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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. What's sad is that I have started to pause after making new post to watch the avatar myself.

  2. Double post: Would anyone with some experience be willing to glance over about three pages for me so I can get some feedback before I'm too far in?
  3. I have actually been reading a screenplay to help me out. Reading the writing portion behind a movie that I know fairly well seems to provide decent insight for me. I think that just for the heck of it I am going to use the plot machine on Script Frenzy and write for whatever idea it gives me. It'll keep it unique and force me to use that extra effort and creativity. [EDIT] Another random idea I had is a group effort mock screenplay. It would take a good bit of time to complete, but what if a few of us got together and worked on a single piece? We could pass it around from member to member and write it in sections. Just for fun and to help each other out. [DOUBLE EDIT] http://www.scriptfrenzy.org/howtoformatascreenplay Good points.
  4. On what Fitzy said, Kos is also AKA so that adds another dimension to that division. You have three of the highest ranked fighters in that division in the same, extremely loyal, camp.
  5. We needs more Andy Douglas.

  6. I think that Florian can beat Penn if/when they face again. Kenny has all the tools and is only getting better. The last match he did get outclassed, but I would account part of that to nerves and not knowing what he is getting into against someone like Penn. Kenny is a very mentally strong fighter and very motivated, which is something Penn lacks at times (motivation, not mentality - although the later is arguable. ) With the experience that he has now - four rounds with the champion.
  7. I have Final Draft 7 installed, had it for ages now. I'll check out those books though, thanks.
  8. I really want to start working on something, but I'm still lacking general format direction. I'm reading over some of those screenplays now to help. Can anyone recommend any good books or guides for me to check out?
  9. ZJ, if I didn't like you I'd probably reply with something like this: But I'm not going to. Kimbo is easily more famous that 80% of the current UFC roster, but that is because he is a YouTube legend, not due to his MMA career. If it was not for the massive amount that the internet effect media in todays world then Kimbo would have no career or hype outside of Miami. Personally, I give the guy massive props for taking what he had to work with an milking it for everything that he has thus far. Also, I would like someone to explain to me how Roy Nelsons ground'n'pound is "laying on them" (them as in his opponents). Nelson did not lay on his opponents, he passed guard and stopped them via punches. Everyone is acting like the guy pulled a Jake Shields. The guy initiated probably the smartest gameplan on the entire show. It payed off him major too. A smart, skilled, experienced fighter in a extremely green field of fighters (Wes doesn't count) pulled out two unquestionable victories in three fights*. While it is easy to dislike his attitude, which I think was more of Dana's hype than Roy's actual actions, to consider his laying on his opponents is obvious inaccurate. *I will admit that the decision should have had a third round in my opinion.
  10. What do you expect? Dana White is a cunt. The thing with Dana is that he is no more of a cunt than anyone else he just gets a high profile to display it. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not defending some of his more idiotic instances, but he really isn't saying anything anyone else wouldn't say. He is a normal guy that happens to have one of the most badass jobs and he stays true to his roots. If you're familiar with Entourage think of Dana White as the UFC/MMA version of Billy Walsh (director, "suits suck" guy). EDIT* Biggz and I were talking and he just actually pointed out that Dana is not the one that said that comment, it was someone on Liddell's follower list who tagged White in the comment.
  11. Ahem. Roy Nelson ladies and gentlemen.
  12. If anyone is still playing I'm about to get on.
  13. Picked up the game earlier, 360 gamertag is DonJuanCrisp. Let's kill some witches.
  14. Huerta is officially a free agent now as he has not signed a new contract with the UFC.
  15. In that mindset I guess Griffin beat a skull cracked, bulging disc' Tito Ortiz too, right?
  16. I was falling for you until there. Mir should expose Kongo's lack of ground and pick him part via jiu-jitsu. Standing Mir has improved enough to bang with Kongo, but I don't think he is going to stay in there long enough to get KTFO. The legs of Kongo are too dangerous and Cain showed us that Kongo is still to weak on the ground to truly have much of a chance right here. Personally, I think that this fight is more of a "let's make Mir important with a win over a name" fight.
  17. Brian Foster, not Jake Rosholt. Not happy about the Larson loss.
  18. Whip Biggz and I up a nifty pro' looking logo for the Unnamed MMA Radio Show for our twitter account and such.
  19. Apparently it was hole in his intestine.
  20. Just playing the demo, but the teammates I keep getting are tools. There is no reason to let me die when I'm standing DIRECTLY beside you and then at the end I still end up in second place score wise.
  21. Double post, but I found this amusing: http://mmafighting.com/news/2009/11/16/mayhem-miller-jake-shields-tweetin-trash Not sure how I got onto that site or came across it at all, but I got a bit of a laugh out of it. I am hoping for a rematch.
  22. I wouldn't say that. I mean, when Randy defeated Vera this was the first fight that came to my mind for him, but I wouldn't say he is going to get fed to anyone. Both men are coming off of victories (Vera for Randy, Bonnar for Coleman) and back to back wins for either could boost them to the front of the line in the division with the shape that it is in right now. Not saying that it is weak, but with Rampage out, Hendo gone, Forrest on back to back losses, Shogun & Machida still wrapped up in that situation (and Machida's injury), back to back wins could do a lot for a fighters standings. Plus, if Coleman loses then he losses to Randy who is, well, Randy. No one ever holds a Couture loss against you. Depending on the outcome of this fight and the LHW title rematch you could easily set up the Coleman/Shogun rubber match or the Couture/Machida match that Randy has been outspoken about.
  23. Read this earlier and laughed. Not because of the fight itself, but because I ended up on the Sherdog forums after the Vera fight reading people complain "what next - Randy/Coleman in an age battle?". Irony. I give the edge to Randy, but Coleman could provide a very good fight for him. The styles are similar enough to cause problems for one another.
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