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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. That would make sense normally, but Affliction the company didn't close, just stopped promoting fights. Or does that not matter? I figured it be something along the lines of how Zuffa holds most of the contracts although UFC is the promotes. Only in this case Affliction the company/clothing line held the contracts so if promoting halted then the company itself would still have the contracts since it is still alive and running. Or is it completely different? Also, Tito coming back was a given. Only thing I must know is who will he face? Coleman?
  2. Even though it is non-exclusive if Zuffa were to acquire it from Affliction would it not lock Fedor into that final fight at the risk of breach of contract if he didn't compete? Not sure how a non-exclusive works.
  3. One has to wonder if this was known to be going down in this matter before now. I mean, first with Dana's claims that he was confident Fedor would be acquired and now the possibility that his contract may be on the auction block. Also, Fedor only has one remaining fight on the contract part of the drama with him has always had that one fight deal in the mix. Not to mention with Affliction going back to a sponsorship deal the UFC is set to make a lot of money on fees. I wouldn't be shocked to see Fedors contract end up as part of a wager/business deal between the companies.
  4. Yeah, I see your point. And sorry about that 'smart ass' quip, it was uncalled for. We cool? Yeah, man. Of course. (Y) I was discussing where Mir goes next a work with someone the other day this never came up as an option. It's an interesting to say the least, but I feel that Kongo's legs are being cut from under him. He really needs to step his game up here or else he'll end up never getting that shot he deserved.
  5. And still you had to be a smart-ass? Just go away, please. I just said that I understand why you did that after, to include the source. I wasn't thinking about the source as I normally only post legit news, not rumors. The lack of source was on me. I had said "three post above" because you had only Copied and Pasted what seemed like a random news story with nothing else (such was "More details", "further information", etc.) so I read it as you just throwing up a C+P story at random during the discussion already taking place. Much like happens often in The Ring News Threads. Nothing 'smart ass' was meant about "three post above", nor am I sure how it came off smart ass, either way, nothing was meant by it.
  6. Seriously, I can see why he did that, but you - just go away, please.
  7. Well shit. I was looking forward to watching Fedor's match, whomever it might've been against. Three post above you. On another topic, Mir/Kongo is being rumored for 107. No major sources as I can tell yet, just random MMA sites. Biggz, confirm this any?
  8. It seemed a number of guys were willing to step up and face him, but they were seemingly too hesitant to pull the trigger on any one of them. I would have like to seen Fedor/Monson myself. I'm thinking (my personal idea here, don't take it as anything else) is that they were banking on Fedor/Barnett to draw enough to help them out of the financial troubles they have been dodging.
  9. I believe it was Biggz that I discussed the possibility of Sanchez/Florian with after the Sanchez/Guida fight. If KenFlo defeats Penn and goes on to face Sanchez then I feel the odds are in Florian's favor. I really can't see anyone other than Florian at the top of that division right now.
  10. Is it just me or does the bell not ring to end the round if your opponent is attempting a submission?
  11. I'm also about to do another round of sponsorships.
  12. Biggzy, computer is up and running again. Get me some action.
  13. Strikeforce fighter Lavar Johsnon has been shot and is in 'serious condition'. Sherdog: http://sherdog.com/news/news/update-johnso...-shooting-18352
  14. Yeah, but you were posting in a general discussion thread so it doesn't matter that I happened to be the one to reply with an opinion on the topic at hand. ALSO: Dan Miller/Aaron Simpson is rumored for the UFN19 which I'm not to keen on as I don't think it does much for either guy.
  15. It is basically do or die for both me (either way for Chuck) so I'd think they would be a little less tentative if they met. Especially since Chuck's fight probably will be his last fight, he's not going to want to go out with a snoozer.
  16. This seems odd to me only because I feel the offer will only end in Cro Cop being further devalued due to his DREAM stunt.
  17. What gets me is that everyone used to be on Family Guy's jockstrap and now everyone is all about the hate.
  18. EDIT: And FUCK the internet. On that note I am going to bed. I guess some people seem to think that fake news sites and pranks about deaths are cool since a few celebs' have died recently, but that's fucking lame. Sorry for the mis-information, I hope all of the people false reporting and creating makeshift news sites get what's coming to them. Once again, sorry everyone. Please delete this.
  19. I think it was the fact that what should have been a really epic fight with all of the Autobots having to team up to take the fucker down is ended by a fucking railgun which took like....no effort. Which in theory would make the Autobots look extremely weak and inferior if it required all of them to take out a lesser of the enemy (Decepticon) team, would it not? I mean, if Megatron could just snap a lesser of the Autobots completely in half without any real effort what is to say that a something that travels at seven times the speed of sound couldn't blast right through a smaller, less important (storyline-wise), Decepticon?
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