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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. This thread needs more swaztikas. Seriously though, I'm actually glad Will Smith isn't getting the part. While he is one of the more enjoyable actors, to me at least, I couldn't picture him as Captain America. I honestly can't think of anyone who would fit the role perfectly though. But hell, no one expected Downey to blow us away as Iron Man like he did. Watch us end up with Paul Walker.
  2. I'm excited for it. I was disappointed when I heard Cage backed out, but I'm excited to see Rourke in the roll. Hopefully it's as good as they say.
  3. Your not going to find that anyone in Patrick Cote. After all this, watch him punk out Silva in the first round I was thinking about that the other night. Imagine if it was Cote who caught Silva in a leg hook or something this time around.
  4. Why not run up the score? Honestly, complaining about the outrageous score is like telling the team not to shoot when they have the chance. What are they suppose to do, so stop give them the puck back instead of taking the shot? You play the fullest until the final whistle.
  5. Holy shit. Rest in peace. I was just looking him up a couple of nights ago trying to find out if he'd be fighting again any time soon.
  6. Yeah, I second that. Solid card all the way around.
  7. Spoiler: Click here to viewYou have no idea then. I tried browsing the sherdog forums during the fights last night since EWB was done and I wanted to punch the computer screen so I had to leave.
  8. In your mind it's a piss poor savior that has cemented themselves in rock/music history for years to come more than any other band in the last decade has been able to do.
  9. Spoiler: Click here to viewI doubt that's it. Something tells me we'll get a rematch. Maybe another Chuck/Tito in the undercard someday.
  10. I just want to say: fuck the board downtime, I was going to do a thread for tonight. Instead: Spoiler: Click here to viewI though Chuck was going to land that uppercut and the BAM!
  11. i think i love you

  12. Are you trying to tell us our mural isn't any good?
  13. Why? And just what other fighters deserve title shots in the Heavyweight division? And if they do, would they be marketable? It's all about MONEY. UFC is a BUSINESS. No shit, no need to say it like you're talking to a moron. Sure, UFC is a business and about money, but it is also a sport. This has always been a sport, from day 1. Right now Dana is doing with Lesnar what he snarled at Elite doing with Slice. I apologize if I offended you, but from your original post, it seemed as if you didn't understand how MMA promotions make money. If you have a fight like this in the making you need to sacrifice some of the 'pure sports' aspects. For example, Fabrico Werdum vs. Couture would perhaps be more legitimate from a sporting sense, but from a business and interest level is far, far, far, far beneath Lesnar vs. Couture. Therefore, anyone who would run Werdum vs. Couture, when the Lesnar fight is RIGHT THERE, is an idiot. Especially considering Randy's age. And, as everyone else has pointed out, Brock is far more legit than Kimbo Slice. Brock has actually competed with serious competition. Kimbo has yet to really fight anyone who, on paper, would pose him a serious threat (though Thompson almost had him beat). Just look at the IFL. MMA fights, by themselves, don't sell. If they did, they wouldn't need countdown shows and charismatic fighters. It's all good, man. Just a forum. I completely understand how they make their money though, after all I am training to do this for a living. Gabby That's what I was getting at, you just said it in a more elaborate and detailed way. Thank you.
  14. Why? And just what other fighters deserve title shots in the Heavyweight division? And if they do, would they be marketable? It's all about MONEY. UFC is a BUSINESS. No shit, no need to say it like you're talking to a moron. Sure, UFC is a business and about money, but it is also a sport. This has always been a sport, from day 1. Right now Dana is doing with Lesnar what he snarled at Elite doing with Slice.
  15. I like it Doc, but the Jolly Roger kind of throws it off a bit. I think it would have looked better blended the same way as Depp.
  16. How do I go about creating a video in the style of a youtube video? Like the player and all?
  17. I don't like it. I can't stand it. Lesnar has fought 2 fights in the UFC, losing one. Sure, he's talented/has potential and he's coming off a victory, but in no way should be in a title fight already. It's degrading to the other fighters in better situations.
  18. Saves The Day - "At Your Funeral". And yeah, I butchered the lyrics, of course.
  19. Nah. I'm trying everything here and it's boggling me. It's a slower song from a few years ago.
  20. I wish, but no. It's something about a funeral or something.
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