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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. So wait, he won and is currently still holding the same title for 11 years? If so that's really impressive.
  2. That's awesome. I'm excited to see this go through. Also, I love Dana White. "Were you a good boxer", "No, that's why I'm a promoter".
  3. Gene Kiniski


    I had never actually watched this show, but last night the girl I am seeing got me to watch an episode with her and it was great. It was one with a bunch of interns wearing Redwings' jerseys because of their mentor. Are all the episodes this great? Is it going to be worth getting the seasons?
  4. The Vaseline thing doesn't really bother me due to the fact that it seems like more of a simple "my bad" (poor wording, I know) type of thing rather than a cheating tactic. With the way the fight went I'm not sure that little hand prints would have made much of a difference. Now, that is my thoughts as a fan. However, from a fighters perspective I'm pretty sure it'd be impaired.
  5. I know we have a MMA Thread, but this expands out of it, IMO. Plus, why should all talk be stuck in one thread? Rest in peace. Without him MMA would be nothing.
  6. WEC: Spoiler: Click here to viewHow about that body shot?! I know it didn't look to damaging at first, but for Pulver to be ended as the result of a body shot - damn. I was massively disappointed at the way the main event ended.
  7. Yeah, I am aware of that, but (like you) I'm at a loss to what he is doing there.
  8. Question about this Faber training photo: Spoiler: Click here to view What's with the tire?
  9. I'm not even going to lie, I didn't even realize the fights were even on last night. For some reason I was thinking next week. The results don't surprise me much though.
  10. I saw Roger Huerta leaving UFC last week I believe it was. For career in acting? Seems like an odd move considering where he is, but good luck to him.
  11. Easy Does It, try them. Here is their MySpace: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endID=424199662
  12. Odd that Spike isn't airing the countdown show, but I am looking forward to the 24/7 series.
  13. Nah, not Korn. It reminded me a of mix between Nonspoint and Skindred.
  14. Ok, so a few years ago there a band that had like a hit single, rock band, that I want to find again. The video was like kinda darkish with the lead singer (guy with dreads) jumping around (wow, I now a lot of detail) similar to this Nonpoint video: I know it had some fuzzy TVs in it too.
  15. This saved your post. If it had not been for that last line I would not be typing this: I slightly agree with you. I am not a big John Cena fan, but not because "Cena sucks/can't work/ect.". I find some of the stuff he does entertaining and I have a ton of respect for the guy for his drive and his passion for the wrestling business. Personally, I feel that his act is a little stale, but he is amazing at what he does and I will NOT take anything away from him for that. As an entertainer I enjoy him and as a wrestler I can enjoy his matches and workrate (yes, Cena's workrate - as in his ability to work a match and make it something exciting). Like I said though, it's the way he is booked that turns me off to him. That being said, I will give the guy a fair chance in the movies - I did say that I find him entertaining. After watching The Marine, however, I was turned off to him as an actor. I understand that it was his first motion picture, but I felt as if he forced way too many parts and the movie itself was poorly written and directed. While it was probably fun for the average fan who likes to watch John Cena play "hero", the movie left a sour taste in my mouth. A lot of overacting and awkward moments seemed to linger throughout the entire film. This is why I am not looking forward to 12 Rounds. Couple the nearly recycled storyline together with my opinion (note, my opinion - not right nor wrong) of The Marine, I am not interested in the movie. I agree that it lacks creativity beyond the normal Hollywood fashion. Give me a better script, acting, and plot and I will try again. In theaters, yes... on DVD it's made almost $25 million. And it was an awesome movie that deserved that $25 million.
  16. Another Senators fan on the board? FINALLY!

  17. Sousa!

    Just dropping by to say hi.

  18. EBG, for years I have paid more attention to your avatar than your actual post. Who is she? Oh yes, on topic, Overeem is Godly.
  19. Yay for Sanford and Son

  20. K-1 Dynamite is going to be awesome. I cannot wait for this show.
  21. I don't like Dragonball/Z, but that trailer makes the feel seem pretty good.
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