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Sousa last won the day on October 17 2020

Sousa had the most liked content!

About Sousa

  • Birthday 18/01/1983

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    Nonbinary (they/them or she/her)
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Hall Of Famer (12/12)



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  1. People on my ignore list get banned usually. You don't want to end up on my ignore list.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Guys, i've got a sneak peek at Sousa's enemies list. Jane Fonda, Daniel Schorr, Jack Anderson...

    2. Sousa


      I get it, because... I think Family Guy? Family Guy? Family Guy.

    3. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Sousa, be a dear and slap alex34 on that ignore list for me, please.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
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