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Status Updates posted by Sousa

  1. The 10-10-10 surprise was that it turned out TNA was all a dream.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OctoberRaven



      Also, you better not reveal who shot JR (Jim Ross, that is)

    3. TGWL


      What a crappy nightmare.

    4. Lint


      what a horrible night for a curse..

  2. This Prince of Persia movie is fucking woeful. When are they gonna get to the fireworks factory?

    1. Benji


      The name's Princey P

      And I rock the movie

      I'm half Persian

      And a third Peynir, Telli (Note: lol, cheesey)

      I'm the free run terrorist

      From Persepolis

      I'm Jake Gylenhaal

      I'm the fool I dis!

    2. Sousa
  3. Anagram for Michael Tarver: "Cleaver, Harm It."

  4. Uncle Paul has a Twitter account. It's called wweURNiverse. Clever.

  5. This name was a bad idea. I'm just going to be Sousa from now on I think.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Josh


      DAMMIT HOGA- . . . er . . . SOUSA! I'LL GET YOU YET!

    3. OctoberRaven


      The best part of that angle? The lie detector.

    4. TGWL


      There's always a 2nd secret camera on Sousa. Always.

  6. "alex34? Who is that? My name is Guy Incognito!"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TEOL


      Can't everyone do that, though?

    3. Sousa


      Yes, but I can disappear idiots into the ether.

    4. OctoberRaven


      "And your name?" "Rock Strongo" "Your REAL name?" "Lance Uppercut" "Okay, sign here Mr. Uppercut."

  7. BIH Norman Wisdom. More like Norman FOOLISHNESS if you ask me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sousa


      Norman Wisdom was a fool!

    3. King Ellis
    4. Fitzy


      How do you know he is a fine man? You don't even know him, you said so yourself.

  8. People on my ignore list get banned usually. You don't want to end up on my ignore list.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Maxx


      He called him Rich, that's amusing.

    3. TEOL


      Yeah, it's funny because Ellis is from Yorkshire and no one's rich there.

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      It's true, we have to eat bread and drippings for tea every night.

  9. The mustard of your doom!

  10. "What do you want?" "FRY'S DOG!" "When do you want him?" "FRY'S DOG!"

    1. Hornswoggle4PM


      It says this part of The Hustle implores the gods to grant a favour. Usually a Trans-AM.

  11. I think we should start an EWB's Hottest Men thread where only, like... Srar, DoubleX, Kats, and Benji will vote.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Katsuya


      We need more gays.

    3. GA!


      Fucking shirtlifters!

    4. Benji


      GA lies, you don't need a shirt up to fuck a man's ass.

  12. Holy Batmanbacks, The Flash.

  13. My goose is cooked? My goose is cooked-cooked-cooked?

  14. JP Sousa sounds be-e-etter, au-to-tu-u-u-uned.

  15. Of course it is. He's armed.

  16. My wife just referred to your sig as Action John Wilkes Booth.

    When I explained that it was Plastic Man, she concluded that her explanation was better.

  17. I'm starting to think Veggie Tales is going to secretly indoctrinate my children to some religion or another.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sousa


      Seriously, I would expect irony detection to be chief among the virtues of many of our board's regulars, but Zero? Josh? What?

    3. Boulder


      As my friend pointed out, they're really the pirates who don't fuck around when it comes to Jesus.

    4. Josh


      I haven't slept in some time.

  18. Can somebody please come up with a new topic for the WWE News before fucking Cool One or somebody compares wrestling fans who won't wear wrestling shirts to Anne Frank or some other shit?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      I dunno, I hear a lot of your other posts offend people too.

    3. TCO


      I don't even mind anymore. If people on the internet think I'm homophobic, then go for it. I'll continue about my business.

    4. Sousa


      The Cool One: taking none of your shit.

  19. If I had a dollar for every time I said that, I would be making money in a really weird way.

  20. Congratulations on your thread's induction into the Hall of Fame! I'm so proud.

  21. I find your name highly dubious.

  22. Holy mother of all coughs.

  23. The much-vaunted Sousa Ignore List grows by one! Snoop and mickeyblueeyes were the last ones on it, and they're banned now! The countdown has begun!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marcos


      Invader Z asked how many people are on the list Sousa, 63? Just in case the ignore users works in here too!! <_<

    3. Sousa


      Invader Z isn't on my ignore list because Invader Z is a stand-up fellow.

    4. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      I imagine you have a big stone tablet that you etch the name of everyone ignored into.

  24. The word "r-tard" is not clever and you're not politically correct for using it. Stop it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. C-MIL


      It's spelled retard. With an E. As in "easy to spell". Retard.

    3. Lj.


      Uh, C-Mil, I may have accidentally began a rumor that you're climbin in people's windows & snatchin up da people? Yea, my bad.

    4. C-MIL


      Don't worry about it.

  25. Torches are the new legend vs. icon. Speaking of torches, I still carry one. For Tinkerbell. Hubba-hubba.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sousa


      A fucking hot girl fairy with curves that don't quit.

    3. Boulder


      They quit about three inches below where they start.

    4. Ace


      Well Sousa, Tinkerbell was also a whore, so that torch might be infected with STI's.

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