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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. It's not that I can't take him seriously, I can take him seriously as a legit competitor, but I'm just not a fan of him. I like him, but I'm not a fan - make sense? I think it's his attitude that turns me off to him. I am also one of the guys that feels like he was rushed in.
  2. It's not that I can't take him seriously, I can take him seriously as a legit competitor, but I'm just not a fan of him. I like him, but I'm not a fan - make sense? I think it's his attitude that turns me off to him. I am also one of the guys that feels like he was rushed in.
  3. Did anyone sign up for the fantasy league on UFC.com? It's too late to do my picks, but I got mine in yesterday so I'm stoked to see how I do.
  4. What's wrong with Christina being in such a high spot on the list? The girl has pipes without a doubt. She may be a pop princess, but that doesn't take anything away from how great of a voice and ability to use it she has.
  5. There has been talk in the MMA thread so I figured I'd move it over to here. I'm pulling for Randy. I love the way Dana is looking at Randy:
  6. awesome Nothing is better than a parent with a sense of humor. Ace.
  7. A lot, actually. Sucks that we will probably never see him at the point he once was.
  8. Holy shit, that's a long card. I'd be hard pressed to sit through that.
  9. I really enjoy it, then again I am a huge Jack White/White Stripes fan.
  10. I skipped it because it was too easy. Both bands are great bands, and even though I don't care for Pearl Jam outside of a few songs, there is no comparing Alter Bridge to either of them. Just for starters, Alter Bridge don't have the longevity and test of time that Pearl Jam or Soundgarden's material does. And even though Soundgarden are long gone as an active group they have still have managed to hold a solid place over time. Alter Bridge are like Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, how?
  11. That's alright, there are always going to be wrong people in the world, I've come to accept that. Really, it just makes the correct opinion all the more special. I took that as a joke. I kind of chuckled. I'm not a big Alter Bridge fan, but I liked Creed when they were around. I'll still give them a few spins now and then.
  12. I wish CBS had made the purchase. And Arlovski/Fedor?
  13. Spoiler: Click here to viewLeben is probably fine. Bisping is on his way up the middleweight division, so it's not like it's a loss to some can. On top of that, you have to remember that Bisping's gameplan was to let Leben come at him aggressively, and counter. Because Bisping's boxing is so good, Leben's only real chance to win the fight would have been to do something that was uncharacteristic of himself... either take it to the mat, or sit tight and force Bisping to be the aggressor. When they made the fight, I'm sure they banked on Leben coming at him full force, but again, with the five inch reach and Bisping's boxing skills... they probably had a good idea that this would be the outcome. Leben will likely get some fights that are better suited to his brawling style while he continues to work on his all-around game... but I don't see them cutting him loose. Spoiler: Click here to viewThat's what I was thinking/hoping. I don't think Leben has anywhere to go from here but up. I'm not saying Leben will one day be champion, it's a long shot, but he looked damn good out there. He looked paces, more focused, and less street-ish in his fighting. Like they kept saying, he looked to be in his best shape ever. I'm excited to see what's next for him.
  14. Spoiler: Click here to viewWhere does this leave Leben? I am a fan so in my eyes a loss isn't much to me, but I know to UFC and many others Leben isn't living up to UFC standards.
  15. That's AFTER I get on the show.
  16. Thanks a ton guys! Anyone have any ideas of what I can do for some attention and exposure?
  17. Hey guys, similar to what a couple of people have done on here, I am asking for some help getting on a show. I am trying to get on MTV's REAL WORLD and I need votes. I figured where better to go than good ol' EWB? So, PLEASE, vote for me! http://realworldcasting.mtv.com/people/mfray Vote! Vote Daily! Send this to all of your friends, family, co-workers, post it on your MySpace, Facebook! Everything! I promise, I won't forget the EWB if I make it to the show! Once again: http://realworldcasting.mtv.com/people/mfray
  18. I came in here to make this post. Thanks, Shammy.
  19. I like it, looks good to me. From what I've watched I think the theme is pretty cool, the old rundown look.
  20. So I came across this on Sherdog. I have to say, this could be big: If that is the case then this is the worse thing that could get out for EliteXC. In the bottom it says he later denies saying it, but either way the words are in the air.
  21. I KNEW that was the Black Samurai, back I couldn't think of the name of it!
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