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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Why didn't he follow up that right hand? Rua was stunned and just stopped, he had the chance to follow up, but just stood there and looked/waited. [EDIT] Disappointing finish.
  2. I first I laughed at "Face Smashing-Fu" and now I'm enjoying "Face Smashing-Fu". I thought both of those guys were done a couple of times already.
  3. Shamrock doesn't look happy at all, he seems pretty emotional.
  4. Handicap match~! I hope that if Ken is out then Frank gets in. I think he'd give up a really good fight.
  5. I'm starting to feel like this is a publicity stunt.
  6. I'm pulling for Shamrock, as I always do when he fights. I'm just not much on Kimbo either.
  7. Denzel Washinton, Morgan Freeman, Adam Sandler, and Jack Nicholson. Just don't combine the latter two. Add in Johnny Depp and Robin Williams too.
  8. Would Urijah Faber make it in the UFC? I have a strong feeling he would and that he is past due to be called up to the big leagues. Opinions?
  9. ...bitches i hope you know, i won't stop 'til i hit that ho! Dead in Ditches is one of my personal favorites.
  10. We like Hollywood Undead. I brought something up about them ages ago and everyone was all "who the fuck are they and why do we care?". I really enjoy the album as a whole, check it out Keef. They are a pretty fun band/group to listen to and drink to. And Inner D Monz, I hope you realize that No. 5 was out years before Sell Your Soul. Most of their stuff is that type of song. No 5., Bitches, Bottle and a Gun, Everywhere I Go, etc. The list goes on.
  11. Heard rumors of this awhile back and have been pretty stoked for it ever since. Chocolate Starfish is still pretty played in my CD player.
  12. Gene Kiniski

    The Streets

    "Dry Your Eyes" gets to me just because I've been there too many times.
  13. Gene Kiniski

    The Streets

    I plan on checking this out soon. I have a small spot for the Streets that started with "Lets Push Things Forward".
  14. That horrible and not just because of who they are (even though DJ AM is the shit). I hope they both recover fully. I wish DJ AM the best of luck.
  15. So first they give Noons an option, he declines, and as a result they strip him? Then why give him an option in the first place?
  16. Ah man, that fucking sucks for everyone. I am a huge Travis Barker fan myself so when I heard is name it caught my attention, but I feel for the family of those lost. I hope the best recovery from Travis and DJ AM. Where were you when I was trying to pimp that thing 2 summers ago? (Read sig lyrics)
  17. Yup, I saw that coming from you. I almost added it into the post, but I decided to wait and see how long it would take.
  18. So I was on Journey's website a bit ago and ran across this contest, seems cool enough: Journey's T-Shirt Contest I will probably give it a shot. Why not? Some of you guys should too.
  19. I still really like the Ataris - Boys of Summer cover. It just has a modern sound and the slight lyrics change (just a few words, mainly the "Black Flagg") make it a good coming of age cover.
  20. I am pritty shute that if batman dos not win every oscar there is - the internet will start sending out suicide bombers. The Dilan Summers character came from this movie, correct?
  21. You're right, I was completely convinced at his ability to lay on his opponent and not finish him.
  22. He was going to be Neo too, if I remember correctly. I heard Bale was the brothers first pick for Neo, but Warner said he wasn't 'commercial' enough. But it does seem WIll Smith is rumoured for every other film these days. Smith was actually the original pick, but like said before, he turned it down.
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