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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Yeah, it's like $150 for it so it's not worth it.
  2. I wasn't being on this the first couple of times I played it, but after a few fights I really began to dig it. After playing it with a friend over and over I'm loving it. Will be getting it.
  3. Were you taking the piss out of my comment or agreeing/backing it up? Slightly thrown off by your wording.
  4. I hate your avatar.

    I'm partially colorblind :(

  5. Except not. Flyleaf are a completely different style/sound for the most part. The only comparison is the female vocalist. To be fair, maybe I see it differently because I really dig Flyleaf and really can't stand Paramore. Turned down 3 opportunities to see them for free. Flyleaf, however, is great live if you ever get the chance. The energy they give off on stage is great.
  6. Pretty sure that was the point of my post. EDIT* That reply sounds pretty dick-ish, but it isn't meant to be. Just clarifying.
  7. I have been playing this simple game on Facebook to kill time lately and I was wondering if anyone knew any deeper, PC, games of this similar nature? Basically you area a tycoon trying to build an empire.
  8. I hate this game. I love playing online, but it's ridiculous at times. It's the most frustrating online multiplayer I have ever played.
  9. A few years ago I would have been all over this fight. Now, I'm not that excited. There aren't many people outside of the UFC I would be excited to see Fedor fight at this point though. Maybe a rematch with Andre, but that is about it.
  10. I was talking this over with a friend the other day. There are a lot of fighters that lose the fight, but in return gain a bit of respect in some shape or form. What fighters have you gained some sort of respect for off of a losing bout? Mine would be Chris Leben vs. Anderson Silva. Here's the thing, Leben is one of my favorite fighters, but I am able to put that to the side for this. Had I still been stuck on his actions from the TUF House and his attitude at the time I would have been able to look past it a bit after this fight. This fight ended early, yes, but even after you realized that Leben was going to need a miracle left hand to win this fight he still continued to press and trade with Silva who was obviously out-striking him.
  11. Anyone catch the comments by Mir about wanting to face Fedor before he retires? Not sure how old the video is/was, but I will post it up shortly.
  12. Sorry for the no-show guys, but this damn issue with the board has become so bad at my house that I can not even access the board to let it load slowly.
  13. Are you serious, they banned Adderal? That's a bit extreme.
  14. Hilarious? I found it tasteless and unprofessional for a site is at the top of MMA coverage. That was just my opinion though. Also, Bully Beatdown is on MTV which mean it is scripted. It hilariously obvious if you watch it.
  15. I was just messing anyway, tone is hard over the net. I'll have mine up soon.
  16. Ok. I have no problem with nufan joining, but I didn't know it was up to AD. I'll take those rules though.
  17. I heard PW2 is coming in a double package with Duke Nukem: Forever.
  18. There was nothing wrong with Super Mario Brothers. Southland Tales on the other hand.
  19. Didn't vote because of the "best single" option is lacking. Rating: 7 Best Album: All That You Can't Leave Behind Best/FAVORITE Single: "Stuck In A Moment" I give them a 7, but it may be my mood right now. I like U2, don't get my wrong, but they fall into the same "overly overrated" category that I lump Pearl Jam and Nirvana into. They are great band and I will listen to "Stuck in a Moment" nearly any time that it is being played.
  20. Speaking of "keep in order" I have a thing I've recently started where I burn a CD every month and label it, as well as saving the playlist, by month and year. For example, JAN' 2009 or MARCH 2009. I figured if I keep them in cases and make one once a month then in 10 or 15 years I can look back at what I was listening to then and compare.
  21. Ok, 3-way sounds good. Rules? Remember, two of us are probably rusty so nothing to out of this world, please.
  22. Same question EddieG asked, how did you do the blending?
  23. In an attempt to help get this place alive I am showing my interest starting here. I am pretty rust, but let's get a battle going shall we? Please, let's make it actually happen too.
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