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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Is it possible to use the Link Cable and GameShark, or any of the other GBA accesories on the GameBoy Player? I'm asking because, if it isn't, I don't feel like looking for either of them. The GameBoy Player is, in case you've been living beneath a rock for the past year or so, the peice that attaches to the Gamecube, allowing you to play GB/GBA games over it.
  2. Recently, I've been hooked on WWF No Mercy. I was playing a caged match as Raven (CAW), facing Cactus Jack. The difficulty was said to either hard or expert (I believe it was expert, as Cactus was harder than he should've been.) The match went nearly 45 minutes, and was back and forth the whole time. By the end of the match, both of us were beat down good enough for a pin fall, but you can't do that in a cage match. Anyways, I was finally back in the advantage, and was going to end the match. Cactus was standing across from me, beside the ropes/frame of the cage. I run at him, and stuppidly pressed Up C (During matches as Raven, I usually run at the opponent, slide out onto the apron by pressing Up C, and nail a guillotine.) Pressing that caused me to start climbing up the cage. I said 'fuck it', and continued climbing. Foley followed me. He got out before I did.
  3. -Rocky (the entire series) -Godfather (the entire series) -The Matrix (bar the first one) And, I just got to see Friday the 13th for the first time ever, a few day's ago. Worst. Special Effects. Ever.
  4. Oh god, you're funny. That's..that's funny. That's original! Yes, Pokemon is still around, and it still has quite a dedicated fanbase. If you came in here to prance around and act like some almighty better-than-you, holier-than-thou being, you might as well just leave. Ass. ← And everyone thought the Anti-AR movement wasn't going anywhere! We're converting people by the day. :smug:
  5. Was there any particular drive behind that song? I mean, was there any sort of real-life connection there at all? If their was, then I'm sure it was exaggerated in the song, but, meh, I'm just wondering.
  6. No, it's just like topics asking about good MMORPG's, if you know of any, you're supposed to link them.
  7. Remove 1wrestleart and Hot Boy Designs. You got my hopes up, but neither of them work anymore.
  8. Photoshop Tutorials: http://www.n-sane.net/ While I'm here, I may as well suggest that you list what filetypes are supported by the Image Hosts beside of their URL, because not many free ones allow gifs, and it would save some people a good deal of time.
  9. The money, obviously. Lohan, regardless of her singing talent (or lack thereof, I wouldn't know), is bound to sell good amongst the largest demographic of teens, the 'marks'. It's just like in wrestling, the 'marks' are going to 'mark out' for Lohan as a singer, because she's a well known actor, and buy her album(s). I know it sounds stupid, because it is.
  10. Mystic Gimmciks Out of date, but there are a few good files.
  11. Actually, I didn't mind Creed. They weren't great, but I didn't get up and change the station, either.
  12. Okay, I'd like to start by saying that I've never really got to enjoy anything from the 'underground' rap scene. The only underground stuff I've heard are some tracks from 50 Cent's 'Power of the Dollar' CD, which is alot better than his current stuff, IMO. Anyways, I'm just wondering where I should start, who I should listen to, etc.
  13. Looking back on the NES games, I just can't play them anymore. I used to love them, but with all of these next gen consoles, it just makes the game impossible to play. I hope someone decides to make a Freeware version of them, using a LTTP grapics style. I know there's someone doing quite well on an OoT clone, using the LTTP graphics, which I'm excited over, so I think I'll search for LTTP style clones of the NES games.
  14. It is a good find. I wish they would've made room for LttP, though, but I guess it would've been a bad business move, since they ported that to the GBA.
  15. I've been playing a new file on Majora's Mask today, on my Collectors Edition disc. I'm up to the part where you're inside the Deku Palace, searching for the monkey. Playing through the game again has made me wonder, which game is your favorite? I'm undecided, so I narrowed it down to 3. These are in no order: -A Link to The Past -Ocarina of Time -Majora's Mask
  16. Thanks, Sean. I guess this can be closed now....
  17. Okay. I've got my Gamecube turned on now, and have thought of playing the N64 instead. However, I'm not going to bother with finding it, and hooking it up, unless the answer to my question is 'yes.' Okay, the question is, can I use the GCN VCR cord (The three cords, red, yellow, and white, that you plug into your VCR) with the N64? I know that you can do it with PS1 and PS2, and I know that the cords are made similarly. So, will it work? The answer will save me the frustration of finding the N64, only to find out that I have to mess with a million cords to hook it up.
  18. I'm drawing a blank on suggestions, too. Most of the rap I like is Mainstream. And, since everyone else thinks Mainstream Rap sucks, it's hard to make good suggestions. Of course, I know most of you like 50 Cent's 'Power of the Dollar' album, that was released before he made it big. He did an awesome job on that, it's much better than his current stuff, IMO.
  19. Personally, I'd put D12's "My Band" on it somewhere. Funny as hell.
  20. Audioslave's debut album. I didn't care for it at first, because I'm not really into that style of music, but my brother is. He played the album quite frequently, and it grew on me.
  21. Phish -- is that the band that did the 'Gin and Juice' cover? I liked that.
  22. Boulder, what was the original song? EDIT - May as well post another song I like...
  23. Err...anyone else know any good, free, MMORPG's?
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