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Status Updates posted by Sousa

  1. Okay, having watched Tangled last night, I can indeed echo the sentiment that "Mother Knows Best" is one hell of a villain song.

    It's still no "Friends on the Other Side," though!

  2. To balance out all the getting along that has started to happen on EWB over the last few days, I just wanted you all to know that you are the human equivalent of the water that runs off my crotch when I wash it after coitus. Fuck y'all. You guys are the worst.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tristy


      you'll be getting a visit from the Palin National Guard in a few days, sir. Do not resist.

    3. Sousa


      ESPECIALLY you, Tristy.

      When I get laid tonight I'm going to wash with a cup under me. And then I'm going to file that cup away with a post-it note that says "YOU GUYS." And if my wife ever finds said cup I'm going to probably not be able to sensibly explain its existence.

    4. tristy
  3. All right, I've stepped away and played Minecraft for a bit. Now I've decided we're going to be excellent to each other again.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rocky


      Ahhh Minecraft... I remember that... Never get to play because my son always is.

    3. Gazz


      Someone needs to build a giant Arn Anderson statue in Minecraft.

    4. Hornswoggle4PM


      Seriously, it took 'til eight comments? I thought of Bill and Ted immediately.


  5. Sign That I Am Getting Old #852: a newfound appreciation for The Wallflowers.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Maxx


      Sleepwalker is a wonderful song.

    3. Sousa


      I like that one, too. I was listening to Breach last night. I like it much better as an exhausted and jaded 27-year-old than I did as a vibrant and wistful 17-year-old.

    4. Josh


      Invisible City is also grand. Really, all of Bringing Down the Horse is good stuff.

  6. Here is a new rule: if you feel nostalgic for something that happened within the last 7-8 years, YOU ARE NOT OLD. STOP IT.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TEOL


      I guess that desire to feel old is what motivates paedophiles.

    3. Rocky


      No it's "feeling" young that motivates paedophiles.

    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      Remember when Ross and Rachel got married by accident in Vegas? TV just isn't made like that anymore.

  7. You motherfuckers who start your lists at #10 and work up to #1 make this shit hard to tally. Swear to God. This is the sort of thing I notice when I'm tallying votes for something. Dum-dee-dum...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sousa


      The FINAL list will go from bottom to top. Nobody gives a shit about dramatic tension on your voting lists. Get over yourselves.

    3. Josh


      Fine, fine, we suck - as long the list gets done.

    4. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.


  8. When I grow up, I'm going to Bovine University!

  9. Hey guys, why did Nick Gage cross the road where the bank was? BECAUSE AWESOME KONG IS BLACK.

    1. Daniel Bryan

      Daniel Bryan

      Was she on the same side of the street as him? Because that's understandable.

  10. If I didn't feel so wrong, you'd be my Mr. Right.

  11. You know what I just realized? Everybody in The Dark Knight speaks in nothing but vague philosophical platitudes when they're not reassembling a bullet by computer and getting fingerprints off of it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      Not to mention the SWAT team is only half as useless as the PD, so they all wind up relying on one person to keep an entire city safe from crazed psychopaths that the mental asylum can't seem to ever hold onto.

      Short of it is, question the realism of it and we wind up watching it all unravel at the seams.

    3. Sousa


      I actually don't mind the bullet thing so much as the former point. I just don't like listening to bad philosophy for two hours, not even when it's Heath Ledger in the best acting bit of his life selling it.

    4. Gazz


      Don't worry Norro, there's still time for you and Lorina to become a husband and wife crime fighting team...

  12. Saturnalia is the reason for the season!

  13. A dinosaur Victrola listenin' to Buck Owens... doo, doo, doo, lookin' out my back door!

  14. Hey there Mr. Shintoist, merry fucking Christmas! God is gonna kick your ass, you infidelic pagan scum!

    1. EddieRuckus


      In case you haven't noticed there's festive things to do, so let's all rejoice for Jesus and Merry Fuckin' Christmas to you!

    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      God damnit, why the hell do I always have to say grace? If one more person asks me to say grace, i'll be like *urngh*, I'm not saying grace and if you ask me again I'll kick you square in the nuts.

  15. Can't believe you missed the obvious retort there.

  16. New list has too many things to vote on. I refuse!

  17. Grading finishes today, and then I will retally EWB's favorite Simpsons episodes. No, really this time.


    1. EddieRuckus



    2. Plubby


      High Voltage. ALL CAPS.

    3. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Kenny Kaos! Robbie Rage!

  19. Well if you could reinvent my name, well if you could redirect my day... I wanna be the King of Spain!

  20. I got me an acre of baaaaaaaaad land.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Will you build a street on this bad land?

  21. This mouse has no wheel, but it does have three buttons. It's 1998, folks!

    1. New Damage

      New Damage

      Still better to have three buttons than the Mac's none.

    2. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      Someone hasn't tried the new Mighty Mouse. Holy hell do I ever wish I had this when I still had a PC.

    3. Benji


      I said it a few days ago and I've said it before, Magic Mouse and multitouch functions > Every other form of control ever.

  22. "This is a lot of shit, you know that! You want one more? One more on the beef?" -Orson Welles

  23. EWB is too dull tonight. We need a good troll in the Ring to kick around or something.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hobo
    3. tristy


      i am trying my best guyz

    4. C-MIL


      Maybe the ol' indy sleeze encyclopedia will liven things up...

  24. The quote under your avatar should be I THREW A ROCK AT 'IM

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