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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Finally?! They just released an album a year ago! These guys work damn fast.
  2. FINALLY. They've pushed the "tentative" release back at least twice now. =\ I can't wait, though. I loved the self-titled, and loved Out of Exile even more.
  3. Uh. I don't really use Photobucket. But it looks to me like he's copying the thumbnail from Photobucket, instead of the actual image? Maybe that's why it's so small?
  4. Add "Eulogy", "Flood", "Forty Six & 2", and "H" to what wannabe suggested.
  5. Eh. It's not bad. But Dio's version is far superior. It's just so... epic. I love it.
  6. Yeah. I usually go there for things like this. But the search feature was being all bitchy and didn't work.
  7. I'm looking for a particular set of brushes (or, ideally, custom shapes) for Photoshop. A set of brushes used for like, mapmaking. Just little icons like mountains, trees, buildings, the cardinal arrows, etc. that would look nice on a map for a text-based RPG. Think Battle Royale-style maps in the 'Cube.
  8. Like who? Not trying to pick a fight -- I racked my brain, and those are the only two I could think of who have both the talent to pull it off and the influence to make sure it wouldn't be watered down by studio execs.
  9. Alright. I need to know if this was worth what I'm paying for it. Because I know nothing about guitars, yet playing one is something I've always wanted to get into. I just want to know if this guitar, from eBay, was worth what I'm paying for it? That would be $37, after shipping. Here's a verbatim copy of the description. EDIT - Keep in mind I wasn't expecting, you know, something fit for a God. I know that a $37 guitar won't be special or anything. I just want confirmation that it won't fall apart when I pick it up or I couldn't buy this thing for $8 at a Dollar General or some shit.
  10. Alright. I've got a little spare cash and I'm considering buying a Dreamcast. I have a few questions. About what's it worth, given its age? I'm talking in $USD. What games are worth getting (I've already got the Sonic Adventure ports on Gamecube)? Are there any "must have" accessories for it that I should look into?
  11. Doc's mythology rules seem pretty cool.
  12. It doesn't really show much, other than cutscene graphics. Looks good, of course, but I want to see more in-game stuff.
  13. Alright. I'm playing San Andreas on the Xbox and was looking through my statistics the other day and was like, "God I suck". So I want to start a new save game and beat the game again, and I want to keep my other save in tact so I can compare them and whatnot. Now, whenever I go to save my previous game I see that there are several save slots. Which is good. But my question is, how the fuck do you start a new game without deleting your GTA file on the hard drive? =\
  14. I was really hoping it wouldn't be another "design a poster for this forthcoming event" sort of thing. At least not so soon. But meh. I'll let Norris decide whether we hold off for a different set.
  15. So a few days ago I watched the entire Romero trilogy, in order, directly after each other. I then watched Shaun of the Dead and the Dead Next Door (bwahahahaha). And I'm in zombie-mania. So, uh, suggest me some worth watching zombie movies, outside of the aforementioned.
  16. Good job, Norris. And yeah. Next round. Hopefully I won't suck this time. :pinch:
  17. Ugh. I've made like four attempts at this. I just can't pull it off well, for some reason. So, uh, I'm giving up and going with the best of the bunch. Which, admittedly, blows. The only thing I like about it is the logo.
  18. I'm digging the second set. So I guess it's your call Norris.
  19. Excellent. ^_^ Somebody do the rules.
  20. Alright. Since I've been eliminated from Revolution, I'm looking for something to pass some time. So, uh, anybody want to go at it in a best of seven series? All I ask is that my opponent doesn't suck. I'm hoping for somebody about equal to myself. Or better. On the rules, yeah, nothing related to wrestling. And keep the rules from being too similar to each other. As for judging. Public vote. First to 5 for each battle.
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