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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. I just went through this. Evans decided to sit on me for a nearly 2 rounds before I finally knocked him into the front row. EDIT: Not sure my reasoning, but I just spend 4 rounds leg kicking Machida. Only leg kicks. Finally at the end of the fourth I just superman punched him, out cold.
  2. What weight class? I'd be happy to toss one of my guys out there against you if we match up.
  3. Some decent stuff, but do I spot scanlines? Where's Thomas?
  4. To be honest, Kevin Smith comes off as a huge douchebag in part II and I say this as a huge fan.
  5. Yes, very awesome to this day. Friend of mine has a Mod Box and we play that on it all the time.
  6. If it is a cred thing then that's pretty lame, IMO. I am actually doing a career right now to test the cred' theory. I'm not taking any photoshoots, interviews, autograph signings, etc. and I do not wear sponsors on my shorts. I just fight and train all the time. Undefeated thus far.
  7. Spoilers for Lashley/Sapp, C+P straight from Sherdog: Spoiler: Click here to viewBobby Lashley vs. Bob Sapp Round 1 Lashley shoots a double-leg immediately and takes Sapp down. He pounds on Sapp from Sapp's open guard. Lashley throws short elbows and moves into half guard. He could easily pass but stays in half guard and punches. No major blows have gotten through yet. Two minutes into the round. Lashley is scoring points, and Sapp has made no effort to get up. A big right hand from Lashley gets through. Lashley opens up with more rights, and Sapp turns away and taps. The ref misses the tap, and Lashley punches some more until the next tap is seen at 3:17. Damn.
  8. Can someone at least fix the typo in his name in the title?
  9. I'm REALLY hoping to get that at least shown as a filler. That is one of the fights I'm most excited for. So that I don't double post: I was looking at stuff regarding Sapp/Lashley and realized that in his 10-4-1 record, Sapp has only beat one fighter who has a winning record. For sake of a fair argument, Lashley has only beat one man with a winning record although he only has 3 professional fights under his belt. Also, 5 of Sapp's 10 wins have come against fighters with little experience at five or less fights under their belts. Looking at those numbers has really amped up my excitement for the fight as I think Sapp may be taking Lashley lightly due to his history of defeating lesser experienced fighters.
  10. I'm sure this can be merged with the developing thread in Movies & T.V. (vice versa). Can't say I was a fan, but rest in peace.
  11. Heavyweight is shit. You'll run through the entire division until the last 3 or 4 top guys and then you'll get sat on the entire time of each fight.
  12. Yes, yes it is. Just dropped a decision to Mir which was really boring and lame. I spent three rounds reversing his sub attempts and trying to box with him. I'd land a small combo and then two or three heavy hits to the head and then he'd take me down at ease. I'd get right back up and then it'd be the same thing over and over, but his takedowns out scored my hits I landed. I completely destroyed him standing and he just sat on me.
  13. It sucked. Accept it. Let me guess, you couldn't follow the wacky mind adventures of it or the fact that Jim Carrey didn't have a rubbery face for the duration of the film? Don't take this as a pissy move. I really want to know what your reasons for this dislike is. Unless it's "it's not a Jim Carrey comedy like the others," in which keep it to yourself and just avoid any fare classified as arthouse or whatever. Oh no, don't get me wrong I WANTED to LOVE this movie, but I just couldn't. I am not sure why, but I just couldn't. When I first heard about it I was anxious because I knew it was going to be great. When I finally saw it I was less than impressed. I'm not sure if I was overly anxious (much what happened with The Wrestler) or what it was, but something just lacked, IMO. It has nothing to do with Jim Carrey's comedy background at all. It's one of those movies that I will probably sit down and try to watch again knowing I don't like it and end up enjoying it.
  14. The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment. Okay, calm down and stop taking everything so seriously. I thought you was talking about the fact that you lost, so there's no need to start acting like you're offended because I questioned what you said. It seemed like you was moaning about the flash knockouts or the loss, both of which shouldn't really be something to moan about. Well, in all fairness I can see where you thought I was coming off dick-ish towards you in that reply, but I wasn't. My bad. I was just saying, take a moment and ask what I was referring to when I mentioned the tweaking instead of assuming that I was talking about the loss. I figured if you had read my original post then you would have known I had admitted the error which is why my post was more of a "I lost. Also, games needs tweaks" and not "I lost, game needs tweaks." Get what I am saying? Once again, wasn't coming off towards you with attitude or anything. Remember that time in the MMA News thread when another poster and I didn't share the same opinion on something and you decided to come in and poke your nose in where it wasn't welcome or didn't belong? Yes, this is just like that. Or how about that time when you decided to take the liberty of jumping into something in the Music forum in the same manor? Yes, this is like that. Please, Maxx - go away and stop butting into everything I post. If you notice I rarely post around here anymore (mainly Coin-Op and MMA threads) yet you still seems to pop up and have to reply to my post when they have nothing to do with YOU.
  15. The tweaking comment had nothing to do with the loss as the 62% was an error I stated was on my behalf in my original post. The tweaking comment was an overall general opinion towards much of the game. Clear it up before you comment.
  16. Have you had a chance to watch Role Models yet? This. I can not sit through this entire movie. Along with this is Anchorman. There is a difference between stupid and comedic and these cross it. I was let down by I Love You, Man as well.
  17. I finally just took the loss. This game leaves a lot of tweaking left to be desired.
  18. You really, really shouldn't. It's so disappointing. Goldeneye has not aged well. Oh, but it has. When you're intoxicated it's the game to play. I'm half tempted to download some version of Harvest Moon though.
  19. Is there a key to flash knockouts or something of that sort? Due to a training error I am going to a fight with Lesnar at 62%.
  20. Ok, a couple new shirts to check out. SDM provided me some designs the other night that are up. I'll be updating some more of my own hopefully today since I have a day off finally.
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