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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. I finally got it. Thanks all. You can close this now.
  2. Is this correct? Because it's *still* not working and it should be. If one of you doesn't mind, can you fix the PHP code in its entirety? Because I'm apparently not doing it right. >_< <?php if ( $link == "page2") { $page="pages/page2.html"; } elseif( $link == "page3") { $page="pages/page3.html"; } elseif( $link == "page4") { $page="pages/page4.html"; } elseif( $link == "page5") { $page="pages/page5.html"; } elseif( $link == "page6") { $page="pages/page6.html"; } elseif( $link == "page7") { $page="pages/page7.html"; } elseif( $link == "page8") { $page="pages/page8.html"; } elseif( $link == "page9") { $page="pages/page9.html"; } elseif( $link == "page10") { $page="pages/page10.html"; } elseif( $link == "page11") { $page="pages/page11.html"; } elseif( $link == "page12") { $page="pages/page12.html"; } elseif( $link == "page13") { $page="pages/page13.html"; } elseif( $link == "page14") { $page="pages/page14.html"; } elseif( $link == "page15") { $page="pages/page15.html"; } elseif( $link == "page16") { $page="pages/page16.html"; } elseif( $link == "page17") { $page="pages/page17.html"; } else{ $page="pages/page1.php"; } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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  3. Kliq. I tried fixing that and, well, still nothing. Regardless of which link I try, I end up being taken to the "page1.php" file, which works fine inside the template as it should. But it's the only one. Here's the code as it stands right now... <?php if ( $link == 'page2' ){ $page="pages/page2.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page3' ){ $page="pages/page3.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page4' ){ $page="pages/page4.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page5' ){ $page="pages/page5.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page6' ){ $page="pages/page6.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page7' ){ $page="pages/page7.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page8' ){ $page="pages/page8.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page9' ){ $page="pages/page9.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page10' ){ $page="pages/page10.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page11' ){ $page="pages/page11.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page12' ){ $page="pages/page12.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page13' ){ $page="pages/page13.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page14' ){ $page="pages/page14.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page15' ){ $page="pages/page15.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page16' ){ $page="pages/page16.html"; } elseif( $link == 'page17' ){ $page="pages/page17.html"; } else{ $page="pages/page1.php"; } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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  4. Alright. I've followed the tutorial and the first page, "page1.html" loads great in the layout. However, when I load any other pages, yeah, it doesn't work. It just loads page1.html again. I'm not sure if I entered the code wrong or what, but here's the HTML code for my index.php file. <?php if ($link == page2){ $page="pages/page2.html"; } elseif($link == page3){ $page="pages/page3.html"; } elseif($link == page4){ $page="pages/page4.html"; } elseif($link == page5){ $page="pages/page5.html"; } elseif($link == page6){ $page="pages/page6.html"; } elseif($link == page7){ $page="pages/page7.html"; } elseif($link == page8){ $page="pages/page8.html"; } elseif($link == page9){ $page="pages/page9.html"; } elseif($link == page10){ $page="pages/page10.html"; } elseif($link == page11){ $page="pages/page11.html"; } elseif($link == page12){ $page="pages/page12.html"; } elseif($link == page13){ $page="pages/page13.html"; } elseif($link == page14){ $page="pages/page14.html"; } elseif($link == page15){ $page="pages/page15.html"; } elseif($link == page16){ $page="pages/page16.html"; } elseif($link == page17){ $page="pages/page17.html"; } else{ $page="pages/page1.html"; } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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  5. Not to sound dumb, but yeah, is that like a content management system? Like PHP-Nuke or PostNuke? Because yeah, I've tried those before and I'm not a fan.
  6. Yeah, I'm working on another website project. My question is, for the slight chance that this one survives, how do I make it so that when I re-design the site's layout, I don't have to update every single page to effect that new layout?
  7. Dr. Rated-R


    Joined as my new alias, exist2inspire.
  8. So instead I should try cutting it and aim for an 8x10 frame instead? Alright. (Y)
  9. Okay, I'm aiming to print out a graphic on a piece of 8.5x11 glossy paper and frame it, for a Christmas gift. The frames are available at a store up the street, I've already checked, but I have a problem. I set the image dimensions in Photoshop to 11x8.5, with the pixels per inch thing on 77 by default. When I try to print it, regardless of what settings I use, it never fills up the entire piece of paper, there's always some white space on it. How can I get a graphic to fill up the entire piece of 8.5x11 paper?
  10. I voted "Solo Artist". I've noticed, especially recently, that while his stuff with Audioslave is hella good, it sounds so... empty, especially the first album. It just sounds like everybody there was uninterested in it, and at the time that may've been the case. Which doesn't mean the album isn't one of my favorites, as Audioslave are definitely one of my favorite bands. The real problem I had in making my choice was between his solo work and his stuff with Soundarden. Ultimately, I think Cornell as a vocallist shined more on Euphoria Morning than ever before, even if the mainstream world never really caught on. He just pulls you in on every song and his vocals can truly be described as beautiful. EDIT - Kind of ironic. For some reason, I've always considered the three of us (Benji, Kaney, and myself) as being the biggest Cornell marks on the board. I like how we all made contrasting decisions on where his best work comes from.
  11. Silly me and my way-too-bright monitor. Eh. Good job, Livid. (Y)
  12. I was reading the latest edition of TokyoPop's free manga magazine, and in it I read a small preview of the manga "Beck", and in it Namie Amuro, a Japanese pop singer, was mentioned. On the footnotes, where the magazine staff post witty comments relevant to the panel the text is next to, it mentioned that Amuro is a real person. And I thought, "Hey, what the hell..." and downloaded a few of her songs. I like them. So now I'm asking you, as I know at least two or three of you are fans, for some suggestions of Japanese rock music?
  13. I remember ages ago when everybody had a transparent signature. Which is to say a signature that, like the one I have now, blended seamlessly with the board's background color. However, these signatures were either really low quality (which is, of course, the restraint of using the .gif file format), or they weren't REALLY transparent, the background of the image was just set to match the user's board skin, and thus looked absolutely retarded for people who don't use that skin. With this method though, the user could add effects like drop shadow and brushes and other stuff to the background that wouldn't look right on an actual transparent signature, due to the restraints of .gif. However, there was all along a way to have a HIGH QUALITY, transparent signature, with drop shadows and other semi-transparent effects. And thanks to an extremely (and unnecesarily) long-winded tutorial on Deviant Art, I've discovered this. Alpha Transparent PNGs. Look at my signature in this post, and look at the screenshot I've attached. Same image, just on a different background. And it blends seamlessly with that background, even the dropshadow and the grunge brushes. Here's how you do it, for those who don't know, in Photoshop. Create a new document, and make your image. You'll want to fill your bottom most layer with a solid color (I used white), so you can see what your image will look like on a solid background. Once you like the way the image deletes, delete the background color layer and go to "File->Save For Web...". In the settings (on the right) change the file type from whatever it is to "PNG-24", using the provided drop down box. Make sure "Transparency" is checked. Click "Save" and then follow the procedure to save your graphic. Upload it somewhere (I'd like to take this time to plug Gonad.org's excellent image hosting), and then put it in your sig on this and any other forum, as it should work with all of them. For those that already knew this, I apologize for insulting your intelligence, but finding this tutorial made me cringe at the memory of how ugly some of those "transparent" sigs with the orange backgrounds were.
  14. I was really wanting to pump out something better, but, meh, I just ran out of things to do with it. Model found on DeviantArt. EDIT - Can't wait for your entry. Oh, and it's called "The Playground". The text in the background is supposed to be nearly unreadable. (Y)
  15. Yeah, I'm in a mood to flex the graphic design muscle. I'm thinking freestyle, first to five votes?
  16. Yeah. The song's great. I love that warm feeling you get when a great talent proves that he's STILL a great talent. Anybody wanna type up a full transcript of the lyrics? I want them for my WinAmp lyrics plugin, but I'm too lazy.
  17. I tried it like that earlier. It didn't work. However, I'll try again. It doesn't work, it distorts everything.
  18. Okay. I'm fixing up the Invision Power Board 1.3 for a forum, and I want to have two images in the "logostrip". I want one to be on the left and one to be on the right, and both of them on the same line. However, I can't seem to properly achieve that. They always end up either being both on one side, or oddly distorted in some way. Here's the code I'm using, as it is right now, with both images showing up side by side on the left. <div id=logostrip><align=left><img src='{ibf.vars.img_url}/logo4.gif' border="0" /></align><align=right><img src='{ibf.vars.img_url}/logo4_right.gif' border="0" /></align> </div>
  19. Alright. One more question. On the left and right navigation panels of the layout, I want to put... navigation panel type stuff. Links to all of my pages, the message board, et cetera. And then in the middle, I want to have my actual content. When I start typing stuff in the middle panel, it's in the center of the table. So I push enter to get it to the top of the table. I do the same with my navigation panel content. And then I start typing in the center, and for every line of my content, it pushes the navigation menu content down a line. How can I sort of, lock it into position or whatever?
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