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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Rushmore and Safety Word Orange. www.myspace.com/safetywordorange www.myspace.com/rushmorerocks If you contact them let them know that I (Michael Frazier/Odessie.com) sent you their way.
  2. I'd still buy for Griffin. I went on rant when Biggz and I were doing the podcast about how much I HATED the idea of Griffin/Ortiz II, but I'd still be watching for Griffin. The same still applies. Even if I wasn't writing and working on relaunching the show I would still watching events featuring the guy because he is a natural draw to me. Tito on the other hand, I still have no use for. Neither as a fan or as a casual blogger. That is mainly due to stuff like his excuses and pure crap that comes out of his mouth. Prime example, he is now saying that he will not hesitate to pull out of the Chuck fight no matter how close it is if he feels something isn't working for him. Common sense says safety first, but knowing Ortiz it just sounds like pre-excuses. I will be watching this fight mainly for Chuck, not for the fight itself. MPH, you have to take into consideration regarding the Machida/Rua fight that the UFC is going to over hype the hell out of that fight. Chances are it will be sold as a fight to crown a "true champion". This isn't wrestling, but like Easy E. has taught us: controversy creates cash and the controversy from the first fight is going to be rehashed in every interview, hype video, bit of commentary and Twitter update. People will probably buy into the "true champion" bit and instantly care about Rua tons more than before. (I say Rua because it we all know which way the hype will favor, obviously.)
  3. I've never been a Conan fan, but over the last couple of weeks I have actually enjoyed him.
  4. That IS a fight I like and while Lashley seems like he should be able to take it I wouldn't be too shocked to see Wes sneak an upset. There is also an interview on MMAJunkie where Anderson Silva's manager mentioned he would be open to taking fights at Heavyweight as well. Silva, easily one of my favorite fighters, may have lost some luster with his recent performances, but you must admit that the guy goes go above and beyond when it comes to pushing himself to the limit.
  5. Interesting note Wiki has just taught me: Johnny Yong Bosch, the second black ranger, is the voice of Ichigo Kurosaki in BLEACH and Vash in Trigun.
  6. Really? Because if I do recall they had confirmation and were not just reporting it first on Jackson's death.
  7. So if I download the DLC the I continue from the chamber?
  8. He purchased a percentage of the actual event taking place, not the company.
  9. Because her record company wants her to be Uffie, but she'll never be anywhere near that level. Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on one second. Katy Perry can sing? I must have missed the memo. Because all the live performances I've seen of that girl have shown that the girl has a horrific voice live. Seriously, Katy Perry should consider going Britney and lip syncing because her voice is atrocious. What a voice. Really? When I saw Katy Perry she was crisp, on point and had so much energy that the entire place was on their feet. Her voice and everything was great when I saw her. How long ago/how recent did you see her?
  10. Seth's popularity is still in its infancy. He could have capitalized over the win against Kimbo hugely, but chose not to. His injury came at a horrible time as he could have had massive momentum in the popularity department if he wasn't forced to take time off. Seth is not the fighter we saw lose out of TUF and the UFC. He'll be back. EDIT* MPH, if that came off as being a smart-ass then I apologize. I see exactly what you're getting at with that remark, I'm just saying that I think the verdict is def. still out on Seth.
  11. I meant to add on to my last post a thank you to Apsham and Sean for the guides as they were better than what I was using initially. Ruki, if that was directed at me then explain to me what the "google, google, google" post actually add to threads other than ego post?
  12. Really, you didn't think of... you know, Google? http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki Really, it didn't cross you mind that maybe I had used Google for what I needed but was unable to find detailed information on it so I asked on EWB, in a gaming forum, where I could get a more personal result instead of the generic "click this link" search results?
  13. Around the :15 second mark it shows a glance of the stage and it almost looks like Madrox up there. Can't tell due to the quality though, but it could very well be Twiztid or just a couple of the Psychopathic guys just up there together (which is not uncommon at all).
  14. Decided to finally give this a try recently and I'm hooked. Are there any good guides for it online though? Finding some of the locations is a major pain.
  15. Come on, don't go that route already guys! I had just IMDB'd her the other day to see when she had more stuff coming out as I was a fan. Pretty shocking, especially right before Christmas. Rest in peace.
  16. Thanks, Numbahs, but GA took care of it already. Question for anyone though - how would this properly be written? Is that correct? I am working on adding more detail instead of the "enter, exit, enter, exit" formula.
  17. Aren't RHCP officially on hiatus anyway? I remember a few months ago they said after the toured wrapped up they were done for a couple of years.
  18. dancexbooty always gets me pumped for top level Mixed Martial Arts action.
  19. Edited the original response to include better detail and make a bit more sense. St-Pierre would move up to maintain a healthy lifestyle over a 'super fight' (as it has been dubbed). He has mentioned numerous times that he would rather move up a weight class to keep from harming the body with drastic weight cuts, which he feels cutting from 200lbs would do to him in the long run. Easily for athletic and health reasons over a fight with Silva.
  20. I doubt that fight will ever happen. Anderson is content on moving up to 205 more frequently and GSP still has a few challenges he has to worry about before moving up. Factor in the amount of time that it will probably take St-Pierre to obtain a natural walking around weight of 200lbs then the entire landscape could be changed by then. There are other factors as well that are often overlooked such as St-Pierre's desire to tryout for the Olympics which would include time to compete in tournaments and qualify rather than fighting.
  21. Looks pretty good, but I'm still not happy about not having Howard return. Really took a huge bit of excitement away from me.
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