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Sousa last won the day on October 17 2020

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About Sousa

  • Birthday 18/01/1983

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    Nonbinary (they/them or she/her)
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  1. You know what I just realized? Everybody in The Dark Knight speaks in nothing but vague philosophical platitudes when they're not reassembling a bullet by computer and getting fingerprints off of it.

    1. The Brian J

      The Brian J

      You can hardly fault the movie....reassembling bullets by computer is a classic movie cliche. I can't name a single movie where someone doesn't reassemble a bullet using a computer, which is also able to find the fingerprints on it.

    2. Gazz


      Even the hockey pants comment?

    3. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      We're talking about a universe where a child who watches his parents get killed grows up to become a billionaire playboy/rogue night-time vigilante named after a flying rodent, kicks all kinds of ass and has technological devices and developments that are beyond military grade being made for himself by his company, all completely off the radar of anyone, and a bunch of criminals who run around in broad daylight raining havoc down upon the city because the PD can't do shit to them.

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