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Gene Kiniski

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Everything posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. I didn't think you were, that's what I like about discussing MMA with you - you actually add valuable information. I was just doing the same; following up what I originally said with the full source so it could be compared to your information and source (which was you in this case).
  2. When I talked to WEC president Reed Harris he said that until they have dealt with all the current contracts in the division they haven't really got the space to give enough exposure for the 125 guys yet on their current deals, adding a division unless you can get current stars to move down a weight class in to it means that they aren't going to draw tv numbers (which despite the move in to PPV still havs to be WEC's main aim and goals), and if UFC does absorb the 155ers in, why not absorb the whole WEC and start a PRIDE Bushido like movement where you have programming under the UFC name but with the 155 divison and below? The 155 dvision would lend exposure to the lower weight classes and the people who only watch UFC events would be more likely to watch it with the name attached rather than it being WEC. It pains me to say it as I love the WEC, but if all the wieght divisions are getting absorbed in to the UFC, why not go the whole hog and adjust your aims. You can have Reed Harris and Sean Shelby working with the 155s and below and Joe Silva on the 170s and above and then have Dana White as the front man for it all, having the lower weight classes in the UFC and having a TUF available to them for example would be great exposure for a division, like having Faber and Brown as coaches http://mmajunkie.com/news/18817/when-wec-adds-lighter-classes-lightweights-likely-headed-to-ufc.mma I was just referencing what Dana said in the conference call yesterday: ALSO, Silva's comments regarding Dana's threat: http://www.sherdog.com/news/news/Silva-Responds-to-Whites-Threat-on-Brazilian-TV-24014 http://tvglobo.domingaodofaustao.globo.com/programa/2010/04/anderson-silva-e-demian-maia-no-domingao/
  3. -UFC is likely to absorb WEC's 155lb division once WEC adds on another lower weight division. If you recall, not too long ago WEC talked of adding a 125lb division. (via Dana) -Kongo has signed a new, six fight, deal with the UFC. -Chris Lytle/Matt Brown rematch is tentatively set for July 3 @ UFC 116.
  4. No, no, no, no, and fucking NO! Owens belongs in Dallas or Cinci at this point. Jerry needs to suck it up and bring him back.
  5. The funniest part about all of it has Spencer Pratt (yes, that Spencer Pratt) has been taking little shots at Mayhem over the ordeal, trying to bait the situation. Over twitter, of course.
  6. Tiny, but: -MMAJunkie says UFC on Versus 2 will take place on August 1st in Utah. Let's see how they top Versus 1.
  7. Double post: http://www.mayhemmiller.com/ Directly from his website. Good stuff, perfect response.
  8. That's what I was alluding to without actually paraphrasing the comments. I think you just replied to my post about an article containing comments from Coker with the article that contains the comments from Coker. Like I said though, whether or not he was invited into the ring for the purpose of the interview or not; meaning even though he was going to be in the cage because he was part of Henderson's corner (and I'm not aware of a corner that hasn't entered the cage/ring after a fight, win or lose) or if he was going to be in there for the purpose of an interview the result should have never been the brawl that went down.
  9. Scott Coker is a tool. He is claiming that Mayhem should have seen such a result coming. No, it should be known that you won't tolerate unsanctioned fights or attacks to take place within your company. I don't mean to sound like a 'nuthugger', but if this had happened in the UFC the fallout would ensue immediately. Whether or not he was invited into the cage for an interview that should not have gone down like that. It's not like Coker wasn't aware he was going to be in the, the guy was cornering Hendo.
  10. Really? Stupid Miller for trying to hype a fight that we all know needs to happen again down the road? No, the fighters entering the cage/ring after fights is something we see all the time in MMA - it's nothing new. Stupid, stupid Shields' camp.
  11. Didn't cut out here. Pretty lame; Miller tried to do your basic MMA fight hype and then got jumped.
  12. Trade Romo for Ben. I'm not a fan of either guy, but at least Ben has proven he can go all the way.
  13. Clearly. (Y) In a U.S. based promotion (that consist of a majority of viewers who speak English) any language, no matter the location of the event, that is not English is going be considered foreign. It may be native for the fighters, but not for the promotion. I daresay that the viewers who watch in French and Spanish and do not speak English would beg to differ, and I daresay the UFC who is trying to move in to as many different international markets as possible so that they (the UFC) could make as much money as possible and put on the best product possible, would again, beg to differ. Your comment was slightly short sighted and had an air of xenophobia my friend (Y) Xenophobia? Not the slightest. If it were a German based promotion then someplace such as China is going to be considered a foreign market, for example. It's the same thing here really. It wouldn't be considered "expansion into foreign market" if it were native to that local. Much like when they went after places such as Boston within the U.S. they referred to it as "domestic expansion". Now in Boston (for example), since it is in the U.S. where the promotion is based and run, the native language isn't going to be Brazilian-Portuguese so is considered foreign to the base of the company. Pride was based in Japan making English a foreign language to them.
  14. Clearly. (Y) In a U.S. based promotion (that consist of a majority of viewers who speak English) any language, no matter the location of the event, that is not English is going be considered foreign. It may be native for the fighters, but not for the promotion.
  15. Oh, I'm not at all against decision wins in the sport. I think that Fitch is one of the best out there and enjoy watching his fights due to his grinding style. He, like GSP and even like Silva to a lesser extent, force fighters to fight their fights. The issues I have is the unsportsmanlike conduct displayed by A. Silva during the fight. There is a high level of respect that comes along with not only the competition, but the martial arts themselves and Silva disregarding that. Maia allowed Silva to pick his spots and take only the shots he needed to win. The actual pace of the fight falls on both fighters to a certain degree. Like I said, it is the unsportsmanlike conduct that was displayed by a champion fighter that is where the issue comes into play.
  16. First: Franklin is 3-2 in his last five overall, however 1-2 in last three overall. He went to decision with Hendo in one of those fights in what was an extremely close fight. Two judges scored the fight 29-28 for Henderson while the third scored it 30-27 in favor of Franklin. In no way is that getting destroyed. The very next fight following that he defeated W. Silva via close decision and then he was TKO'd by Belfort, the guy that may be next in line for the Middleweight champion and one of the best strikers in the sport when he is on his game. Franklin has only been finished once his 2007 loss to Anderson Silva (and like I pointed out, that was against Belfort). That is hardly him getting destroyed in his past few fights. The guy has lost a total of 5 fights his entire career and two of those came to one of the best fighters the sport has ever seen. Try again? Second: Tito was released from the hospital recently after going in for a neck injury, but it has been stated that personal problems caused him to pull out of the fight. If you took the time to follow up your assumption you would know that a major part of it was his spouse being hospitalized due to pregnancy issues. I'm not a Tito fan by any, I mean ANY, stretch of the imagination, but I will gladly accept spouse and child health issues as being a cause for him to pull out of the show and upcoming fight. The guy is a walking laundry list of excuses, to paraphrase Dana, but I really doubt he is just trying to hold out when his significant other is in the hospital having issues regarding their future of their unborn child. By the way, in case you were interested in the full story instead of the conclusions: she lost the baby. The part that is causing the biggest backlash is that he went in there and didn't even try to fight. The entire time he circled Maia and taunted him in a foreign language while his corner also followed suit with the taunting and slang. Silva never tried to actually compete, he just taunted the entire time.
  17. I only ask for him because I'm from Richmond, Virginia (Varina). I went to Varina High while he attended Highland Springs High - direct rivals. I lived in Highland Springs (they literally overlap into one another) for a little while as well. Basically, I went to high school with Brandon Minor and my school's biggest rival was a Macho lead High Springs team.
  18. The only thing Maxx and I seem to agree on. I usually stay out of the NFL threads because I know he will pick up enough slack for my absense. (Y) With the above said: I, however, am not much of a Romo fan. Too diva, not enough football for me as a fan. He is showing progress though so I'm not full on hatred for him right now. It sure beats trading him to another team within the division. .... Oh, the fun of Cowboys/Redskins games this year just got SO much more intense. Now only if Macho (Victor Harris) could find his way to a blue star jersey.
  19. Doesn't the TUF thread go in TV & Movies anyway? I know last seasons did.
  20. I have wanted to see this fight for some time now. Biggz and I discussed it awhile back (my interest in it mainly), but it'd be a bit out of place for both of them. Would be a great fight though. Watching the old Grapplers Quest match between them peaked my interest a lot. Watch this for the reason you'd like it though:
  21. Either Rogan or Goldy said right away it was a first. Blame it on the city of Charlotte, they're used to it.
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