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Dr. Rated-R

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Everything posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. I took this at the Ohio river front in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, while pursuing the Mothman. >_> Took forever to get right. I'm glad I kept trying, though. That gradient-esque sky is amazing, I think.
  2. Personally, I would make the main text roughly the same color as what the smaller text is now, just a little duller. I don't think the blue fits. It also doesn't look much like an actual poster. What's there now is fine, but throw some credit text, studio logos, and all that stuff on there too, if you want a more professional look to the design for, say, a portfolio or whatever. What's there is great, though. Good stuff. (Y)
  3. There's mine. It's a PNG, so my apologies if the transparency doesn't work in your browser of choice, judges. The smaller one is just there for the sake of showing how "scalable" it is.
  4. What about using Photoshop to re-size images? Hosting's an issue for me, and the only camera I can use for something like this shoots in a fairly high resolution. I'm almost certainly in though.
  5. I don't see how anybody could not love Lice Capades. "As real as the love for my unborn baby!"
  6. It's been a long time since I've been overly active in graphics, I used to post here frequently back on EWB3 and early EWB4 (as Vegetos/veg). I noticed the Resource list is gone now? I imagine a lot of the links are dead and whatnot. Getting a newer, updated one would be pretty helpful I think. Might take more than one person to compile it with ease, but getting a team together wouldn't be too hard if necessary. I suppose I'm more than happy to help out. As for the contests, I'd try to keep up. I was meaning to be a more active competitor in the last few but didn't get around to it much. Definitely go with a panel of judges, though. Preferably judges that wouldn't sign on and then just bail. Also, we should really try to keep more stuff "archived". Similarly to the old "/forum/index.php?showtopic=11199">Gallery" of AJ's that's pinned, just for these new contests we're hopefully going to start getting under way. I'm a sucker for keeping up with history, for whatever reason.
  7. 1.) The Exorcist 2.) There's Something About Mary 3.) The Big Lebowski 4.) The Shining 5.) The Haunting (1963 version) 6.) Bride of Frankenstein 7.) Chasing Amy 8.) Evil Dead 2 9.) The Devil's Rejects 10.) A Nightmare On Elm Street 11.) House On Haunted Hill (1959 version) 12.) The Nightmare Before Christmas 13.) The Simpsons Movie 14.) Borat 15.) Superbad
  8. What are the odds that this DS Lite case will fit my (not Lite) DS? Finding a decent case (something small that clips on a belt loop easily) for the old DS is proving to be quite a bitch, and that one's perfect.
  9. '39 by Queen. And of course, Rocket Man. >_>
  10. I generally despise Mike Patton, but "Rosemary's Baby" by Fantômas is great. It creeps me out majorly, I love it. As far as horror movies go, just about all of the music in the 1963 version of "The Haunting" gets to me.
  11. Some time in October, I'm inviting a group of about six (including me) to a little get together. Kicking off some time between 10PM and midnight, we're going into a shabby old cabin my family uses soley for storing junk, for a marathon of horror movies that'll run through until about 12PM. It's been about 17 years since the place was lived in, and its really old regardless (like, no in-door plumbing old), so the place is the perfect environment for this sort of thing. We'll have to run an extension cord off some people nearby, and use a power strip for a TV, DVD player, refigerator, and all that junk, but it's still the perfect place for a marathon like this. Semi-pointless backstory aside, I need to finalize a list of about 8 movies to watch, and I'm stuck on some stuff. I want the movies to actually scare us, or at least most of us, and I told you that setting for purposes of maybe working in a movie that's set in a similar location? Maybe Blair Witch Project or a Texas Chainsaw movie. I don't want them all to be like that, though; I want a nice cross-section of movies from different generations and with different subject matter (so no sequels/same universe stuff, preferably), as long as they're scary, and work well for a group showing. The only pre-determined movie for the list is The Devil's Rejects, as the finale. It has what I honestly believe is one of the best ending's in horror movie history, and it'll be a great way to go out. I may also cram Fraddy and/or Jason and/or Michael in there. So, yeah, help me? >_>
  12. I just got back. I live in a pretty small town and the place was packed. I'm pretty confident it'll be a success after that. I fucking loved it. I like the original a lot, I own it and have seen it several times, but I think it's aged badly and suffers from being extremely over hyped. Looking into the life of Myers (in a realistic, non voodoo bullshit fashion) really adds to the character a lot, and makes all of his actions, the subtle little traits that set him apart from the other slasher villains, mean that much more to me. It honestly immediately jumped in to my top ten horror films, and is definitely one of the best horror movies I've seen in ages.
  13. To solve time issues we could split up into play groups based on our time zones/nationalities?
  14. I've played a handful of campaigns in my life, but I'd be interested in doing something if you didn't mind another relative noob.
  15. I just finished "The Haunting". The 1963 version. And, despite being the most tame horror film I've ever seen as far as violence goes, it seriously terrified me. It sort of jumped right up there beside "The Exorcist" as my favorite horror movie, ever. I'm also a big fan of "House on Haunted Hill", and consider the remake decent enough for what it is. So yeah. Recommend me some good horror movies with haunted house themes?
  16. "You Really Got A Hold On Me" by The Beatles "Like A Stone" Audioslave "I Got You" or "Atlanta" by Stone Temple Pilots "You", "Far Behind", "Happy Pills", or anything else by Candlebox "I Love You" by Under the Influence of Giants (it's upbeat but it still fits lyrically) EDIT - hm, "So Far So Good" by Thornley? Maybe "Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight" by James Taylor?
  17. I'm working on a mix for my lady friend, and I want a studio-recorded song that starts with a count-in ("1, 2, 1-2-3-4!"). All I can think of is "I Saw Her Standing There" by the Beatles, but they're already on there with "I Will". Any ideas?
  18. I'm a huge fan of Roth's work, but when I read his bulletin on myspace, my reaction was something along the lines of "grow the fuck up, man". Honestly, he shouldn't complain about it. It's 2007. If you don't want people to download your movies, don't make movies. Because if you do, it's going to happen. Illegal though it may be, movie piracy isn't going anywhere any time soon. And aside from that, it wasn't piracy that kept Hostel 2 from making money anyways. It was the release date. I don't know whose idea it was, but moving Hostel 2 from the original early '07 release date to a date right in the middle of one of the most blockbuster-filled summers I can ever recall, was a decision of WCW-esque retardation.
  19. Obvious answer would be Nirvana, since Unplugged > the rest of their material by a landslide. I tend to like the Foo Fighters' stripped down acoustic recordings a lot more than the album versions of the same songs. Same with Incubus. Jason Mraz, if you're into that sort of thing, is excellent live. It's never the same song with that guy. He tends to keep the chorus in tact, and just freestyle the rest, often basing the lyrics on the location he's playing in or stuff that happened to him that day. He also seems to be fond of changing his songs a lot, musically. Like, turning them into completely different styles. His vocals are also just as quality, often better, on the live stuff I've heard, which is abundant. I've heard several people on here claim that Godsmack is actually really good live. I don't listen to Godsmack so I've no opinion on that, but for some reason it came to mind when I was typing, so eh. And uh, if you can get hold of it, there are lots of good Jeff Buckley bootlegs out there. His vocals were really good live.
  20. Don't expect to wipe out the Elite 4 in two or three days, believe me. This game is ridiculously long compared to the originals. I've got like 4 badges and have put in 30 hours of gameplay. Although I'm kind of tedious, and like to level up majorly, the point still stands that it's waaaay longer than the old games.
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