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Sousa last won the day on October 17 2020

Sousa had the most liked content!

About Sousa

  • Birthday 18/01/1983

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    Nonbinary (they/them or she/her)
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Hall Of Famer (12/12)



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  1. EWB is too dull tonight. We need a good troll in the Ring to kick around or something.

    1. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      I'll do it. Cena sucks. Jeff Hardy is better than Shawn Michaels. And Tyler Black is perhaps the greatest superstar the WWE has ever had, and they don't know it, and they're going to waste him.

    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Oh, and fuck TV-PG. I want blood and chairs to the noggin!

    3. C-MIL


      If he changed his name to Tyler White, he'd have a better chance...

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