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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Is Randy wins and Machida wins then they will probably meet for the title. Randy has said a few times he would like to fight Machida and White has mentioned he would be interested in seeing it as well. It actually a fight that could happen even if Randy wins and Machida loses based on how things could come together. Realistically I could picture the LHW title picture as follows: Randy vs Machida Shogun vs Winner of Rampage/Rashad Winners of those two for the title.
  2. Jason High has signed with UFC. Makes his debut against Charlie Brenneman at Fight Night 21.
  3. So a fighter isn't allowed to express that a physical force against their body hurts? Rosenthal fucked up that call and there is no arguing otherwise. Sonnen said not to stop the fight - denying verbal submission - and it was stopped anyway. A fight in which he was winning as well. Fitzy, I wouldn't have expected you to be the one to make that claim because you know as well as I do that fighters scream in fights on every card for some reason or another. I feel like now I am going to have to start cycling through fight videos to pull together the number fights in which a fighter screamed in pain during a submission only to continue because he didn't verbally submit.
  4. I did similar types of things when I first started trying to write. Honestly though, if you really think about it, everything has already been done. It kind of comes down to how you do it differently.
  5. I am juggling a couple of screenplays at the moment and I think I have finally found my groove with my current. Anyone else working on anything interesting?
  6. The first fight Josh Rosenthal stopped prematurely, giving Filho a verbal submission victory while Sonnen never actually submitted. The second fight Filho was completely outclassed after coming in overweight after an ill attempted rehab stint.
  7. Don't be so quick to an assumption on that one. Dan Henderson controlled Anderson Silva for the first round of their fight with his excellent wrestling, but didn't do much with it. Sonnen is more explosive than Hendo and as evidence by his recent fights, his ground and pound is fast and furious. If he can get past the hands and knees of Silva, I think Sonnen has as good of a chance, if not better, than anyone else at 185 in the world. I was with you 100% up until there. Honestly, Filho - when on - could beat Silva. Anderson has said this himself as well, claiming he believes Paulo is the best 185'er in the world. Oddly enough, Chael is the only person to ever defeat Filho. Although that series truly needs a rubber fight to obtain stance on the better fighter.
  8. [post=http://www.mtv.ca/moviehead/article.jhtml?id=24360]Avatar Beats Titanic as the Highest Grossing Film Domestically of All Time
  9. I wanted the Colts to win, but I am not bothered to much because Shockey finally gets his ring!
  10. Yes, it was a bit lackluster and the fighters I mostly wanted to win lost, but Coleman's interview made up for all of it.
  11. Thanks and yes, I'll start prediction after this card.
  12. Rich, and everyone else involved, do you guys think I could use this league to reference predictions in the Unnamed MMA Radio Show? I need a league to be able to reference instead of just talking about my predictions.
  13. I never played the first or second Fallout, just the third, but I have been reading about New Vegas and it seems ridiculous. I want to see some good life form this time around though.
  14. Where is the Zombieland love? It was the most perfectly done comedy of the year.
  15. I'll toss up a couple hundred USD for a controlling percentage.
  16. It seems ridiculous because it wasn't a massive reign of fist coming down, but it was justified. Nagy wasn't doing anything at all at that point which is the basic definition of "not intelligently defending himself". Completely deserving stoppage as Nagy had completely stopped doing anything. Herschel Walker TKO via Shoulder Punches.
  17. Walker looks amazing for a someone in his first fight. I want to see a stoppage this round though.
  18. Walker needs to be on the next season of Dancing With The Stars. He has the two-step down.
  19. I can't find Scribe Vallincourt anywhere in the Citadel. Where is she?
  20. I believe it only 'corrupts' those who don't have the proper guidance in the first place. There is a lot of forcefully taught respect and discipline that comes out of martial arts and translates over to ring/cage/octagon. Of course there is trash talk to sell fights, but I'd say 90% of the time, at the least, you see hand shakes or hugs after fights. Most of the time fighters come out of it immediately giving the other guy props for doing what he had to do to win and it isn't until it's time to sell again that they are back on the smack talk. I will admit that I am biased and see things like this due to my martial arts background and experience so I automatically notice the more subtle signs of respect that get thrown around during and after fights. EDIT: More reason to love Dan Hardy http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2010/1/30/1284884/dan-hardys-ufc-111-vlog-the-outlaw
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