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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. I don't really buy CDs. But there's a new Audioslave, working titled "Revelations", that's supposed to be out in like, June.
  2. I only ever really buy them for Pokemon games. It's really handy to have an all-in-one PokeDex, item guide, map, etc. with you at all times. But for other stuff, not really. I'll just get online and get it.
  3. Nice one, CSAMH. She's just so hot. The file attachment thing wouldn't let me upload it. Size restraints. It'd be nice if there wasn't a limit in here. I browsed around and found Files.biz to host it, which I suggest right now. It looks nice, works well, etc. But I'm not sure if it's reliable. If the link goes down and I don't notice just PM me about it. Anyways, here's mine: Link EDIT - I misread the "must include enough empty space for a barcode" bit. I thought you said "must include a barcode". But, surely, actually including a barcode is just as good as leaving the space for it? EDIT 2 - Touched up a few problems with the cut. Some rough edges, lighting, etc. Now I can almost guarantee it was cut by me at some point, because I suck at cutting and there were lots of rough edges. Refresh a few times to get the new version to show up.
  4. Something tells me they're gonna market the Wii with a guy holding the remote control where his dick should be. >_<
  5. Just to note, I had a lot of trouble finding a good billboard. I considered just no-showing for a while. >_<
  6. I know for sure they didn't use them for the Terrance and Phillip "Not Without my Anus" episode, not sure of any others though...
  7. This episode was less than stellar, I think. Was it the first episode to not feature the usual gang at all? Or did I miss them/has that happened before?
  8. Definitely make the one in the middle, with the microphone, much more visible. The others can stay faded, but you may want to make them a bit more visible. Also, is there a border? If there is, I can't see it. And I think the drop shadow is a bit heavy.
  9. A few pics. All of them KyKy, all of them made by me.
  10. I've got to warn you. I tried to download a package of a few thousand fonts, figuring that a few thousand was no big deal, and, well, in the end I had to reformat my system entirely. Installing them by the masses like that, for whatever reason, isn't a great idea. (Y)
  11. It's utter shit, but I'm sick and I won't be around next week. It should be noted that the planet and the stars were made by me using nothing but Photoshop.
  12. uhm, are you shure that this is going to continue? The ending kinda felt like a joke ("will comedy central have the balls to put it on?) - i am expecting a brand new one next week.
  13. Can anyone provide a pic of Positively Kanyon, on the kyky background? I'm looking for Kanyon during the days of impersonating DDP in WCW, with the long blond hair and whatnot.
  14. Can anyone provide decent quality pictures of Shawn Michaels and Triple H from their DX "reunion", around when HBK tried to get Triple H to come over to Raw, which ultimately saw Triple H turn on Michaels and give a pedigree? I do believe they both put on DX shirts during the segment, and that's what I'm looking for -- a semi-modern pic of them in DX shirts.
  15. The only remaining fault I can see, and it's quite trivial, would be to make the font on the bottom-most text just a little smaller, no more than two or three sizes, as it comes close to going over the edge on the right hand side. I didn't even notice it at first, so it's obviously nothing earth shattering. Other than that, yeah, I love it. (Y)
  16. I'm wondering something about the east wing's rules for round two. Does the design have to be for a serious, legitimate company? Or can it be an edgy, tongue in cheek company, like the billboards in the Grand Theft Auto games, for example?
  17. Idolized has a good point on the text at the top, the names at the top should be more... symmetrical... for lack of a better word. Also, I like it, but I think maybe, maybe, you should add a little bit of shadow coming out from the main cut. Not so much that it's really prominent, but enough so that it spreads out a good deal on either side, to add a bit more spice to the cut. Alternatively, maybe duplicate the layer, motion blur the lower most one, and blend it to achieve the same effect. Yeah. But don't over do it, less is more, I think. Also, maybe find a few... movie poster... element... things... to put at the bottom. Extended cast list, dates, rating, etc. Also, a few more tedious things, fix the blending on the hat. Portman's head passes through it. And, while elements of the poster do pass through the lower half of the main cut, it would probably look better without it effecting the hat. I would also do a little light brushing/burning on the hat, to make it a bit darker, as the costume seems to be just a tad darker than the hat. A minor thing, yeah, but still.
  18. ...what the fuck is up with Triple H's arm? The right-most part of the Triple H-Cena cut. Fix that, and it's pretty good.
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