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Sousa last won the day on October 17 2020

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About Sousa

  • Birthday 18/01/1983

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    Nonbinary (they/them or she/her)
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Hall Of Famer (12/12)



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  1. Brooklyn Dodgers to win the Football Bowl by six scorepoints!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DMN in the House

      DMN in the House

      The Los Angeles Sentinels are going to kill the competition, their goalie already has seven skegels and it's only half-quarter intermission!

    3. gunnar hendershow

      gunnar hendershow

      I'm going with the Baltimore Bandits to win by 4 wickets. Their Shortstop had 5 field goals last week.

    4. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      I say the Orlando Thingymabobs will go for the football bowl. They had a done of score points last year and got three goals and a tri against the Arizona Alex Riley's

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