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Posts posted by Neil_1113

  1. On 17/10/2020 at 07:06, Jericode said:

    I've wanted to get Munchkin for my collection for a while, and by some luck just found a complete Deluxe version in a charity shop for £2.50.

    We've been playing Munchkin Zombies which was a lot of fun! Dead of Winter we were playing a lot as well and it's pretty fun!

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  2. 4 minutes ago, NaiTEOL de la reversión said:

    No yeah I really feel that apology coming through dude, maybe a bit buried beneath the surface though don't you think?

    Jesus christ stop trying to apologise, you are unable to do so without undercutting it and saying you don't think you did anything wrong.

    This is why I messaged you, so we didn't go back and forth on the forums. I am sorry, I understand that my play style and the words I chose were offensive and wrong and will make adjustments for future mafia games. I understand that backgrounds are different, people take things differently and I did not account for my audience with the things I wrote and said. I understand that I need to adjust accordingly and I will, in order to make it a more pleasant game when I'm in it. I understand I offended people unnecessarily and was wrong for it, and I apologize.

  3. Just now, NaiTEOL de la reversión said:

    I will admit that you do seem to finally understanding what people are talking about, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that, but to reiterate: intentionally being offensive to people because you think it'll give you an advantage is not OK, and saying 'lol sorry it was just a game' afterwards does not magically make everything better. If it's not OK outside a game of mafia, it's not OK in one.

    You should hear some of the trash talk we say on the basketball court...

    But I hear you. My play style definitely needs some tweaking and I'll be making those adjustments before the next game, I can assure you of that. However my sharp tongue and quick witted insults will take some effort to do away with. 😂

  4. 5 minutes ago, NaiTEOL de la reversión said:

    Nah don't worry guys, Neil just PMed me to let me know that actually he didn't insult me and anyone who says he did is just wrong. He's learned his lesson.

    Anything to say regarding these posts that were directed at you long before you and I ever interacted?

    I literally apologized to you, in the message. Don't be that guy TEOL. 😂 I messaged you privately for a reason, talk to me there. As for DYSI, I'm under the impression I addressed that when I apologized for it directly after, albeit I cannot recall exactly what that was in reference to at this time. RPS I really assumed was scum, and that was completely and irrevocably my fault and you're right, I didn't apologize for that. @RPS I am terribly sorry for my posts to you, and all of the offense that came with it. There was no place in Mafia for that, I was being a hard ass and zeroed in on you, and it admittedly was offensive at times. I'm sorry for that.

    1 minute ago, Mx. Canadian Destroyer said:

    I wasn't offended by your comment towards me Neil. I sort of get what you're saying in retrospect. I don't think I'm a particularly strong mafia player.

    But I also think sometimes people take the games way too seriously. I love playing with people like RPS and in this last game C-MIL. 

    Neil, I will say that I think you're comment in this thread is perhaps the most frustrating thing I've seen from you. Saying "Sounds like you have a lot more problems in real life going on" is pretty rude. 

    It was admittedly an undercutting statement to invalidate him due to his continuation of referencing me despite my clear intentions of having no desire to continue the conversation after he cried that it was all personal despite my statements that it wasn't. I apologize @NaiTEOL de la reversión for that, it was rude and out of place.

  5. 6 minutes ago, nihilist said:

    Aside from the meta-gaming issue, @Neil_1113, you did insult some other players, especially @NaiTEOL de la reversión, which in any game scenario is not acceptable. 

    More generally, if boundaries are laid down at the beginning of the game, then we all know where we stand and how to play. 

    I am messaging him, but as far as the insults, I know I posted to MCD and one other person in which it was taken the wrong way and I apologized for, that was actually intended to be a compliment with a back handed "come on!" type of encouragement, that I obviously failed greatly at lol. The TEOL stuff as I explained to him, was me calling his play lazy not him, as I don't know him well enough to do so. In fact multiple people said as much, I'm just the only one to use the word lazy. I apologized for it being taken personal as that wasn't my intention and quickly explained it was in reference to his play. 10/10 times if somebody is playing lazy however, I'll call a spade a spade. At no point did I have any personal feelings toward anyone in the game, nor did I respond personally.

    Were there more? If I didn't address that, then I'd like to!

  6. Welp, can't wait for the next one!

    Yeah next time I'd avoid setting up a game with no twists or turns from an actual game unless you're okay or set up precautions for meta gaming, unless you specifically place the rule outright. I'd also avoid game changing rules in the middle of your games unless it's built in to your game scenario already.

    Also, I'd highly recommend not taking things personal in Mafia games, or hell even life, especially when you don't know the person / their win condition. Sounds like you have a lot more problems in real life going on @NaiTEOL de la reversión and whatever those are, I hope they work out for you! This will be the only time I address your personal vendetta, as it's not worth continuing past this point to me. 💪

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  7. 9 hours ago, Mx. Canadian Destroyer said:

    I think @Azazel's suggesiton is the cleanest. You can have 1 game on the list at a time. When you're game finishes, you can add a new one to the bottom of the list.

    Just a heads up @Neil_1113

    Either way is fine, I'd prefer if you kept the other game on there and maybe list two sections? 1 for the Mafia list, and 1 for reserves (so that once one of our games is up to bat, the other one could join the bottom of the list). That way we have an idea of what's to come as well? Either way, I'm fine with it! Thanks for letting me know!

  8. 8 hours ago, Mx. Canadian Destroyer said:

    I don't remember not having a night phase where people couldn't talk.

    When I play mafia on Zoom, people have to turn off their cameras and mute. The no talking is typically because people who are taking actions are usually typing or whatever. 

    Mafia on... what? Zoom? You guys do like, live mafia games? BRO!!!!! Lol

  9. 3 hours ago, MDK said:

    I found it! It was bookmarked in a different browser.



    2 hours ago, Pooker said:

    Quill18 has done a couple series of him playing Football Manager the last few years. IIRC, he went in to it with a very limited understanding of how the game worked, and with the help of his viewers, learned how to play it. Was entertaining to watch.

    Thanks MDK! Reading through that now, it's really interesting! Poker, I've got to look that guy up as well! Thanks for the recommendation!

  10. 19 minutes ago, MDK said:

    Someone, somewhere posted a link to a guy that picked up a version of FM. He had absolutely no idea about football but was a massive American football fan and tried to play it using AM tactics... and it kind worked, I think.

    That's really interesting. I mean the concepts of sports, offense and defense, and trying to gather points for your side while stopping the opposing side, I mean it could translate well between sports but in that same regard, I'm definitely curious about those tactics lol

  11. 24 minutes ago, Baddar said:

    I play Pokemon Go every day and have done since I started losing weight last summer. 

    Other than that, I have FMM on my tablet but haven't sat down to play a proper game on this years version yet, but that'll definitely change during my flight to Vegas in May.

    Is it weird that while I know very little about soccer, I'm really contemplating buying FMM just for the pure sake of how much I enjoy management simulators? Lol!

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