Adam Sandler was" thread because honestly thinking back at the movies as I read the titles made me realize that.
  10. Ok, so many moons ago I used to have this little game on my computer where I sold drugs. I think it was like a VB game or something, nothing fancy. You could buy and sell drugs, put them in lockup, try and fun from cops or blow them up and kill them to get away. It was pretty fun to pass a little time. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
  11. Sorry to double post, but I just read that Rogers gets the winner of the Shamrock/Slice fight. I am trying to find it confirmed now.
  12. No, because I really really really want to see it too. Ken is my all time favorite, the reason I watch MMA. Honestly, I feel Kimbo will win, but I hope that Shammy catches that ankle and exposes him.
  13. Taken straight from Sherdog! That's right Shammy will be taking on Kimbo. While I love Ken Shamrock and I hope he breaks Kimbo's ankle in half, it seems as if Elite is playing the dodging game with Kimbo still. Who was he originally rumored to face in October?
  14. That is fucking sweet, I'm not going to lie. That is the only way to describe it.
  15. I am unpacking from my move and when I get set up later tonight I will have a go at this if no one else wants to help continue it. K? Jimmy? AJ?
  16. Someone else get in on this!
  17. that's going to be...interesting to follow up. Who is next?
  18. Ok, random, I know, but I was playing around and I felt like if I mirrors your image you finished with that connected it looked like a peach. With that in mind, I could only think of the song "Peaches". Nothing fancy, but this hasn't been to fancy the entire time.
  19. I like that. I'm excited to see who is next.
  20. How's that? I added a little overlay (I tried at least) so that they match up and I edited my piece a little bit. Is that better?
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